Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Laura asks…

in an abusive home environment…need advice?

I am an 18 yr old female living with my parents. My parents were terribly abusive to me physically when I was younger and the abuse continues verbally as I have gotten older. I have 3 younger siblings who are also very badly emotionally and verbally abused. They are not as physically abusive as they use to be as they fear I will call the cops. But the emotional abuse prevails as they know the police cant really do anything about verbal abuse which really sucks.

My dilemma is this. Today my father was being brutal with my 7 yr old sister and I stuck up for her because I love her obviously and dont wanna see her go thru the same things I did. My father told me to “mind my own business” and that hes the “parent” but I would not. I continued to defend her and told him to stop what he was doing. He told me he was going to kick me out if I didnt stay out of it but I could not sit back and watch what he was doing. I continued to defend her and get on his case about how he is and how he is a bad father. He then said that he “had it with me” and was going to kick me out (again). He has already kicked me out twice once when i was 14 and another time just a few months ago.

I am at my wits end. There is no love in the home and Ive been wanting to leave since I was 6 or 7 years old. Trust me I would leave if I could but Im a full time college student with no money saved up, and only have a part time job. I attend a community college so I have to live at home and im new to the area so i dont really have any friends that I can stay with. I also do not have a car as my parents refused to teach my how to drive. I am not sure if he is going to kick me out again…but I do not have a place to go and do not want to beg my parents to let me stay.

I was looking up some escort services online I was thinking about becoming an escort which disgusts me but I feel I have no choice. If its my only way to buy a decent car fast, put a down payment on an apartment and pay my other bills I feel this is what I should do. I know people say there are other ways to make money but at this age with no degree there really isnt. There is no other job I can think of that will allow me to save up enuff money for a car and an apartment in less than a month. If someone else has any other ideas please feel free to share but I feel this is the only thing i can do and feel i am out of options. Shelters will not take me because shelters only house people for a short amount of time only a few days maybe a few weeks but i need something permanent. I need to get out of my household. And I cant go to the police or to battered womens shelters because nobody cares about emotional abuse. My parents are brutal and malicious people. We moved from nyc to the middle of nowhere not close to a bus or anything. To punish me they tell me they will not drive me to work or school even though they know there is no other way I can get to school or work being that they never taught me to drive and I dont live near a bus stop. Im sick of them holding things over my head. I want to be independent and not worry about not being able to go to school and get my education just because I got into an argument with my parents for example. Trust me ive tried everything. I dont know what to do but I really dont want to be an escort so people please give me some advice.

Nagesh answers:

Call child services for the sake of your siblings. They could at least answer any questions you have, and ask them about free councelling for yourself.

DO NOT BECOME AN ESCORT FOR ANY REASON!!! There is nothing good about it and you can only sink lower from it. You will be exposed to drugs, DISEASE that will ruin your life for a lifetime, and scum of the earth that will leave you for dead because they are cracked up and want to use you for less then a peice of meat. You won’t find your prince charming in that setting. Nothing good will become of it. If you ask any escort if they would do it again, they will tell you “hell no!”. THe worst idea they ever had.

You are young and have the world by the tail whether you know it or not. I would HIGHLY recommend any councelling you can get for free. I would also HIGHLY recommend you go to college. DO NOT worry about the expense. We all get loans and borrow money for school, we all start off with school debt. We all start off the same. You wil be able to pay them off easy once you get out of school and work. It will only take a few years. There is no better way to advance quality of life then with a world class education. That is an Obama quote. Go to one of the school’s financial aid office. THey will be able to tell you what grants and scholarships are availble to you (both are free money). Borrow money by taking loans. Goverment loans are good and that office can fix you up. Work part time if you need to. College is such a great atmosphere.

Remember, the only thing you can control is yourself. Start off right, you are in full control. Respect yourself and never resort to anything you will regret, because you will regret it for a lifetime. It may seem like you are in a rutt, but you really have an opportunity to begin a great life, meet some great guys in college, experience school and parties, and start yourself off right.

There is nothing better then showing someone your success over theirs. Show your dad how much better you can do then him. Show him how low he is from your success.

I wish you luck. You are growing up and beginning the next phase of your life….as a lady!

Joseph asks…

Is stripping worth the money?

