Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Michael asks…

How to make money fast?

im really wondering how to make money fast for a 12 year old girl and dont say sell lemonade coz im not a baby plz answer asap fanx

Nagesh answers:

Hmm you should sell pot. If you started now while others have no experiance then when you get older around 18 or so you will be packed with cash by the time the kids around you figure out how to sell. Good luck with that bb.

Laura asks…

how can a 12 year old make $200?

i really want a new phone,but i have to pay for it,how can i make enough money really fast?

Nagesh answers:

It depends on how hard you want to work. When I was 12 years old, I mowed 4 lawns once a week all summer long and at the end of the summer I had only earned $200 and change! Times have changed and I’m not really that old.

At any rate, if you’re willing to work hard and your not much on mowing lawns (plus gas is expensive right now), I recommend that you identify the elderly people on your street or in your neighborhood. You could offer to clean their windows (inside and out). Elderly people spend a lot of time at home looking out the dirty windows that they are too tired or weak to clean. One house might take a couple of hours of work but you could probably charge $50-$100 depending on the size of the house and the number of windows. All you’d need is some Windex, old newspaper (trust me, it works great), and a step ladder.

P.S. Stick to one story houses. Trust me.

Sandra asks…

How can you make $2,200 fast for a 12 year old?

My daughter is raising money for Jr. Ambassador for Germany and she needs to make $2,200 by May 2011.

Nagesh answers:

You know your daughter better than us. If you don’t know any ways for her to get the cash, it’s not an optimistic sign for us.
Why should a child be obliged to find so much money at 12 years old.
I find that distasteful.
Good luck, despite what I just wrote !

Ken asks…

how can i make money fast!?

i need help with making money fast!
for a 12 year old

and people please no jobs! im to young

Nagesh answers:

Ok well maybe u could ask your parents for extra cash if you do extra jobs around the house?
Depends on how mature you are but have u thought about baby sitting of dog walking or even washing cars in your local neighborhood
or even try making jewelery and sell to ur friends or even creative cards birthday christmas Special occasions stuff like that

Donna asks…

How can i make fast money?

Hello. I am 12 years old and i need to make money for the VIP Glee Premiere($120-$150). I need it in 8 days. I am not eligible for a job yet so I don’t have many options left. It’s $30 per person. I really want to do this quick and easy….. so I would appreciate it if you would help me out. What did you do when you were younger to make money???? Thank You!!! (PS no rude or mean comments. I will not tolerate it. You will be removed:))

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, mow lawns, garage sale, bake sale, lemonade stand, walk dogs, allowance, sell some stuff, gamble with friends or siblings, panhandle, lemonade stand, make and sell jewelry or the like. I’m kind of confused; do you need $30 or $120ish? Don’t pay for friends or anyone else, you won’t get your money back and people will start to take advantage of you.

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Sunday, July 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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