Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Ken asks…

what are some easy fundraising ideas to make money?

well i’ve been trying to make money for a new play set with a group of my friends (about 7-8 girls)
we’ve tried a couple bake sales and held some games to play. the last bake sale failed and the games were sorta successful but we didn’t make a lot of money fast enough. we need to make about $1,000-1,500 and we have 300 right now. we need to meet our goal by september 10th.
so, i need a fast way to make money. and we’re cooperating with a bunch of immature preteen/teenage boys and kids 5th grade and under.
btw, if it matters we’re all about 14-15 years
hahahaahah. i’m not taking any donations, honey XD
thanks for the paragraph, tho.

Nagesh answers:

Go to Easy Fundraising Ideas and take a look at the wide variety of fundraisers there.

There are lots that cost nothing to start and others that offer up to 90% profit.

Sandy asks…

what can a 13 yr old do to get money? fast at least?

well, i’m thirteen and i’m tired of asking my parents for money and every time I ask them they say “NO!!” & i’m tired of taking that as an answer. I wanna make my own money. I get five dollars a week for allowance but that’s not enough and I eat in the cafeteria and our lunch cost 1 dollar so that =’s to nothing by the end of the week. My parents are in a tight budget and I just want them to keep their money and make mine but it’s so hard. I can’t really make lunch for me cause theirs no snacks, sandwiches in my house. Only on certain times, but barely. I’m not thinking of making foods and start selling it in school, I mean .. i’m in high school, no one is going to buy food. I want to try selling my old clothes but who’s going to buy it? My friends? nope, they won’t cause my old clothes are from way way way back then. I don’t have a cell but MAYBE, i’ll soon have one. I don’t have an Ipod and I do want an Ipod. I want lots of things but I know you can’t always get what you want but this time I wanna EARN what I want. I’m too young to get a job. I can’t mow the loan cause I live in an apartment. I do my chores but I don’t get paid for it. I’ve been barely going to the mall and my friends have been wanting me to go BADLY, but mostly my answer is “NO” and the reason I said no is cause I don’t have money or some other reason. So, clearly .. I just want to get ideas on how a 13 yr. old like me can get money and lots of money and at least in a fast way.

I cannot baby sit cause there’s no people I know who
will let me baby sit their children/child and i’m really
not that good with kids & PLEASE answer it with
respect not something stupid and idiotic or sarcastic.
or anything that just sounds crazy.

Nagesh answers:

Try to sell stuff that you no longer use

Lizzie asks…

thinking about making money around the neighborhood?

well christmas is comin up and i need some money fast
since my parents dont have enough money
im thinking i could go to the neigbors for money for doin some ‘tasks’
cept problem is i dont really know most my neighbors
and it would feel awkward goin to them for money
i guess you could say im a little shy (mostly to most adults)
so any ideas
oh and what tasks should i do
idk about babysittin cuz im guy
but im short and im not scary looking and but im 15
but im not like cruel to kids(i think haha)
and not ‘shoveling snow’ because i live in florida! but it is really cold here
and if flyers were the answer to making money from people instead of just coming to random person

Nagesh answers:

I am going to watch my neighbor’s dog this weekend for some extra x-mas money. Maybe you could do that, a lot of people are going out of town this week and next week for the holidays. Maybe they have animals you could feed and play with while they are gone?

Just a thought!

Donald asks…

fast ways to make money for my california trip.?

Okay so I’m going to California in September and I had babysat some kids and I’m almost at 300$ in total and i need 400 something dollers for my plane then my mom paying for the hotel . im paying for my own flight. and we are going to be in california for 4 nights and 5 day we are leaving at 10:00pm .

so i need some ideas . Im only 13 1/2 so I need some ideas. I think i might be babysitting over the summer but . ya.! so i need more thanks.


we are going to be in Malibu.(:

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on eBay

Nancy asks…

sister and me needs money fast for a laptop?

we live in a base in Germany Mannheim so if we have a yard sell we all have to do it at the same time please no one tell me to make money for her and i will not go on EBAY or babysit for her money she cleaned the house all ready and got payed 5 dollars that was a rip off . .. . well there is not a lot of things a 9 year old can do to make money does any one have a idea fat easy money for her laptop

the school lets kids use the laptops but are mom and dad have to pay 79 dollars a month just to use it so this problem is also me to
xxhisxxhe did you even read it i take it as a no

Nagesh answers:

When we were children, my brother had a few homes he would go to every week to mow their lawn.

We would go door-to-door with a rake in the autumn or a shovel in the winter, and then get paid to rake leaves / shovel snow. If someone said “No thank you”, we would get them to reconsider by reminding them of the labour involved, how heavy the snow is, and how sore they would be for many days afterward, and that if they paid us to do the work, they would have more time for themselves. 🙂

We also used to go collecting beer bottles & wine bottles from the places where the teenagers would go to party (in the park, in the ravine, under the bridge at the creek, etc), then take them back to the store to collect the deposit money.

We would buy ice skates from garage sales in the summer, and spend the autumn putting shoe polish on them. Then in the winter, we would sell the nice-looking skates to the skate-exchange and get 5 to 10 times what we paid.

Maybe you & your sister can clean homes together?

Walk dogs? Feed fish or cats when people are away on vacation?

You live on a base… Maybe someone would pay you to polish their boots / buckles, or perhaps iron their uniform?

Or maybe lonely senior citizens would pay a few dollars to keep them company, playing checkers & card games with them? Or maybe they’d like their mail read to them if their eyes are going bad?

Maybe you could take in some laundry???

Think about what you *LIKE* to do, and then find a way to get paid for it 🙂

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Friday, November 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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