I’m just wanting some feedback from anyone who has been an exotic dancer. I’m debating on whether or not to start stripping.. I have a lot of debt and student loans that I really need to pay off and I have a child to take care of as well. I also have to pay my way through college, and if I don’t figure out something soon, I won’t be able to continue. I wouldn’t be doing it for attention and I definitely would not engage in any sexual activities. I’m just looking for a way to make good, fast money and I’m wondering if stripping is a good way to do that and if its worth it. Pros and Cons? Any advice would help, thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t see anything wrong with it if you are comfortable doing it. I hear that you can make good money and good tips, but I don’t know, I never have done it.

Obviously the pros is making lots of money for just taking your clothes off. The cons are you have to take your clothes off in front of strangers, and if you have any problems with doing that or feel like it is immoral or just do not feel comfortable doing that then you shouldn’t.

Good Luck.

Ken asks…

Where to work? (College student needs a summer job REAL BAD)?

So I usually work in some sort of retail place (Target, makeup stores, etc) but for some reason NONE of them are hiring nearby! I really need some way to make money until I go to spain in September and im getting desperate. I am trying to think of somewhere that is hiring often- like a dunkin donuts, panera, mcds even… What is the best place to work? have any of you worked at a fast food place? did you like it? why/why not?
sorry for such a long Q… i just never liked the idea of working in food service.. .
oh I forgot to mention-

I live in a pretty big city in Florida and it gets pretty hot here… my car is really an indiana car (where I go to school)- the a/c is terrible and its not very reliable when starting up.. delivery driving is an option but I am making it a last resort. Thanks though- it really does sound ideal… as a delivery driver is that all you do or are there other duties you have to perform? like prep/orders etc?
okay “jack”… did I say internship? OMG READ THE QUESTION YOU SPAMMER

Nagesh answers:

If you live in a smaller town, or know your way around well … Pizza delivery is a good source of extra income. They usually pay a little more then minimum wage, then you get like a $1 for each delivery guarenteed, and then whatever the people tip you on top of that. You get to sit in your car and listen to music half the night. Not the greatest job in the world, but it isn’t terrible…

Paul asks…


Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase. Nothing is going to come to you and waiting for money and depending on someone else to give you money is the guaranteed path to failure. I am going to teach you about something I’ve mastered the art of making money I will teach you how to make money fast and make it last! Now before you read forward I need you to say “Everything I know about money is wrong” Believe me when I tell you I know more “tricks” to making money I am not talking about the cereal. I strongly believe if you can count your money by hand it’s not enough. You can’t make money being a good guy and following rules you must bend the rules and twist the rules. Bill gates the wealthiest man in the world(and soon to be second) stole various ideas from the rival company of Microsoft Apple but bills had other effects to Microsoft not only does Microsoft have what apple but more. Bill gate is a marketing genius his products has all the effects of apple and more and are the same price. Which one would you buy its obvious? How could a guy who didn’t finish collage become the richest person in the world (and soon to be second). How could Shawn Carter (formally known as jay z) become extremely wealth once again a person who did not go to college and grew up poor he created something out of nothing. So how could people who did not graduate from college and even some junior high school dropouts become so wealthy? Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Also they have mastered and implemented these proven techniques and now I will share them with you. I will teach you how to successfully run a business. Here are some tips Create Something out of nothing, create a realistic business plan stick to it, Work Like A Slave Eat Like A King , Never stop looking for the best deals on products and buy low and sell high.

Something out of nothing

Fob a clothing company started in a basement but now is a multimillion dollar company. The people who created the clothing line didn’t have a lot of money but they took what they had and made something from nothing. The company was created by 5 neighbor friends living in queens New York the largest projects in the world. The company then became popular amongst queen New York and it became bigger. The 5 neighborhood friends who never thought they would grow this big did. How did they do this? They took what they had their expertise and made something out of it. If you are a great drawers draw and auction your pictures if you are a good writer sell your writings even if you have a basketball goal in your backyard charged to get on the court you will gain enough money eventually to extend your idea. If are a goodstudent and understand an subject you can teach offer to help a student in return of money. Once you gain enough you can even start your own tutoring company. Got a big screen get some movies charge people to come in your house to watch them. Go to a used bike store bikes cost about 5 dollars fix them up make them look better and they will sell for any more. Once you make a profit invest half of it back in your business. Is it snowing? Shove snow? Good with computers teach the elderly mow lawns, wash cars, baby sit, and as soon as you make enough money washing cars you can buy more supplies hire your staff and send them to different areas to wash. Let them keep 25 percent of the money they made and you take the rest, you can do the same for shoving snow mowing lawns etc. Once you gain enough money you can expand your small company always looking for ways to make money you must be an opportunist, you must be a persuading, if you want to be wealthy.

