Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Forums

Maria asks…

How much can you earn from website advertisements?

I am completely new to websites, so sorry if this question is a bit vague!

I want to know the different earning schemes – such as pay per click or any other ways to earn money off of a website.

I also want to know how much money you can earn off each scheme, for example – one click.

I know there are a lot of variables so I will give an example:
My website will be a forum on health that has about 100 visitors a day and i want to make some money from the visitors through advertisements (or any other way).

Exact or rough figures would be appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You’ll make MAYBE 20-30 cents a day.

Laura asks…

Small business Idea – Local goods/arts retail shop?

Here is an idea I am dreaming and scheming up. I would really like to know peoples thoughts. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I will provide the general concept, as I am confident being able to hammer out the details.

Mid-Sized city / plenty of money in the area / artistic culture

Retail shop designed to sell locally made goods (anything from: art, clothing, nic-nacs, etc). We will network within the area to find local artists, hobbyists, creative folk to have their goods displayed in our store. We will sell these goods on commission. We hold no real inventory, as we are the middleman between the community and the sellers. We would focus on stuff that sells (my background) but will provide the ability for anyone to display their wares, regardless of how few wares they have. It will all be hand crafted / upcycled / creatively refurbished.

We will heavily focus on advertisement and the idea that there is a viable place for local people to buy/sell locally made goods, regardless how large or small their operation is. Art and creative ventures are all around us and it will connect the community in a different way. We will also focus on AFFORDABLE goods (<$50). If anyone knows, this would be a retail version of that website.

We would also provide a space for community forums and workshops, focusing on the arts and creative ventures.

As I see it: Fixed costs are very low. The initial start up costs (remodeling / buying cash handling equipment / inventory system) will obviously be minimized to the fullest extent. Rent is fairly cheap. We will hold NO real inventory, nothing will be paid for as it is displayed by folks and we would take a certain % to cover our costs of running the business.

This could be a not-for profit, as I am not interested in making as much money as I can. We would have a team of 3-4 people at max running this.

Obviously this idea is not a money maker, it is not meant to be. IT IS meant to be a sustainable small business and provide a living wage for those passionate about art and creating a more cohesive community.

What do you all think?

Thanks so much! Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

The idea is great. Perhaps you just need to focus more on marketing strategies.

Sharon asks…

Help with small business idea – Local retail arts co-op?

Here is an idea I am dreaming and scheming up. I would really like to know peoples thoughts. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I will provide the general concept, as I am confident being able to hammer out the details.

Mid-Sized city / plenty of money in the area / artistic culture

Retail shop designed to sell locally made goods (anything from: art, clothing, nic-nacs, etc). We will network within the area to find local artists, hobbyists, creative folk to have their goods displayed in our store. We will sell these goods on commission. We hold no real inventory, as we are the middleman between the community and the sellers. We would focus on stuff that sells (my background) but will provide the ability for anyone to display their wares, regardless of how few wares they have. It will all be hand crafted / upcycled / creatively refurbished.

We will heavily focus on advertisement and the idea that there is a viable place for local people to buy/sell locally made goods, regardless how large or small their operation is. Art and creative ventures are all around us and it will connect the community in a different way. We will also focus on AFFORDABLE goods (<$50). If anyone knows, this would be a retail version of that website.

We would also provide a space for community forums and workshops, focusing on the arts and creative ventures.

As I see it: Fixed costs are very low. The initial start up costs (remodeling / buying cash handling equipment / inventory system) will obviously be minimized to the fullest extent. Rent is fairly cheap. We will hold NO real inventory, nothing will be paid for as it is displayed by folks and we would take a certain % to cover our costs of running the business.

This could be a not-for profit, as I am not interested in making as much money as I can. We would have a team of 3-4 people at max running this.

Obviously this idea is not a money maker, it is not meant to be. IT IS meant to be a sustainable small business and provide a living wage for those passionate about art and creating a more cohesive community.

What do you all think?

Thanks so much! Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Interesting idea. Might work out better to charge a set fee for a display rather than commission.
You can also probably get a good deal of money from the government in grants etc.
I can help you set up a social media campaign, wordpress based site, or informational website at no cost. I’m looking to build my site portfolio. Leave your email and a comment if you are interested and I’ll catch up with you.

Ruth asks…

(UK) What happens if a housing benefit claim has been overpaid?

