Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Daniel asks…

Why should I not put a large down payment on a home?

My in-laws feel that it is not a good idea to put very large down payment for a house. From my experience, owing more money translates into more money wasted from interest. Excluding the possibility of making more money from investments (instead of spending the money towards the home), what are some of the possible benefits of not paying down your home quickly?
A little background info:
– First time home buyer.
– No debt of any kind
– Plenty of money set aside for rainy days
– Plenty of money set aside for a home
Home would be purchased jointly with fiance
– 25% tax bracket

Nagesh answers:

I can see no other benefit to not paying down your house. But the idea of investing excess cash is very good – with the markets so low these days, it’s a good time to buy in.

Ruth asks…

I am a Stay at home mom, any tips on how to make $100.00 last two weeks?

our children are one and two. I stay at home with them. Even if I could work, I would have to have my own vehicle and gas and day care would eat up the entire check. We just got through paying our bills, as my husband gets paid once every two weeks. We live on a little under two thousand a month. Some where with trying to hang on to this $100.00, we also have to pay one more bill of $60.00 which is a debt from my husband’s student loan thing, and if we don’t pay it the collection agency will put us on this list where we cant get our income tax next year. Please can someone give me some tips to make some money really quickly? And a yard sale is not an option, our landlords probably would not allow it. thanks for replies!
P.S. I am not the kind of mom that goes out and pampers herself and gets a mani and a pedi and gets her hair done, every dollar around here is essentail

Nagesh answers:

Go on craigslist for your town and browse through the free listings. People give away some really nice stuff sometimes because they just don’t want to go through the hassle of selling it. If you act quickly you can get it, have your hubby pick it up on his way home from work (save gas!) and then turn around and sell it on craigslist. It’s free to post and you can make alot of money!

Mandy asks…

Should I buy a mobile home (canyon coutry, CA)? How quickly do mobile homes depreciate in value?

My husband& I are considering purchasing a mobile home(2b,2b) in Canyon Country, CA (Santa Clarita area), but I’m still not sure if it’s a good idea. I don’t want to make a bad financial decision. I currently pay $825.00 a month for rent (Sherman Oaks, 1bed). I work in Canyon Contry which is about 25 miles from Sherman Oaks (4 days/week) . I pays about $200-$300 for gas/ month.The traffic on 405 makes me tried of driving back and forth. I’m thinking is that if I bought a mobile home I could pay about $700 in space rent&about $450 a month in a mortgate payment. So I would save some money, time and have bigger space(I have 2 dogs),+ in the end I would own something.I have $8000 for down payment.The problem would be if the mobile home depreciated in value faster than the balance of my loan decreased.How many yrs would I have to live in the mobile home to make it worthwhile? Would it be better to buy a newer or older mobile home? Is there anything else I should take into consideration?

Nagesh answers:

If this was 3 years ago, everybody would have told you to purchase the mobile home, but now, just about every bank out there does not want to lend on mobile homes. If you do find somebody to give you a loan on a mobile home, most likely a year or two from now, they will not be able to. It will be almost impossible to get good financing especially if you don’t own the land. Maybe you can rent closer to your work, rather than getting a mobile home. Yes, the housing market is on a down trend, the house prices are dropping. One house may drop in value more than another house depending on the location and on the value it was at.

Sandy asks…

need money quick for summer apartment!?

I am trying to live in the city during the summer, and I have found a lot of good monthly deals, but I still have to get at least $1500 upfront(1st+last month rent as security deposit). I am an 18 year old college student and I’m trying to find full-time jobs and part-time weekend jobs. My mom supports my idea and is very willing to help me(like getting a second job after her regular job) but also does not have the cash upfront. I’m trying to sell my textbooks online and clothes that don’t fit to thrift stores. I also used up my meal plan money to buy candy bars(worth $150) for my mom to sell at her job. I need to raise this money really quickly and can’t think of anything else. Please help me with ideas on how to get quick cash– NO ADS for makemoney-at-home-fast scams or rude, inappropriate comments! Just good honest ideas. Thanks a lot! =)
oops by city, I mean Manhattan. And I was thinking about getting an apartment with 2 friends but itd be cheaper for me to pay all the upfront money for a tiny place on my own than all the upfront money for a bigger place with 2 other ppl and hafta end up borrowing from one of them.

