Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Sandy asks…

GTI online travel agency. Good? Bad?

Who knows the details and facts about GTI vs. YTB? What have you heard – positive and negative? Do you know anyone who is making money with these schemes other than the owners of these businesses?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I’m Very Proud To Say, I’ve Been Earning Income With YTB Since June 1st, 2001..Almost 6 Years..Almost Since The Day The Company Was Born..February 2001, Have Seen Tremendous Growth, Advancements & Compensation Increases Every Year. The Founder Of YTB Who I’d Be Very Happy To Introduce You To, Was Very Successful In A Previous Business & Retired A Multi Millionaire, So He Didn’t Start YTB To Become Financially Successful In Business, His Goal Is To Help People In YTB Become Successful In The Business & Millionaires As Well. I Already Know & Can Introduce You To 5 Different People In YTB Who Started In The Past 3 Years With Nothing & Because Of YTB They Have Become Successful Millionaires.

Their Are Many Different Ways Of Earning Income In YTB With Our Bonded Compensation System That Can Only Be Added To. One Of The Newest Introduced Last Summer, Is The $6,000 Guarantee. Id Be Happy To Answer Any Of Your Questions & If Open-Minded Help You Soon See In Reality That YTB Is A Great Company Thats Respected By Major Travel Vendors, As Well As The Right Place To Be. You Can Even Start Earning Income Today As A Representative With 2 Websites For FREE Cause With Full Support, YTB Offers Two Unique & Very Powerful Business Opportunities, That Of A Referring Travel Agent With Your Own Full-Service Home-Based Travel Agency & An Independent Marketing Representative. The Travel Agent Opportunity Has An Initial Fee Under $500 & A Monthly License Fee Of $49.95 That Can Also Become FREE & There Is No Fee Or Travel Agency Purchase Required To Be A Representative & You May Choose To Participate In One Or Both Opportunities.

Now About The Company: YTB International (YTBL.PK) Is A Well Established, Debt Free, Publicly Traded Company, Revenue Growth Over 98% & Continuing To GROW STRONGLY..NOW OVER 96,000 Soon To Be 100,000 Home-Based Agents..Up Over 60% YTD From January 2007 (60,000 Agents) Up Over 455% From January 2006 (21,000 Agents) & Over 1,144% From January 2005 (8,400 Agents) Been In “The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine” All 130 Pages Of The January 2007 Issue Of “SUCCESS FROM HOME MAGAZINE” That Was Selling In Book Stores With DVD & CD Inside & Been In Other Press Releases 33 Times! I’ll Send You A Free Copy Of The Magazine If You’d Like. You Can Also See The DVD That’s In The Magazine At:

“YOURTRAVELBIZ.COM” Is Our Marketing Company You’ll Earn Income Many Different Ways With An Extremely Lucrative & Leveraged, BONDED, GUARANTEED, COPYRIGHTED COMPENSATION PLAN & Once Qualified Receieve Many More Benifits (Free Life/Health Insurance, Dental Plan, 401K, & More) & Has Become “The Choice” For 1,000’s Of People From All Walks Of Life Including Former Travel Agents & Agency Owners (Now Earning More With YTB) As Well As Former Baseball Star: Lou Brock, Dallas Cowboy Randy White, Tampa Bay Running Back Mike Alstott, NBA Point Guard Robert Pack, Heavyweight Boxing Champion James Bonecrusher Smith & Other Celebrities Who Do & Like YOU CAN, Earn Money Many Different Ways & Also Receieve Marketing Sites To Help Promote Your Business: 3 Back Offices, Live Conference Training Calls Almost Everyday, Support From Corporate Headquarters & A Special Support/Information Group I Created With More Helpful Information About YTB & News & Events For Agents In The Travel Industry:

