Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Helen asks…

Disney money fund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow, congrats! Yeah im doing kind of the same thing with my friends, the three of us are all saving up like $600 to go to disneyland on the last day of school =)
okay, i suggest having a garage sale if you can. Thats what my friends and i are planning on doing and it seems like an easy way to make money and clean out your house to me.
Also see if your parents have any jobs around the house for you to do, and see how much you can get them to pay you for it. See if you can water your moms garden or paint or anything they need done around the house!
Also, if you babysit, try to get as many jobs as you can and see if you can get referred to your clients friends! Any little odd job you can think of will help, i know because im in your shoes =) haha
my last suggestion is see if your parents will pay you for getting good grades. That would be like extra money to save up for your trip if you can get it!
Good luck!!!

Mandy asks…

How can a teenager like me earn money online?

hi im 14 years old turning 15. i would like to earn money online.
and i would like to earn money fast. i from malaysia. and im mixed (malaysian- american).
i am indeed an international student and i pretty much move to many places.
currently i am now living in china (shanghai).
i had try many suggestion that i found from the internet about making money online.
several website that i found about taking offer and making product survey and they would willing to pay you literally $0.50- $4.00. But on my case china is not a country where there’s many offers to take. so its quite hard for me to earn money online.
Please Help!
is there any other way to earn money online? something that is free and please NO SCAM.
i am desperate to earn money online.
any suggestion or ideas would be appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Try microworkers:

It’s a site that pays you for completing tasks set by other users! Such as signing in at a site, buzz or digg a site, rate a video on youtube, write an article, post to a forum , etc.
Tasks are ranging from 0.10 up to 1.5 dollars per task, and you can do as many tasks as you want.
Pays to paypal and alert pay and by cheque. Minimum pay out is 9.00 dollars which can be achieved in a matter of days.
But make sure you enter your CORRECT mailing address to receive the pin code needed to request payment ( first time only).
Good Luck

Sandy asks…

i want to go to disneyworld. my favorite place!!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You need to figure out what types of jobs people don’t want to do, and do it for them.
You can start a business where weekly you clean up dog poo from people’s yards. Or mow lawns, or come to their house to wash their cars. If you are good at organizing, then help people to clean out their garages & attics. Or give your time to help someone organize a garage sale. Or even be an in home doggy day care. Stop by people’s homes during the day while they are at work, to let their dogs out and play with them for awhile. Many people do not like to let their dogs stay at home by themselves all day. Or heck, even post an ad that you will clean out someones fridge. Right now I am trying to find someone that lives close to me that will come by weekly and vacuum my steps. There are so many things that people are willing to just pay someone to do, many people dont’ have time, focus on those tasks.

Think of all sorts of things you are willing to do then post flyers. Be up front about what you want to charge, your time is valuable, and be sure to have references for people.

Paul asks…


am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I live right near there… I used to go every other weekend, and then I got sick of it. It’s over rated. 🙂 I would put that money to better use. :] Otherwise, just do chores, etc.


Betty asks…

What do you think of my book project?

I did a book project on the book I read chew on this. Please read all of it and tell me what you would grade it if you were my teacher! Any ideas on improving it?


Book by Eric Shlosser and Charles Wilson. Report by Zach Samani

The book I read was chew on this and it was about how fast food can be dangerous. It talks about the disguting way they make fast food, what they put in it, how much americans eat of it, how people get sick from it and how much money the companys are making from it. Here are some facts.

1)Americans spend more money on fast food than education.

2) If you took the billions of burgers people have eaten and put them in a straight line they could circle the Earth more than thirty two times.

3) Every day one out of every ten americans visit a fast food resaruant.

4) Every day one out of every 14 people visit a McDondalds restaruant.

5) Hundreds of teens everyday gey stomach surgery from all the fat from the fast food.

You see fast food has been going on for nearly 100 years. Since then in america so many restaruants (espesially Mc Dondalds) have been puting WAY TOO MUCH FAT in the food they sell and always hide it. Have you ever seen a fast food commercial? You know how they always put skinny, happy people eating fast food like there’s nothing wrong with it and it’s perfectly healthy. All they ever talk about is the toys they have to make children whine for their fast food. That’s there main goal for fast food commercials. You see the toys they sell are really small, bad and cheap. They get them in huge packages and give one to every happy meal which makes the toy 5-15 cents. Then once they make a commercial about it they attract about 50% more people. It’s actually the kids that always make there parents pick the place to eat out. Then when they stop for a happy meal not only do they sell food to the kids but usually adults find something to eat too so they get a whole pack of people at once.

When it comes to jobs it’s the fast food jobs that people are always quiting. Usually when people find a job they intend to keep for many years. At fast food restaruants jobs only last approximately 3 months. Okay, you might be thinking that’s only because it’s mostly teenagers and when they grow up they go to college and find a job that pays better. Well actualy, it’s because of the smelly grease, careless managers and minimum wage. Usually teens find a job and a fast food restaruant when they’re 16-18 years old. They also still want to work not only at the end of high school but during colledge too. There is a story in chew on this about a kid named paul. He was a really good worker. Whenever there were people out on the job he was always there to help and espesially nice to his customars. He was always employ of the mont too. One day all the workers were given a grade for there work to get promotions. On the good side there was exceptional worker, reliable worker, good worker, and best worker. Paul was best but McDonalds was so cheap and ungenorous they gave Paul reliable worker which meant next to last. It also meant that he was promoted only 10 more cents an hour. From $5.15 to $5.25 per hour. After a whole week it would barely add up for enouph to buy a big mac. He looked around and noticed everyone else got poor grades too. In fact Paul was actually scored best becasue everyone else was scored at last place so they didn’t get promoted at all. Paul was very hurt so he quit since then he’s been going around giving a bad name for McDondalds and tried to sue the restaruant for selling terrible food and giving ufair pay to its workers but he was unsuccesful.

Fast food will probably finally fall one die but in the mean time americans should do whatever they can to show what fast food does, how it hurts people and later on can kill them and how the company doesn’t care.

Nagesh answers:

Looks good, dont know whatid rate it, and alos i wouldnt have puit this out cuz now other ppl can just copy and use ur info which prob. Took u awhiole to find

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Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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