Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Donna asks…

Easy ways to make money.?

What are some good ways for a young teenager (around 14 or 15) to make money in a quick amount of time. This person has no job yet because he/she is too young. Today is Wednesday and they need money for Monday because they are going on vacation. What are some good ways for this person to make money.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve received around $ 1000 a month from all these sites. You can also make lots of money online depending on how much time u put into it. Here is a link of some sites that Paid By Check or PayPal to do surveys, read emails and more 🙂

Ken asks…

What is a fast way to make money for a teenager…?

I’m seventeen years old.
and this summer i need to make money fast,
for a car.
i have a part time job now, but is there something
where i can get money just by doing something quick and easy?
any suggestions? thanks .

Nagesh answers:

First , I am not ENGLISH talker so sorry for the language I want to how you best way I found really for me to make online money very easy way

join site :

well you don’t have to pay or any thing it is sample program you will get it very easy , I copied some text here from their site

Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

and as You can see if you have some time to Join and do some
easy register and click ads , tell other to join and got referrals
from you it will help you , as they will need to get some money too
and get them selves new members and get paid I swear it is easy

Richard asks…

fastest way to get some quick money?

what is the fastest way for a teenager to make money without using the internet, getting a job or doing odd jobs for neighbours… stuff too

Nagesh answers:

Pimpin and running scams on people LOL

Lizzie asks…

What is a good way for teenagers to get rich quick, if they are too young to get jobs?

I’m looking for something other than babysitting, or an allowance. I’m OK with spending money to make money.

Nagesh answers:

You could work from home on your computer- write articles,sell on eBay,make a website,take surveys. More details are available at

Mark asks…

Quick way for a teenager to make $1,000?

What is a fast way for a 16 year old to get that much money ? How long would it take for a part time after-school job to accumulate that amount of money (generally)?
And is there any quicker ways ? Just curious.

Nagesh answers:

8 dollars n hour plus tips maybe? Easy math depends how many hours your putting in. There really is no other option besides a food place. Catering is good working at a place where you can put what your good at to work. Like say your amazing at baseball you can give lessons or work at a hitting place.

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Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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