Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Nancy asks…

Anyone know where to get a free internet phone number?

I have a few domains registered and at Godaddy they force you to either enter all of your REAL information when registering, or pay them to make it private (otherwise they’ll take your domains from you). Apparently they are “forced” to do this by ICANN. Whatever, it sounds like another money making scheme to me.

Personally I don’t like the idea of my REAL phone number available for anyone on the net to look up (spammers, axe murderers, serial killers and scumbags especially, they’re all the same to me) simply by looking up my domain name.

I was thinking that maybe there is a service out there that gives you a real phone number that I could use, that would hide my real one, for free. I know Skype is one that can give a number, but it’s almost $20 a month. It’d be cheaper to just pay Godaddy their extra cash to hide it. Does anyone know of a FREE service?


Nagesh answers:

I think aol has one

David asks…

I am looking for a free autosurf traffic exchange with a 1:1 ratio & only unique views in return.?

I am not looking for a money making autosurf scheme, just a traffic exchange with the ability to autosurf.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, its not autosurf, but thes are some solid ways on how to get traffic to your website.

1.Write and submit articles :). It is a classic, but it works. This will be indefinite traffic stuck in the search engines for you. Write quality unique articles, not articles that are rehashed or provide no insight to readers, which is a huge problem these days.
2.Write and submit press releases, think prweb after you do one.
3.Write and ping blog entries. Always make sure to link back to your website with your blog posts. Try making multiple blogs and have them all link back to one main site.
4.Make sure your website is listed in DMOZ:
5.Advertise your website in the appropriate categories at Craigslist. Try posting your ads in the most populated cities in the world.
6.If a niche related forum that you frequently visit allows signatures, then make sure to add your website url in there.
7.Make sure to view related products on You can try and take some customers from your competitors here by providing your own url if the product is similar.
8.Review websites in your niche on Alexa to try to take some of their traffic by including a reference back to your site.
9.Review some related products on epinion.
10.If you purchase a product that you actually like, then feel free to give an individual respect when respect is due and leave a testimonial. You should be able to get some traffic from that website if your testimonial is left with a url.
11.Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website url as a signature.
12.Keep updating content on your websites/blogs… try at least once per week.
13.Tag blog posts at social bookmarking sites, especially at
14.Add photos to your blog with appropriate keywords.
15.Tag blog photos at Flickr.
16.Politely ask your readers to subscribe to your rss feeds.
17.Try coining your own term. Might want to trademark it if you smell that it will become popular.
18.Encourage readers to comment on your blogs.
19.Include translation for your websites/blogs, especially in Chinese.
20.Do not be boring, write about something that a wide select of people would want to know about.
21.Make sure to edit your writing (unlike what im doing :D).
22.Comment on other related blogs.
23.Make a custom 404-error page for your website. You can provide a link back to your main website or even try to monetize it by offering a related affiliate program within your niche.
24.Sponsor a charity, most charities will link back to your website, and you are also doing a good deed :).
25.Sell an item on eBay as a charity auction. Most charities will link back to both your auction and your main website.
26.Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.
27.Brand your website with a logo and a slogan/catch phrase. Think IBM.
28.Hold a crazy contest that people in your niche will talk about. This will equal more links and traffic to your website.
29.Build a tool that individuals in your niche will love and enjoy. Then give it away for free. If the tool is helpful, then you will get quality one-way links to your website.
30.Contact small newsletters sources offline and submit articles to them.
31.Become friends with editors of an offline publication.
32.Give speeches offline. Start small and local. Also, do not forget to participate in toastmasters meetings in your area.
33.Have a GREAT product. All of the marketing/advertising in the world will do you NO good if your product is sub par.
34.Make something innovative. If you are selling information, what makes your content something you cannot get from the local bookstore, Barnes and noble or even eBay for that matter?
35.Is your product groundbreaking? Will you leave individuals with no choice but to talk about your product or service?
36.Are you selling something that wide groups of people want to know about but there is limited/scarce knowledge?
37.Write good content, if your writing is good then people will share it with their friends. In addition, webmasters will use it as content on their website with a reference back to your article, or at least they should.
38.Spark emotions. If you get people emotional about something then they will most likely talk about it.
39.Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
40.Build a list of subscribers. Your list is like a golden asset to you if utilized correctly.
41.Write tip articles, such as “Ten easy tips to blank-blank-blank.”
42.Buy traffic from the search engines by utilizing one of their PPC campaigns.
43.Open up a myspace account and find targeted friends so that you can promote your services to them. Do not spam people, myspace is cracking down on spammers and are starting to sue people.
44.Solicit a link from your local chamber of commerce.

