Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Donald asks…

Im a kid who need to get money fast.?

Im a young teen who needs to earn money before thanksgiving and for new cloths. But I need help finding how I can get the money. I cant ask my parents if I do an chores for them to pay me and my parents friends with kids dont need a baby sitter right now. I really need some ideas how to get money pretty fast.
No internet websites for cas h kinda thing please

Nagesh answers:

Lawn work is always a great idea. Right now, though, it may not be mowing lawns, but raking them. I spent a good couple of hours raking our yard this weekend, and we have leaves all over the place again. I would pay someone to come rake my yard once a week if some kid asked. I would guess that if you asked around you could find a couple of people in the neighborhood who would pay.
Also…there is not much of an investment needed for that as compared with mowing yards. All you need is gloves, a rake, and some trash bags.

Mark asks…

Does anyone know where I can borrow money FAST??? Need lawyer for divorce w/ husb fightin dirty & hurtin kids

I am a stay at home mom whose husband is playing dirty in a divorce. He took all the money and I have no access to any money. I can’t liquidate any assets (divorce rules) and though I am currently looking for a job, I need an attorney. I have found a great one who will take my case and says I have a great case, but I need the money for a retainer. Does anyone know where I can get money FAST? I don’t currently have a job yet and I just found out that my soon to be ex-husband hasn’t been paying my bills and he has killed my credit. Anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Can’t you just report him or something???

If not you can always borrow from Family and Friends

William asks…

How to raise money fast as a kid?

In the summer of 2012, I and several other students from my school will be going on a humanitarian expedition to Malawi, Africa, to build something beneficial to the locals wherever we end up, such as a well or a school. In order to go on this trip, I will need to raise a grand total of £3445 before the summer. I know how I can go about raising that amount, as I’ve got over a year to do it- but the problem is that the first instalment of £100 is due in just over a week’s time. We only learned about this first instalment idea two days ago, so don’t tell me I’ve left it too late! This is a problem for me because in all honesty, I have no idea how to go about doing it. My dad has given me a helping hand and said he’ll pay the rest if I can get the other £50 before it’s due, but it’s still a lot of money for a 14-year-old to be raising in a week. I’ve already had a few ideas of my own, of course, but I need more in case they aren’t enough- and I have a feeling that they won’t be. I’m putting up an advertisement in the local shop window for my assistance wherever it needs to be used, I’m getting a paper round as soon as my bike’s fixed, me and the rest of my expedition team members have asked a local supermarket for a bag packing position, and I may be getting a part-time job in my dad’s girlfriends shop, but this may not raise enough money within the week. And trust me, I will do practically anything to raise this money. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, pet sit, baby sit, etc. Ask for a $50 loan immediately from your Dad’s girlfriend, in exchange for working the time off later.
Funding Your Volunteering Abroad Trip

Carol asks…

Get money fast for a kid. (14yr old)?

I don’t know my neighbors enough to walk their dogs or petsit or wash their cars etc. I’m thinking about selling something on eBay for 30$. How much would I need for shipping etc? I could Maybe tutor? But who?

Nagesh answers:

Buy candy or gum from a dollar store and sell it to your school friends for a little more. It’s a slow way to earn money, but that extra 50 cents will stack up eventually. You could also do the paper/flyer route. You could get a job at McDonalds. You can sell old things on eBay or Kijiji too. A dirty way to make money is to ask for money from your parents for a “guest speaker” that doesn’t exist, and then pocket that money they gave you. Or get them to buy a “friend” a video game for his “birthday” with a gift receipt, and then return it, giving you a full refund in cash or gift card. There are many possibilities, all you have to do is brainstorm. Hope this helped.

Ken asks…

how could i get money fast for the morning after pill (plan b) OPENN!!?

How can i get $35 for plan b? and i dont have any money? i need to ask my mom but what could i say its for?. && i know all of you are going to say just tell your mom, its okay. you need to be open and all that. and i cant. you dont know my mom. shes old school. and i dont want to make her think ima bad kid. 😐 but i need money fast. by tonight. what could i say its for?.

Nagesh answers:

Get it from the boy who had sex with you without using protection – tell him it is $35 now or 20 years of child support!

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Friday, September 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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