“YTB TRAVEL NETWORK” Is Our Travel Company & You Get Paid 60% Commission On All Travel Booked Worldwide & Many Other Services On Your Own 24 Hour Personal Booking Engine: Or By Contacting Vendors Directly. Plus You Also Receive An Agent Photo ID Card & Highly Recognized In The Industry By Major Travel Vendors Starting With Disney, Royal Caribbean, Sandals Beaches, Travelocity,, Trafalgar Tours, Pleasant Holidays Vacations, Celebrity Tours & Many Others Cause YTB Has Already Been Rewarded By Many Travel Industry Leaders Receiving “The Pinnacle Award 2 Years In A Row From The Number One Cruise Line In The World..Carnival” & There Are Live Conference Training Calls With A Business Developement Director From Carnival Cruise Lines Every Month & With Other Major Travel Vendors Every Thursday Evening. Also Received Is “The Golden Apple Award” From Apple Vacations Because Of The Huge Increase In Business.

Plus Over 900 Non Profit & Other Fundraising Organizations, Churches & Alumni Associations As Big As “The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation”..44 Million People, “The National Foundation For Cancer Reasearch”..Over 16 Million People, The “University Of Phoenix” & The “Association Of Pro Ball Players” Also Have Their Own Personal Booking Engine With YTB Travel & 40% Of All Travel Commissions Go To Fundraising For Their Organization. See National Foundation Of Cancer Research Booking Engine At:

You’ll Also Save $$$ In Taxes Cause It’s A Real Business & Receive All The Benifits & Savings Of A Travel Professional For You & Your Family!! See Some Of The Benefits You’ll Receieve As An Agent With YTB:

I Hope This Information Is Very Helpfull To You. If You Have Any Other Questions See My Group Page, For Information On This Weeks Live Conference Training Calls Or Contact Me & I’ll Be Happy To Answer Them For You. Take Care, Have A Great Day Today & Everyday, Hope To Hear From & Look Forward To Helping You Get Started & Earn Big Income While Giving You The Support You Need To Become Successful With YTB Like I Have Many Other People Soon!!

Sharon asks…

Sick of internet scams. Help?

Ok, I have searched yahoo for ‘money online‘ and there are tons of questions on it. However, I still have not read a decent answer on the subject. And if you do answer me, please do not try to advertise just to get me as your referral. I want a true answer on how to actually make some money online. Not get rich schemes.
By the way, I’m 14 and live in the country

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, there is no good way for the average person to make money on line. In general, almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any “free” service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can’t cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.

Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the “free” offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easily. But their website rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in “free” offers. I have played around on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don’t let them.

You will find many people on the web that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. For instance they will say: “Go to” The “q2347” is a signal to the cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by “q2347.” If they sucker money out of you, “q2347” gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link. Other people will refer you to their own private website or blog for the purpose of trying to get money off you. The bad spelling and grammar is usually a good tip off of this.

Note that I say there is no good way for the AVERAGE person to make money on the internet. If you are not average, and have some special skill, you can make money. If you are good at selling things, try selling things on E-bay. If you are good at writing, set up a blog or other site and sell ads. If you are good at computer programming, try setting up a site that uses your skills. Since I don’t know what special skills you have, I have a hard time advising you on this.

However, if you go to a site that claims ANYBODY can make money, it is usually a scam

Lisa asks…

please help i’m at the end of the road?

so i got this internet security 2010 virus. i have malewarebytes, ccleaner, hijackthis… problem right? BULL-SHIT!

i never ever turn off my system restore. the virus not only turned it off but deleted all my restore points. so system restore is useless.

i was reading an review of russ dalby’s money making scheme when i got the virus. now as soon as it hit me my computer slowed down big time. im talkin superslow.

i restart it and run malewarbytes. cleaned up every malicious file. so i run my hijackthis to make sure there isnt more. find 6 more files. delete those this point my computer is runnin so slow that it literally takes 10-15 mins to open up any programs.

i cant go online anymore. my computer is stupid slow now. i’ve deleted every file hijackthis told me to except this one. it goes by…..

