Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Ken asks…

genuine work from home options.?

I have been unemployed since November and although I am applying for jobs I am having no luck. As you can imagine this is a huge strain on my finances. I have looked into work from home schemes but they all want money up front and this always makes me suspicious. Does anyone know of any genuine work from home opportunities available, especially those that don’t need money up front?

Nagesh answers:

All of my friends who have tried to work from home have come up empty handed. They were basically scammed.
One tried to stuff envelops. It was like 6 dollars for one and they sent her like 5000… She thought she was going to be set but instead they sent her a certificate of appreciation and said that she was now enrolled into the program and had made it through the preliminaries. It took her a month to fill them out. She was so pissed. (you have to start with giving them money which she did by doing the envelopes) well she did it again and she only receive a couple pennies for each envelop.
My other friend did the telemarketing from home and it was based on commision. Yeah that was a scam too
and my other friend did the whole selling stuff from home vector. Knives. HA ha ha. That was even worse. She had to pay 173 for the samples and then when she did sell them they were pissed because she didn’t sell them to the correct age group. I was like that is whatyou get.

Donald asks…

legitimate work from home opportunities?

I am interested in working from home. I would like to start small and part time, but work on making something big so it could be a full time job to support me and my family. Does anyone have any legitimate ideas?? That are not scams, pyramid schemes, or just a waste of time/money?? Let me know!

Nagesh answers:

Home based jobs usually don’t pay off. Be especially wary of ads that

promise huge annual salaries; they often require expensive upfront fees

with no guarantee. You risk losing your money and wasting a lot of time

and energy.

Nancy asks…

Ways To Earn Significant Extra Income From Home?

I work a full-time job and my wife is a home school mother of 4.
We’d like to start saving to buy a new home, and are looking for extra income from home.
She’s interested in coupon(ing), but brings other skills to the table as well. I’m a skilled up-start cartoonist/comic book illustrator and writer (but am yet to begin earning money from these skills, as I’m just now working on my 1st book).
Any ideas how we could put these skills to use or do you have any other ideas for moneymaking opportunities ( that do not involve schemes and expensive investments)?

Nagesh answers:

I finally decided to learn how to build a website and how make
money from it. I hope you will look at my site..don’t laugh to hard, cause I am still very very new, but I am now making money.
Not a lot yet…but I am on my way!
My main focus is my Lotto Magic venture.I love playing Lottery so I know I am going to be a success with that. Plus I am promoting a neat little website for pocket change! Check my Traffic = Income page. Find something you love and get to it! Don’t delay!
And remember you only fail if you don’t try!

William asks…

What’s a LEGITIMATE money maker at home besides ebay? Mystery shopper w/no start fee would be great! Help plz

I would love to be able to work from home… I sell some things on ebay… but would love to maybe mystery shop but all I can find charge a fee to do it. Oprah had it on her show one time and said it is a scheme if you have to pay to do it because the real companies pay you! I don’t want to sell additional insurance over the phone… don’t want to hound people. I have gotten several of the chain type letters lately where you send 6 people a $1 and then send 200 letters out and you are suppose to make lots of money… but who is going to send a buck to a perfect stranger. Please help with any info you can. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Mystery shopping is really fun, but its not for everyone. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half, and I like it. You do need to do a lot of running around, and you can’t take kids with you. If you want to be a mystery shopper you have to be reliable and detail oriented. You also need a good memory.

Those stories and ads you see about people making hundreds a day are not real. Every now and then you can get a great shop that pays like that, but that might be once a year or less. Most mystery shops pay between $8 and $25 each and take 20 minutes to 2 hours including the time it takes to report your shop online. Some require you to have a digital camera and take photos, but you don’t have to do those shops if you don’t want them. I like them because they usually pay more. You also can get shops that reimburse you for a purchase, sometimes they only reimburse you and don’t pay a fee and other times you get the reimbursement and the fee. Some examples of shops I’ve done include a Sams Club shop where I got the membership fee ($45) and a $10 purchase reimbursed but no additional fee, an apartment complex shop that paid $25, cell phone shops usually pay $9 , fast food shops usually pay $7 to $10 plus reimbursement for food, sit down restaurants sometimes only reimburse your meal up to a certain amount and sometimes will pay a fee of $10 to $20 plus pay for your meal. You usually have to take 1 to 4 guests with you for those. There are also big differences among the same shops for different companies. One company’s gas station shop evaluates cleanliness and customer service, it pays $10 and reimburses $5 in gas and a $1 store purchase. Another company only pays $9 including a required gas and store purchase for the same thing. So pay really varies.

I make anywhere from $200 to $600 a month, averaging about $300. I stay on top of it by checking my email about 10 times a day and checking companies’ job boards daily.

Some companies I shop for include: – my personal fave I made $200 from them alone last month. – lots of shops always available, but pay less than most other companies

some that I have heard of but not used are:

Good luck,


Lisa asks…

“Pyramid Schemes” – do you actually make any money?


I asked a question yesterday about looking for home decor jobs like “Avon” or Gold Canyon” and I actually found some websites that offer this type of service. I wanted to be a seller on the side for extra income. However, my friend told me that this is a “Pyramid Scheme”, and I wouldn’t make any money.

One website is:
Benefits of Becoming a Consultant

* Earn a base commission of 25% on retail sales
* Bonus program for additional commissions
* Incentive program to earn vacations

Requirements to Join

* Purchase a starter kit for as little as $25 down and pay for your kit from commissions. Or save by paying the full $174 up front.

I was interested in this, and another one that is cheaper, but now he has me worried that I would be wasting my time, and that its a scam.

So I would like some re-assurance if this is actually worth looking into and making money?

Nagesh answers:

You LOSE money with Pyramid Schemes. Don’t go there, please!

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Monday, September 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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