Nagesh answers:

That’s a tough one. Rather than trying to raise $1500 up front, talk to some of the landlords and explain your situation. Tell them you can pay them first month’s rent plus a little extra each month until you cover last month’s rent for security as you do not have this much up front. Most landlords should be understanding and coming from a college student, some will be willing to work with you. The worse they can say is no.

James asks…

Is it true the Government wants to keep people stupid so they can make free tax money?

Look at the modern standard family portrayed on TV. Then look at the standard family portrayed in the 50s and 60s. The difference now is each family has to have both mother and father working in order to afford the bills of the family. Such as house payments, car payments, power, camping, and other family generated costs. Sometimes the costs are so much even the kids have to work by the time they turn 15. Our schools teach the nations students basic information and enough to let them become industrial workers. In other words start off at McDonalds and work up to higher pay warehouse jobs and so on. Even a person who goes to college will not have enough to support a family until they live together and put together their monies to afford a house and other. Those who live in apartments will never prosper as that high pay rent money does not focus on payment towards ownership.

Our educational system is just one big prison. Cops in the hallways, having electronic searching devices at doors and, doctors and nurses who are reporters …..just like cops, teachers are reporters too….just like cops, not to mention your educational information is directly linked to the feds and military (which is both), you are not taught much about how to defend yourself from the legal system and more. The schools are directed by the federal and state government agencies to keep you stupid. That is defined in a short way. Schools make big money off of sports games, Federal grants as well as State grants. 75% of all home and property taxes goes to an education slush fund and schools are continuing to be built as well as the laws that are made to keep you in school so you as a person can be monitored by the government.

Look back at the TV shows that portray a family of the 50s and 60s where the mother is at home doing her motherly deeds. The government saw this and intentionally made it so both mother and father had to work in order to afford these modern bills.

How to get out of this rut? Some can catch on right away and make it big quickly after high school or 6 years of college to study to become an attorney, a doctor or other high profile jobs. There is no exception of those high profile jobs in order to make big money.

Remember, your school makes money off of sports and other. YOU have the chance and choice to tell your principal what classes you want, what time you want them and what you want to learn. You are your teachers boss, as well as the principals. You have Constitutional Rights to stand up for and make your teachers and principals and hall monitors abide by them. No one can search you for any reason with out a court order. No school policy supersedes your rights nor does law. No matter what age you are… are protected by those first ten Constitutional Amendments. If you like someone and you want to kiss them in front of who ever or hug them…..that is your individual choices. Unless you break a law or a policy that is supported by a law and that law is supported by the Constutional Amendments… are free to do, to wear, to kiss who and what ever you want.

Each of you need show your teachers where they went wrong and support that with a good explanation. You need to tell the principal if you want me to play football or a sport that can harm me…then you pay me 1000 a week and full coverage medical insurance or you get nothing. You need to stand up and say what you want…..its your school and you out number the entire staff. Think about it, students on strike. YOU should and must be paid for any time you spend at school after that standard day of school. All your cheer leading, football gear, basket ball gear, gymnastics gear and other must be paid for by the school. Or, you dont participate.

Remember, without your participation that school will not be recognized. Remember always, it is you who plays the game makes the school a big name and big money. Those things will continue to make you who you become in the future. Never think the school does not have the money for this or that. If they can spend 11 or more million bucks on building a school they have a bunch more to spend it on something else. And that something can be someone like you to live healthy as well as wealthy while your doing something for the school as well as your future.

I have an issue about clothing policies in schools……What you wear is part of your culture, and creed and your natural way of life. Again, you are protected by the Constitutional Rights, so, if you want to wear ripped up clothes, mini skirts or halter tops, skin tight pants or a shirt with a pot leaf on it… have the right to express and say what you want as long as it harms no one else. That includes those people who wear their pants down to their knees (still looks like your running around with a Scmiddy diaper on) then you keep on saggin.

Nagesh answers:

Thoughtful commentary.

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Thursday, November 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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