I made a housing benefit claim whilst I was off work. A payment was made but they requested further information after the payment had been made and I did not supply the information in time. I returned to work and informed the housing benefit of this. I then received a letter saying I owed them the money back as I had not supplied the original info they asked for and the original claim was cancelled and I would have to make a new claim.

I wrote back informing them that I would supply the original info they wanted for the old claim and they again stated that I needed to fill in a new claim as time for me to appeal against the decision to close the old claim had expired.

There is a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy involved in making a new claim and I feel that to do so is a waste of everyone’s time including my own as I am now very busy at work plus I am very mistrustful of the government organisation and their methods of handling a new claim as I know they have you going back and forth and ask for all sorts of information that is time consuming and inconvenient to gather, I also feel that if I even tick one box (such as ‘Have you or any member of your fanily ever been involved in a war widow’s scheme’ that doesn’t concur with my original claim then they will start to get really heavy-handed and cause additional bueracracy problems.

I want to know if anyone has had any experience with a matter like this as I am rather inclined to just supply the original paperwork they want for the old claim and adopt a ‘take me to court’ attitude as I feel I am very much in the right because the old claim had all the information they wanted and I played ball right up until I started work.

However, having checked the internet I have seen a leaflet from another Council stating that the court don’t actually see appeals and the council can go straight to balliff stage. It also said that there is another committee that decides whether an original claim can be reinstated but it is unclear about how this procedure works

The way I see it I have a few options

1) Provide the original info they wanted for the old claim,

2) Fill in a new claim (I have asked for a copy of my original claim form as I didn’t photocopy it. Their latest letter to me doesn’t refer to this so I’m unsure whether they’re being omissive or just aren’t legally obliged to provide it)

3) Get a solicitor involved (what type of solicitor would this have to be)

A large part of me really wants to fight this to the conclusion as I believe their procedures are wrong and if they apply to me then they apply to everyone and it is unfair on people who don’t have my resolve.

Another part of me is tempted to just jump through their hoops all over again and fill in the new claim and spend hours and hours on the whole process.

I’ve yet to decide which option I’m going to take but I would be very grateful for as much information as possible to help me come to this decision whether it be your previous experience, forum or website llinks etc.

Also direct answers to the following questions if you can:

1) How does the ‘board of appeal’ process work that appears to have replaced the need to go to court?

2) Am I legally entitled to a copy of the old claim?

3) If I lose how do they go about getting their money. Can I make the payment in instalments or do they just make you pay the whole lot (it is about 2K)

Very long-winded post this but as I said, any pointers would be really appreciated.



Nagesh answers:

Most of the other answers are half right half wrong.

Housing Benefit is administered by local councils. When they make decisions, you can usually appeal them; you have one month to do so. After that, you will have to give a good reason why you are late in appealing. Your question indicates you are out of time to appeal. You can still try; it may be allowed to proceed.

You don’t give enough information about how the overpayment occurred. The basic principle is that if an overpayment is made and it’s the claimant’s fault, it will be recoverable. If it’s the HB office’s fault it will only be recoverable if it is reasonable to expect the claimant to have realised s/he was being overpaid. The second part of that is unfair and is quite challengable. You as the claimant are entitled to expect the council to get things right and you cannot be blamed for their mistakes. This works; I’ve done it.

I would suggest you submit an appeal, giving your reasons for not doing so as pressure of work, DON’T tell them you couldn’t be bothered with the paperwork as that – even if it matters to you – won’t make any difference.

If your appeal is allowed to go ahead, the matter will be referred to an independent tribunal. The tribunal consists of people who are nothing to do with the council or government, but understand the regulations. In other benefit tribunals, there will be at least one legally qualified person. The council should send at least one “presenting officer”; s/he will present the case and why the authority thinks the overpayment is recoverable, you then argue why it isn’t. The tribunal can question both of you. You can be represented, if you can find someone who will do it. The decsion will be made on what the law allows, nothing else.

If you lose and you’re no longer getting Housing Benefit they will pursue the debt through the civil courts – the County Court. As others say here, you can make an offer to pay by instalments.

You can e-mail me if you want more info.

Carol asks…

PS3 FREE – UK ONLY – Do You Want One?

Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out £500-£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Triangle schemes don’t work pal, so don’t try it.

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Thursday, September 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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