•Create An Idea
•Expand on it
• Hire employees(optional)
•Launch it
•Advertise (business cards)
•Go find costumers
•Sell your products
• Be polite To Consumers give them two business cards one for a friends and for themselves
• Business Plan

Create a business plan stick to it if you are not making profits from it create another one. As cannabis once said “A wise man sees failure as progress, a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic”. This philosophy is very important. First you must determine your objective. What are you trying to accomplish in your business what do you want to achieve? These are the questions you must ask. How will you achieve your objective? When will you achieve this? How will you make your company better than other similar company’s .Create a list of these things and then put it in an essay form get it copywriter and you have your business plan.

•What is your objective
•How will you achieve this
•When will you achieve this
•Create A List
•Put it in a essay form
•Get it copy writer

Work like a slave eat like a king

Nothing will come to you, you must go out and get it this is serious good things go to those that wait is a lazy philosophy and it truly disgust me. Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work and put in work second place is the first losers place. In order to work like a slave you must work hard daily learn how to balance family school and other things with work. Read your competitors like a book constantly think of new ideas to receive more costumers everywhere you go bring out business cards .Go to the bookstore and place business cards in books that relate to your business. Put a banner on your car put it work and you will eat like a king.

•Put in work
•Eat like a king

Follow these proven methods and you will see results

Disclaimer: Note working constantly may lead to depression and tiredness

Nagesh answers:

I just read the first paragraph, but if you continued on, I can see that you’d have many capitalization errors and punctuation. Starting with the first sentence with punctuation.

Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase.

It should be:
Good things happened to those that wait; Nonsense good things go to those that chase.


Good things happened to those that wait. Nonsense good things go to those that chase.

I saw capitalization error on “Jay Z”. Names are always capital. What grade are you in? I’m a freshman and I know this..

Chris asks…

Do I have to pay a speeding ticket I was issued when a speed limit sign was not posted?

I was entering a service road from the left after exiting the highway on the opposite side. Once I got onto the service road I never noticed any speed limit signs (not that I was looking for one) but I did notice the police officer who decided to pull out in front of me at the last minute. So, I decide to go around him. I did glance down to see how fast I was going before passing him and I know I was going well under 60 mph. Several yards further he switch lanes and got behind me (I knew he was up to something because we were the only two cars on the dark strip of road). Then of course his lights went on and I pulled over.

After asking for all my documents he asked if I knew how fast I was going I said no. Then he stated that I was going 55mph in a 40mph zone. I asked him where the sign stating this was and he pointed his flash light AHEAD of us (it was at night) and said that it “maybe” on up ahead somewhere after realizing there was none visible. I asked if there was one “back there” any where (pointing in the direction we just came from) and he said he wasn’t responsible for speed limit signs. Then told me to I could drive back around and see for myself. Neither one of us was rude but I was asking him questions because I was confused on why I got pulled over at first. He gave me the citation with all the info and I pulled off. Once I got to the end of the service road where the highway’s exit to the service road was(which was well over 35 yards ahead) there was a 40mph sign posted. I continued to make the u-turn to the other side and went ALL the way back down and started making my way back up to look for the speed limit sign. I did not see one. I went back the next day with my camera to take a few pictures/ videos just in case I may need them.

I do remember learning that if a neighborhood did not have posted signs then it’s safe to go 30mph at the max when uncertain and 60mph on a highway when uncertain. As far as service roads I have no idea.

As a college student I do NOT have money to waste on a speeding ticket which is the ONLY reason why I ask this. lol If I knew I was speeding especially after passing the cop I would just pay the ticket with no hesitation.
All though there were no signs posted when I first entered the service road and I have proof would it be a good idea to go to court or would it be a waste of time?

Nagesh answers:

Any time a cop ask you how fast you were going . Tell him you want the recipt from his device . Never tell them no . He pulled you over because you passed him up . I had one pull me over as i crossed a 4 way on a 4 lane . He came around the curbe and because the driver didnt pull over the cop pulled us over . It was a legal move . But to give ” just cause ” he said we were swerving . The only way to beat a cop is to know the law . So go back to the spot with a camora and find the speed post and take a photo . Make sure it was under 55 . But to say you dont know you are admiting to your own guilt . You as a driver are to know . The speed you are going is most important . Here is a good idea . Buy a GPS . It will tell you the speed limit on any road your on . So then you dont have to look like an idiot and say : i dont know!”

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Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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