Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

John asks…

Identity Theft…Should I proceed with subpoena?

Financial Planner stole my identity…?
Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

In a messy divorce, you need to do what is best for you and your children. And that means you subpoena that digitally recorded phone call and any records that will help to show that either your husband or your financial planner or both helped to squirrel away any of your personal or marital assets. Whether or not the financial planner gets in trouble with the law is not your problem. You need to take care of yourself right now. Go get the best lawyer you can find and then go after the pair of them. And if you can prove that the financial planner helped hide your assets from you or just plain took them, then you have her prosecuted to the hilt…and then sue for damages! Good luck!

Addendum: And see if you can reopen the fact that she took money from your father’s account without his explicit permission. And please don’t underestimate what this woman has done as gifts are generally speaking the property of the person who received them and they are not usually marital property. So don’t let either this woman or your husband steal your property from you!

George asks…

Is it true that Obama lies About Healthcare?

None of the things that Obama is saying about Obamacare are honest, although most of them are technically true if parsed out.

His idea that Obamacare is not for the illegals. Technically that might be true. But every illegal has 3 or 4 kids — and the kids are all born here, thus citizens, thus covered by Obamacare. Also the 12 million illegals are going to be put on a “path to citizenship” (says Obama). So what does that mean? It means, once they have their citizenship path papers filled out and filed they qualify for Obamacare (as future citizens).

Obama is a crook. He’s not honest. He avoids lying, so you have the be a lawyer to see how dishonest he is, since the things that he says are technically true.

The Joint Session of Congress was convened by Obama — it was not a Constitutionally mandated Joint Session (like the State of the Union).

So if Obama comes and makes a very dishonest presentation, it’s not so terrible if somebody calls him out for it.

Obama’s idea that the public option will be paid for by premiums paid to it by the policyholders is true, but highly dishonest.

Those premiums would be reimbursed through “refundable tax credits”. Those are checks the Treasury sends out to people who pay no Federal taxes — they are freebie checks — free money. So let’s see the 40 million pay the premiums, then get free money equal to the premiums from the Treasury. Sounds to me like the Treasury is really paying for the public option.

I’m a lawyer, so I can tell when a technically true statement is actually a highly dishonest misrepresentation of the facts.

Obamacare is a scheme to transfer a massive amount of wealth from the middle class to the ACORN folks. Massive wealth transfer.

Socialism practiced by Eldridge Cleaver, Saul Alinski, Bill Ayers, or Bobby Seale would not be much different from what Messrs Obama, Emanuel, and Alexrod are bringing us.

Nagesh answers:

Joe Wilson was correct. God bless you Joe. I love you man.

Mary asks…

Financial Planner stole my identity…?

Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

You have a lawyer so he/she should be handling this, not you. You are too personally invested in this matter to make decisions about this. It’s possible that you husband had a friend call the phone company (he certainly knows your SS#). He could also have cancelled your credit card just to be vindictive. You have no proof at this time that your financial planner is causing you these problems. However, if you no longer trust the woman, then pull your money out of her control because you don’t need any additional grief at this time. Check with your lawyer.

Donna asks…

What’s the deal with chavs?