Jenny asks…

How much money do mobile phone retailers get for connecting a new customer to a phone network (t-mob, 02,etc)?

Hi, i was thinking about starting my own mobile phone store and was wondering how much money a store like this would make for connecting customers to phone networks.

I am curious because of all the ’12 months free line rental’ cashback schemes and ‘free games consoles’ i see stores promoting (mainly online), the connection fee must be pretty good of they can do such offers right?

Thanks in advance guys!

Nagesh answers:

It would depend on the the tariff and network choice… It can vary from £90 per connection to literally hundreds of pounds… Then established companies get “Box Bonuses” on average of £50 per phone sold so there can be a lot of money to be made and this is how they are able to offer these promotions…. What you will also find is that most of the companies offering the free gifts are mail order so have little overheads compared to stores…. But In my opinion, there is no point in trying to establish yourself in this market unless you are moving from a well established company and you “Aquire” a database… The competition in this market is very cut throat and only the well established survive.. There is also the opportunity for a lot of fraud in this market place and unless you are very very careful the money you could be forced to pay back can outway the profit in the first place!!!!

John asks…

Someone to talk to about divorce.?

For about a year now I’ve been seeing a woman who has been separated from her husband for some time. However, her husband has been having a lot of issues with the separation, and continues to call or e-mail her on a regular basis, usually attempting to guilt-trip her or subtly / directly attack her. I don’t want to get into details about why they separated (Hint: He wasn’t a nice man), but needless to say his constant presence is really taking a toll on our relationship.

We’re hoping to move to Boston together in a year or so, and she really wants to have the divorce finalized before then. However, she’s worried that trying to move things with an official divorce forward will lead to an extreme, possibly violent reaction from her husband. I am also a little fearful of this. Before officially filing, she wants to speak to some sort of counselor, but when either of us has looked for one, all we can really find are shady looking crack-pot websites or blatant moneymaking schemes. Does anyone know of a nice, preferably free service such as a number or website/forum we could use to discuss these problems with a professional?

Thanks, and apologize for being a bit long winded.

Nagesh answers:

She can request a temporary RO when she files for divorce. She can also then send him a letter of she wishes to be contacted going forward. Like he can only contact her between the hours of 10am and 9pm via phone.

Lizzie asks…

Mindblowing opportunity, in which V r making money sorry minting would u like to?mail me

The opportunity which gives you lot more to your life
ISO Certified company
Purely par time, in your free time
your doing Business with MNC with a low investment
you are starting your business for your dream money name …..
working (par time) with top people like regional manager of P&G and more and more ….
High money, recognition ….
No time limit, no quotas, no targets and no sales…..
No levels, no confusing percentages, no complicated multi-level schemes, direct and indirect same commissions
Commissions calculated weekly (cheques) are paid out weekly.
Income for two generations (you can protect your next generation)(so that you can nominate the money.)
No geographical boundaries. It’s a Global business
Legal earnings (your paid after deducting the tax and form16 will be provided quarterly basis)
Act now and
Start a business which will fulfill all your needs
Earn minimum income of Rs.11,500 per day.
Maximum of Rs.5,75,000 Per Week

Nagesh answers:

Join me also in that

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Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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