Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Sharon asks…

How can I earn fast cash online?

I applied to soo many jobs.None are hiring. As of now im studying to be a fire fighter this year. But i need a job bad but none are hiring or anything and don’t know what to do.Is there any online sites I can go to get fast money.please. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

Michael asks…

How to make money online?

Everywhere I look, it says “make money online fast“, “mom earns $10000”, etc. And whenever you click on those advertisements, it says “here is how to make money fast, AND THAT’S IT!!!! It doesn’t tell you HOW to make money online, it tells you that it is GOING to tell you how to make money online, and it NEVER DOES!!!!!!!! Does anybody know how I actually can make money online? AdSense is a good way, but I’m only a kid, and I only know the basics of website-making. (my website is Whenever I look, I always see that people are making insane money with AdSense. Can AdSense really earn you a lot of money? I want to earn about 25,000 for a car when I turn 18. I’m 12 right now. Could I possibly earn that much online in about 6 years? Is there any way other than AdSense to REALLY earn money online? Please don’t tell me to babysit or mow lawns, I’m too lazy to do that. If AdSense REALLY is the only way to make a lot of money online, then could somebody give me some good website topics?- a website that would be easy to make and would attract a lot of people so they would click on the advertisements? Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Nagesh answers:

Check out my website, it shows you how you can be making $22,300 a month within 100 days, NO LIE. If you don’t believe me check my website out. You will learn how to do it for free. This isn’t a scam. It is 100% legit and hundreds of people are having huge success with it already, and it has only been out for 4 days! You will need a credit card to pay for the two websites you sign up to make the money, but you learn everything you need to before that happens, so you can check it out, and if you like it then just buy a visa gift card for $25, that is all you will need to start making $22,300 a year. It’s insane, believe me.


Thanks for checking it out.

Daniel asks…

I NEED to make money NOW and FAST ?!?

I need to make money NOW before I go crazy and start doing illegal things that I REALLY DO NOT want to do :/ . I NEED the money to get simple things like school clothes and stuff.. I don’t want the money for non sense. How can I make money ? I am 15. . Any online sites I can make REAL money off of? PLEASE HELP ME PLLLEEEAAASSSSE !

Nagesh answers:

Actually there are ways to make money online… Making a blog might bring in some money however your blog must be worth to read… Posting your videos on youtube is a good way to earn money but like the blog your videos must be worth to watch so you get a lot of clicks.. Another way is to sell something on ebay. It doesn’t matter what.. There will be people that are willing to pay for something that you consider as crap.. If you are creative and have programming skills you should create apps for the iphone or for android devices… Lot of people quit their job because the money they are making off apps are more than enough… But your app has to be really unique…
I dont actually know in what kind situation you are but maybe you should look for a job… And what about your parents?

Donna asks…

how can a 14 year old get money, fast?

i need money now! but i cant get money online bacause my mom wont let me. i cant make a garage/yard sale cause i live in an apartment. i cant sell stuff cause i got nothing to sell. i cant ask my family for money cause we are in a very tight budget. soo i need help.! please please help me..

Nagesh answers:

You could always cut grass.

Paul asks…

How can I invest this money online?

I’ve been saving money and I have $1000 now, I want to go into business online. What are good ways that I can make money besides clickbank and using adsense. I’m not looking for massive profit fast, just possibly 200 – 400 dollars per month.

Nagesh answers:

You really should not be investing it online, you will just get ripped off.

There are NO investments where you can make 200 a month off of 1000, that is a 240% rate of return, it simply will not happen. Making 10% a YEAR is a decent investment.

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Friday, August 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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