010 – Broken internet access because of LSP provider ‘cwindowssystem32helper32 dll.’ is missing

have i maybe deleted something with hijackthis i shouldnt have? hijack was never wrong before i cant imagine it being wrong now.

should i reinstate all the files i deleted w hijack on that fateful day and see if my computer speed gets back to normal? then try to clean it again?
i cant go online anymore. it’d be helpful if u would read the whole post before answering!
Hey thanks Kibby you’ve helped a great deal. Now…i have 3-4 computers on my home network. When u say use “USB” to send it to the broken computer what do u actually mean? And wont i have to access the internet from the ‘bad’ computer to install that program?

By the way when i go to “msconfig” and chose to run windows in the “diagnostic start-up” my computer is back to normal i just cant use most of the programs like winamp or even the internet explorer.
And by the way this particular computer doesnt come with a re-install disc. It doesnt exist. Its a 2006 Dell3000. Piece of crap. Can i just buy the win operating system at a computer store and reinstall it if everything fails?

Nagesh answers:


I’ve come across the same problem you’ve got at the moment – Your not alone, i’ve had this rogue twice now. Spent a good hard 3 hours trying to remove this one though, here’s the way to remove it

Malwarebytes may NOT detect it when you scan (I tried)
So, what your going to need to do is get a USB or another computer on your network
Go to
Download the SpyDoctor (Removes malware and spyware) – Save it on a USB from another computer and send it to yours, run it and install – scan asap.
I did this and found the virus, but it said I had to buy the full version to remove it so here’s what to, after you’ve downloaded SpyDoctor click activate while its open
Name : Matz olsson
Also – You will find that your computer is only running slow cause this antivirus rogue is running alot of shit on your computer. Just do the steps I said, and it will get removed.
By USB I mean the little storage device. You should put it into your non-infected computer, download the stuff I said and then move the setup to the infected computer via USB. OR if you have some other computers on your network you should just move the file over from one to another, that’s what I did.
I normally wouldn’t do this but this is one fucker of a virus, its just terrible.

Best of luck, try not to stumble across the same internet page that got you it in the first place 😉

When I had this, I could not access the internet on the infected computer once. Only at, and couldn’t get further then that. If you can run the internet on the infected computer somehow, then just download the program. If not, get it off another computer with the usb.

Michael asks…

Need to Find an Online Job.?

I need something that I can do online, Hubby is working but it isn’t enough and bills are piling up. I need something that I can do online to make some money. I have nothing to sell on E-bay, and surveys don’t pay, I need something that will bring in a paycheck that doesn’t cost me anything to start up. And please no filling out offers or click for pay schemes because those don’t pay off either. Thank You.

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for 5 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email to the address above or see my profile for more information.

I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email or read my Yahoo profile.

Ken asks…

How to Get Readers on my Personal Blog?

I started a personal blog but haven’t gotten any readers or comments yet. I’ve already written over 30 entries. I know the subject (life in a small town) is a little strange but I do want to meet people that may be interested in discussing some of the minor subjects I have written about.

The blog is called Little Town Life. Everything I look up online about getting more people to view a blog is dedicated for these SEO things or something. I’m not interested in becoming a millionaire or posting about crazy get rich quick schemes. I just want to meet people through blogging, share some bits of information, and gain some new outlooks on life.

Is that possible or should I give up and give in? Is blogging just for people who want to make money online now?

The blog is:

As you can see, it’s pretty plain but I thought it might catch the eye of someone? Not working. I don’t know how to promote it to the public since it’s just personal stuff. Please help…

Nagesh answers:

You need to have remarkable content as they say.

Except people stumbling upon you, most people look for things by searching. What can you write that is truly unique, stands out and is easy to find. Just keep on writing for the fun of it.

BTW, I am the most frequent user of my own blog too, though in my opinion there is something that will interest and help others.

Take a look

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Sunday, November 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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