Okay my friend who Iv’e known since I was a kid wasn’t much of a chav before now she’s Jeremy Kyle worthy but I still like being around her and giving her advise..
Her sister bragged to a 36 year old crackhead who she only just met at a house party lying that her “hard” dad cut up a man and hid him in a closet.
she only had a labrador with was lovely and good with her kids for barely a day and said she wanted to get rid of it because it wasn’t vicious enough and she wanted a pitbull instead she always seems amazed when male chavs show her how big and muscley their pets are and what “hard” breeds they are mixed it with (even though she has three 23 years of age I might add so she should really be getting a family dog)
i was buying baby clothes with and for my friend who is 16 and pregnant..and she wants the most expensive and hideous stuff she has no money no job what-so-ever yet she wants all the brand ones with huge ass logos going across them and if I picked up something nice and non tacky she’d say she wern’t dressing her baby in that.
My friend is 4 months pregnant and drinks cider everyday! I tell her the effects it would have on the baby but she don’t care, she’s even seen a baby with alcohol syndrome really bad.She keeps going back to her baby’s dad and he beats her…she also sleeps around while she’s pregnant.And constantly takes the p*ss that i’m 17 and a virgin (I live in a chav infested area and I’d be damned if I’d sleep with any of those fools!) she speaks and types like a retard and then says it makes up time even though she usually adds letters.When she decorates her house it doesn’t even have a colour scheme i mean i’m not rich i’m broke too but everything in my humble aboad matches she have a red couch with a vagina or leaf print and her tv has no signal how can you watch a fuzzy tv you’d get pissed off and fix it.She always gets in fights everyday over the most pathetic stuff she said she’s never speaking her sister again because she drank her coke…..and she punched her in the face 0.o she finally got a decent lad and broke up with him because he was a virgin obviously she likes H.I.V ridden chavs.
Also they idolize Tupac Eminem and scarface….even though Tupac is of christian themes and tells you to treat other people with equality and respect eminem tells you about the horrors of the hood and not to be like him and scarface wasn’t supposed to glamourized crime but to hight the fact that “gangstars” and criminals lives usually come to a tagic end.
before the grammar police check my paragraph i might add that iv’e lost my glasses and it’s four in the morning and i’m knackered

Nagesh answers:

“Chav infested area!” that made me laugh! I know exactly what you’re talking about. I think she’s probably like this because she wants to fit in with those people around her and aspires to be accepted. She sees Kerry Katona, pitbulls and other human pigdog breeds (like Jordan) as role models. I guess I’d try not to judge her too much as she has the right to be how she wants, as I do, as you do, but to give her baby alcohol baby syndrome and sentence it to 70 years on earth with special needs and unhappiness just due to her 9months of selfishness does seem wrong.

Jenny asks…

Why do people sit here and say the Mexicans are taking our jobs?

Seen a few people on tv talking about this. I am tired of hearing it and seeing it! Now first off about the whole taking our jobs, well 17 year old Ashely wants her first job to be at Abercrombie and Fitch, not working in a hot ass 100 degree field in Michigan in the summer she wants the place in the mall. Mexicans are not knocking at the doors of the GAP to get hired in there, they take the jobs like picking all of your veggies and fruits, if I drove by in the summer past one of the fields and seen a bunch of white and black folks out there pickin, i would be like WTF?! Yea and guess what i will never see that, becuase that isnt a desired job. So i wish for a day all the mexicans would say “Hey! ok we are taking your jobs?, and you want them back soooo bad, then you go pick in the fields and see how long you last.” Mexicans are hard workers, they dont come here to take anything, I have seen some trying to make it across that border, its heart breaking to see a husband who cares about his wife and kids, getting caught in the desert by the border patrol, their little ones crying. Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now, actually very bad, people get kidnapped and held for ransom or killed! if you lived there you would do everything in your power to get your family out before its too late. So please before you sit there and bitch about the jobs they are taking, will you just think about it, you would do the jobs they did for any amount of money at least majority of people wouldnt. They do it to feed their families, they are human too, Oh and one more thing i was just reading something someone said about mexicans depleting our system of money and healthcare, ummm, load of shit. You know the ones who are depleting our system? The numerous people on welfare and shouldnt be! AMERICANS! I have seen all too much of americans using the welfare system so they dont have to work, either by claiming they are disabled or they just keep having one child after another, they i mean AMERICANS are the ones depleting our system and you can thank Obama for that also, very much a supporter of people not working and being on welfare. We are supposed to welcome people here with open arms. Remember this “We are the land of Opportunity” well since we Americans are only taking the opportunity to scheme our own system, the Mexicans are taking the opportunity to get some much needed jobs that will help them establish their family.
yes that why here when i said : “Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now” Well little do you know the news makes it like Mexico is the leader in drugs and smuggling, LOL on just my black alone there are 14 drug houses! Dont get me started about Drug cartels in Mexico

Nagesh answers:

Hello Tracy,

Myself and most of my friends and colleagues have mortgages, car, credit card debt et al to worry about. Should we get laid off work, a 6 – 8 dollar an hour job is not going to save our sorry posteriors anyway. Most people here in my country will not work for such low wages and temporary jobs with little or no social benefits so whining about Mexicans is really a moot point. Many of these establishments would be out of business without them.


Michael Kelly

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Saturday, August 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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