Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Laura asks…

What is a good way for a 13 y/o to make $ befor school starts ?. . . . . . . help ! ! ! !?

Everyone says babysitting is the answer butt there arn’t any little kids within miles of my house ! ! ! & i need to make money befor school is in because my parents dont like to by cloths for me that are a little pricey like Hollister, American E., Pacsun, Ambercrombie& Fitch etc. so i need to make money fast !!!!! Im getting to the piont that im desperate !!!!
So if you have any ideas lett my know !!!!!:) thanx so much
i live in the middle of no were & there are no lil kids around for miles so i cant baby sit & i tryed cutting grass & i broke my familys mower so my rents dont want me to use other pples& i dont have an alowance b cuz my rents think that since they didnt get any why should i??? iznt that unfair!!!! I cant have a garage sale cuz then my rentz would make me do ALL of the work & i am not good @ #’s . i dont need cash for on the side & i cant go to a consinment shop for name brand clothes witch i have to have 4 skool cuz well me & my frendz think that pple that buy there name brand clothes a consinment shop are phoneys & posers! cuz they are. (only ppl i know) so HELP MEEE! ! ! ! !

Nagesh answers:

Lawn mowing, paper route

Thomas asks…

Is there any easy jobs for kids under 16?

Ive been trying to find a way to make money really easy and fast… but im to young for most jobs… any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you like to be creative, maybe learn to make jewelry and sell that? There are some specialty clays from sculpey that look metallic- a quick search online to make clay jewelry could be helpful. It requires minimal tools and supplies and you only need an oven or toaster oven to bake the pieces in.

Robert asks…

I need to make money a.s.a.p.?

ok heres the thing. im 12 years old and im trying to save up for the ipod touch 8GB but i want to be more independent. My parents are willing to pay 80 dollars to help towards it. I costs 299.99 and so far i have about 240.96 with my parents money so i need about what? $60 more? how do i come up with it fast because i really want it in the next 2 months or so. Any ideas. Keep in mind that its winter so i cant do yard work, and the kids that live around here are teens so i cant babysit. I only get $5 a week for allowance and about a dollar 4 each extra favor.

Nagesh answers:

Wait 12 weeks and don’t spend what you’ve got. By that time, you’ll have the $60 more you need.

Mark asks…

MONEY for trip and FAST!?

Ok, so I am going to Spain in a couple of weeks with some kids from my Spanish class, and my mom is chaperoning.

However, i have had such a hard time making money for it.
I have a part-time job, but since I run track and go to school, ( and my boss is a dumb alcoholic :X) but I work only like 6 hours a week! And i have to spend it all on gas and whatever!

So I tried selling stuff at school. Some people have sold candy bars and had huge success, but SO many people do that it would be pointless for me to do that!

So I sold random stuff at school like soda, crackers, (haha) and random snakcs. But I have only made less than 20 dollars.

My mom has already paid for the trip, but I would like to alleviate some of the financial pressure on her, since she is a single mother and paying two mortgages.


Nagesh answers:

Post signs up in your neighborhood for dog walking, lawn mowing(maybe not really the season : / ), dog sitting, baby sitting, snow shoveling, car washing. Heck, maybe go door to door with a box of costco candy bars asking for 1$ donations for your trip. People are generally pretty nice about that sort of thing if you explain why you’re doing it, though some might think you’re being obnoxious so be ready with a really polite smile and a ‘sorry to have bothered you, thanks for your time’

And maybe you could offer your mother to pay her back for part of the trip? So that you don’t have to limit yourself to just these few coming weeks to cram in money making and she has some of her stress relieved knowing that you’ll bring some financial support later. While the money would help up front, I’m sure she would still appreciate it at a later date.

Jenny asks…

Does anyone else think that the money schools make/ask parents and guardians to shell out is OUTRAGEOUS?

I do not have any children, however I teach and tutor them. I started up a program for families in need. I have about 50 kids that I enrolled in my program, and I tutor them in areas that they are having trouble with. I offer help in Math, English/Language Arts, Science, U.S. History, Social Studies, Geography, Spanish and Test Prep/Study Skills. All of my services are provided ABSOLUTELY free of charge.

I also donate and provide backpacks full of school supplies to children whose families cannot afford them, and I also pack a week’s worth of bag lunches with the kids one night a week at my house so that they can take them to school and have something nutritious to eat for lunch and snacks. I also make sure that they have plenty to drink because so many children are not getting adequately hydrated in schools these days (I work in nursing and I see sick school-aged kids all of the time and too too many of them come in extremely dehydrated) and teachers aren’t paying good enough attention to this issue. But that’s a whole separate ballgame.

Anyway, I started this program BECAUSE I believe schools are outrageous with their demands for fees and supplies and “suggestions” for donations and such. The supply lists they send home to parents/guardians are outrageous, extensive and very costly. Also, some schools even have programs in classrooms where they want to either have breakfast, snack times or “milk breaks”. This is a great idea and all, but it’s not if families have to PAY for all of these things. It’s not fair for the children whose families cannot afford it. Why should some children have to sit in class and watch other kids have snacks, breakfasts, juices and milks when they have none? Schools should not allow this to happen. They should either provide snacks and drinks for every child, or get rid of the “program” altogether. Some families cannot even afford to send their children to school with adequate lunches (by absolutely NO FAULT of their own), let alone with money for extra snacks, juice and milk! Give these people a break. It’s simply not fair.

And don’t even get me started on book fairs, plant sales, craft fairs, Christmas gift sales and things like that. (Most of these proceeds do not go 100% to the schools, and if they don’t, in my opinion anyway, they shouldn’t have them. And some families cannot afford to send their children with money for these things as I’ve said before, so why should some children feel left out? These are not NECESSARY things. The focus here should be on EDUCATION, not begonias!!!!)

THEREFORE, for these reasons, I started this program. Tutoring is incredibly expensive (especially if you turn to one of those Sylvan learning centers or something – sheesh!) the price of school lunches really adds up (not to mention, you really don’t know if what your child is eating is nutritious at all), and school supply costs (plus those little “extra” fees they like to slide in there all of the time with those notes they send home asking for $5 here, $10 there what seems like every gosh darn week!) add up very, VERY fast.

I believe that every child is entitled to a more than decent education, no child should ever go hungry, and no child should suffer emotional distress because s/he is watching another child get something that they cannot have in school, where children are supposed to be focusing on education, not getting their feelings hurt because some of the other kids have a juicebox and s/he doesn’t (schools should not even be supporting this). Schools go on and on and on about equality and fairness….but what I described above is not fair or equal at all.

And just for the record, I live on a very strict budget as so so many families do. I do my best to clip coupons and buy in bulk for the kids and I get all of my teaching supplies at the dollar store. Sometimes I get lucky and find extra supplies (like newspapers, magazines, paper, half-used notebooks, etc.) tossed out in recycling bins and things like that.

I just wanted to let all of the parents out there know that even though I don’t have children of my own, I understand how much of a dent school costs can put into your wallet and I’m really trying to help make the load a little lighter for as many families as I can.

So, does ANYONE agree that schools are asking (and sometimes even demanding!) way too much? And that the costs are just outrageous? I’d love some feedback on this!!!!

Nagesh answers:

I totally agree. You just summed up all the major points.

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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