Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Forums

David asks…

is it all for the money??

“This is the beginning, not the end,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in an interview with The Associated Press. “We will have to engage in more complex, long and difficult negotiations.”

The document does not commit countries to specific actions against global warming. It was limited to setting an agenda and schedule for negotiators to find ways to reduce pollution and help poor countries adapt to environmental changes by speeding up the transfer of technology and financial assistance.

Theres your proof that global warming is a money making scheme, a scam, this whole BALI forum crap was just a sideshow, to distract people from the fact that this whole blobal rape that is about to come to a rearend near you is all about getting money AWAY from those who have some, and GIVING IT TO those who dont have it. Period, a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AGENCY TO REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH.

Nagesh answers:

You stated it well,a long time ago my father told me follow the money and he was right in every situation try to find out who stands to make a buck and it is easier to see why they take the positions they do.

George asks…

How do you make money through Amway?

OK so I went to this business meeting yesterday about Amway and they told me that it’s not an illegal pyramid scheme and that I’d be able to make passive recurring income (basically money without labour). I’d have to recruit people into my “team”, and the more people i have under me the more I’ll earn. So they said they wouldn’t pester me with their product advertising etc. So how do these guys (at the top), and me actually make money? (i joined yesterday through trusting a friend)

I’ve read about them in online forums, which basically say you’ll earn nothing if you sell nothing. So would I have to buy these products and sell them myself? If my parents have a grocery store can i leave it for them to sell these Amway drinks?

Thanks in advance

I hope this is not a scam, and I’m relying on the 90 day money-back guarantee to save my a**s if no income comes through in the next 89 days.

And how do you sell these things? Sure you have to be a good talker, and seller with many friends or family members? They didn’t mention any of this during the meeting, which i find odd and suspicious… So basically, it isn’t really recurring income if you have to devote so much of your time to making sales and thus earning percentages to get to the next level etc.?

Nagesh answers:

To qualify for the “passive income”, you’ll likely have to spend many years of working full-time. In my time the promised passive income was in the range of 400-500$ (and a next stage of over 1000$), and I can’t remember anyone who made it that far.

You do need to have a lot of family connections, or many friends. It won’t work very well on strangers. Not that it’s going to work very well on your family, they will usually only do it to support you, which is what Amway is counting on. Still, don’t expect that a lot of people will agree to sign up or buy things. Most will simply start avoiding you at some point.

To make money, you need to both sell products and recruit people, and the people you sign up have to succeed as well. By design, you need to recruit new people on a regular basis to qualify for anything worthwhile. Also keep in mind that by signing up your friends and family, you’re actually causing them to lose time and money, since a lot of people never manage to earn anything from it.

Guys at the top don’t exactly make money like you do. They were in it from the beginning, so everyone else including you is making money for them. They also don’t just sell products or sign up people. A large chunk of their income comes from books and motivational speeches, which you are often encouraged to buy (your superiors might tell you that you need them if you want to succeed). They also usually have other investments, so Amway is only a part of their income, and not a fundamental one.

Your friend means well, but you should do some calculations and make an estimate on how much you’ll actually have to invest, how much time you’re likely to spend, and how many people would actually be interested. In other words – market research. This is business, there’s no room for trusting friends.

Mandy asks…

Pyramid Scheme? Chain mail letter ‘please put me on your mailing list?’?

Have you ever received one of these letters? You have 6 names you are supposed to send $1 to with a note asking them to ‘add me to your mailing list’, then add your name to the bottom of the list and send out 200 letters?

I received one of these in the mail yesterday and went online to do a little research. It looks like this is a pyramid scheme, which makes it illegal.


If you have a forum like this one, and ask people if they are willing to participate, and they say ‘yes’, is it still a scheme? I mean, if everyone is completely up front with their expectations and actions, why is it a pyramid scheme? If free will is an intrinsic right of every person, and if this isn’t hurting anyone, but helping everyone by making money, why is it illegal? I read that pyramid schemes are a ‘crime of persuasion’. How are you persuaded if you are up front and understand the expectations and consequences?

Nagesh answers:

It’s still illegal, because the entire transaction is illegal.

Pyramid schemes are considered fraudulent because the last several levels of participants never get paid. It’s NOT correct to assume that “this isn’t hurting anyone, but helping everyone by making money, why is it illegal?”

Think about it…if “everyone” is making money, where is the money coming from? All a pyramid scheme does is transfer money around not create money.

