Your Questions About Fast Money Making Guide Runescape

Michael asks…

runescape money for godsword?

In Runescape i am trying to make money for a bgs it is only 20m atm yet i only have 5m im 15m away and am currently fishing sharks (81 fishing)

if u have any guides or tips on a quicker much faster way of making money 5 stars will be awarded for best answer

thank u

Nagesh answers:

I could always lend you 15m but you’ll have to pay me back

Jenny asks…

Runescape Help?

Does anyone know any good runescape money making guides that are free, I need one, or if you know any good ways to become a millionare fast please tell me thanks.

Nagesh answers:

No offense but there’s better games than runescape out there, if you go to and go to games list there’s a ton of games

Ken asks…

Runescape questions and tips for low levels (noobs) and ownage clans to help show you around runescape =)?

Hi i’ve been playing runescape for quite some time now and i just wanna see if its still poplular? Well anyway, here are some tips to help out noobs for non members and members. Hope this helps………… =)


Okay so here are some ways to make money for some noobs (non members),

Mining-Mining is a good way for noob to get money because it is good exp and is omost found everywhere.

Ways of mining-

Once you get 47( i think) you can mine gold ore, this is good money because it is 482 gp at g e max price. (at the moment 1/9/09 at 5:36 pm eastern time zone. A full pack (28 items) is worth 13,496coins. Once you get higher mining which is up to rune and adamant, the mining for the higher section is east of god wars dungeon.(upper section)

Now for woodcutting


Okay so you hopefully read through the mining section and if that doesnt work then here is the woodcutting section.

Ways of money for woodcutter'[s]- Cutting oak trees at lv 15wc or woodcutting is okay money and just put in bank, but once you get 30 you get willows and for 45(members) there are maple which is located in seer’s village.But the most best way for noob woodcutters is Yew Trees.I’m sure you heard yew trees being pretty good money, if so then do it.(yew trees are about 13k per pack and 480 per.


Fishing is great money for noobs expecially for the noobs who play a lot.

Fishing ways of money-Once you get 40fishing you can fish lobsters which is fairly good money. I recomend 50+ then the lobsters come much more faster. Also at 50fishing you can fish swordies which is also good money.

[]~[]~[]~[]~That contains the non member section[]~[]~[]~[]~[]

Here is the noob section for MEMBERS!!W00T!

Pure essence- req is 30mining and rune mysteries quest finished.(access to mage teleport.) This is better than gold ore so i suggust you do this instead. =/

Green drags- This is not for noobs only the noobs who are daring to try it. You can find green dragons in lv 14 in the wildy or lv 22 in the wildy. This is a great way of making money and you get about 50k per trip and about 4 or 3 trips a hour.

That contains the guide for the runescape tips and blah stuff. so i hope yall injoyed it. =) Ifyou wish to add my user it is, Spiderpig11w, my private is usually off, so tell me if you wish to add me. =)

Nagesh answers:

Mike is right, this isn’t a question… I think what you’re looking for is a forum.

Oh, and you’re… Well, technically you’re right, but you’ve just coughed up what you can find out on the stats menu ingame. Anything extra that you’ve added is just what’s said on guides on sites like, runehq etc.

I bet I could rewrite this in no time at all and make it better. How about giving tips, not just information? For example, the woodcutting section… You said cut willows at 30, and didn’t even mention a level for yews. That’s right, but a “noob” shouldn’t do that – they should wait for 5+ more levels, since that’s typically when things start to speed up. Since I’m somewhat of a geek when it comes to RS, I would recommend 35+ for willows and 70+ for yews – it’s as simple as that.

Aside from all of these you should at least give SOME warning about your dragon theory. What about warning of revs? What about the fact that you need to be half decent at combat to do this method…

Don’t take this the wrong way but this guide is, well stupid. One thing I would do before you post any kind of guide is do your research. Taking the first line in the mining section ‘( i think)’ – CHECK. It takes less than a minute, and makes you guide all that more respectable.

Charles asks…

How can i make 10m on runescape members?

i just cant seem to mke money i want to buy the dragon platebody but im stuck at 2m which took me months i need a guide to help me get to 10m faster can someone help me out?plz

Nagesh answers:

Try to Wood cut, I got 22m from it.

Betty asks…

runescape farming help plz?

hey guys i just started to train farming 2days ago. i am now 35 farming i need a guide to train farming fast and also make money. i am willing to spend 50mil on this skill only and i want to get 99farming in 5month. so give me a guide about wat fruit trees, trees, and herb i should plant at each lvl

Nagesh answers:

Love to help but due to my mom having to cut her c.c., i lost my membership plus, i forgor my username to runescape (sucks to lose it really:( ) altho i cut trees to raise my w.c. Skill so if you want to raise your skill in a hurry, look at what you can plant (for exampal if you just got the abildy to plant tomatos then plant them till you can plant a better crop)

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Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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