A pyramid scheme dies when you run out of new people to bring into the scheme (either because the whole community has now bought in, or because everyone who was willing to buy into / fall for a pyramid scheme has bought in, and the remaining people in the community are not willing to join).

As a result, only the top few levels of the pyramid get rich. The bottom levels (and often the middle levels) never get paid because the scheme runs out of possible participants long before the time their name reaches the top of the payout list.

James asks…

Do AGW-deniers tend to be overpopulation-deniers as well? (world population curve) (global warming curve)

Note how the “hockey stick” curve closely follows the profile of global population growth, with both having a sharp upturn after about 1950. The population grew from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6.8 billion now, coinciding with a rapid increase in industrialization along with sheer numbers of people.

You often see the same rationalizations from global warming deniers and people who dismiss limits to the size of the economy & population. They have an entitlement mentality regarding the Earth’s resources, as if they are owed a comfortable living so long as they can find some scheme to make money and “afford the gas” etc.

AGW-denial and overpopulation-denial are both predicated on the notion that the Earth has a magical, non-finite capacity to supply resources and absorb waste products while maintaining equilibrium and a predictable quality of life.

One wonders if the primary denial is all about physical limits to human numbers and economic growth? Yes, it’s hard not to ask rhetorical questions in this forum.

Nagesh answers:

I think you would refer to me as an “AGW-deniers”, but not as a “overpopulation-deniers”. Clearly, those are 2 separate issues. However, that said, there is a tendency for politics to combine issues for the lemmings who follow the party line. Thus, religious Conservatives tend to be skeptical about both issues, while religious liberals tend to be convinced about both issues.

There is no religious reason to be skeptical about AGW other than the fact that it is the party line. However, it is difficult to be religious in the United States unless you buy into the make babies life style. If that is what you live for, then the guy who tells you that you are doing something bad is likely to be disbelieved. Some religious people accept that human population would be a problem were it not for the “fact” that the rapture will occur before it becomes a serious problem.

The commandment is to go forth and multiply. Many believe that sex for any other reason is a sin. It must be irritating for them to hear that procreational sex is also a social evil.

The “hockey stick” curve for temperature is highly controversial,
as is the “hockey stick curve” for CO2. Http://
Neither really hold up to scrutiny despite some of the ridiculous claims by Warmists. Http://
Note, in the above link, the Warmists graphed the raw data from 1912 to 1942 with Keeling’s more recent data as though Beck did not believe that some correction would be appropriate before releasing such a graph, and the rest of the arguments were nonsense about the peer reviewed publication “Energy and Environment”. If those arguments were to be taken seriously, then Nature is not peer reviewed either after reading the link from utexas above.

Even so, CO2 and temperature do not correlate well in the recent past, except for the notion that both went up over the last 31 years. Http://
They also do not correlate well in the distant past, except with CO2 as a lagging indicator for temperature. Http://
Usually, when CO2 concentrations were high in the ice core record, temperatures were dropping. Http://

Edit @Weise Ente:
Having read some of your other answers, I think you probably know better than to imply that the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory (AGW)
depends on the concept that we are running out of natural resources. AGW depends on the theory that human produced CO2 is the primary driver of the climate temperature across the globe. There really is no scientific connection between AGW and the peak oil theory. Http://

Chris asks…

How does websites like Orkut,Wikipedia etc. generate revenue?

This question may be naive. Or may be with an obvious answer. But I think somehow it’s not the whole truth.
Kindly correct me if I am wrong or mistaken. Also Please bear if this is not the pertinent forum to post this.
how does some websites generate revenue? Especially the ones like Wikipedia,,,, Yahoo Messenger etc. [many many other sites as well] which doesn’t seemingly post any Ads [Adsense or Any other Ads] on their webpages? Or doesn’t run any Affiliate programs or any other apparent revenue generation schemes on their sites?
how do they make money? What do they do to sustain? I know makes so much money. But how? Is it just the Brand Value ie., the value these sites create? Or are there any other hidden things?
What are the parameters?
What are the Different Methods of revenue generation for sites those aren’t directly selling anything, not displaying any ads, are without affiliate links? how and Why do they exist?
More Traffic is More Value. But how does traffic matter without Ads running on the pages? So ,how is Traffic converted to [Monetary]Value?
Kindly enlighten. And Please explain with examples where possible.

Nagesh answers:

Wikipedia generates its money from donations and grants. Other internet services which seemingly have no ads such as Yahoo Messenger have ads on other parts of their websites. As the top website Yahoo hosts a number of services. Those who use one service generally use the others also.

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Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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