Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mark asks…

Is there anyway I can make money online?

I not looking for any get rich quick schemes. I just want to earn a bit of extra cash on the side. Also could you not say anything that would take me like two weeks just to make a buck.

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to work online, you need to have your own business in order to make a sufficient amount of income. Your best bet is partner up with a company that direct sales a product. That will drop ship it for you. That’s what we did. You can create a web site, or have the company set up a web site for you to sale the products and services. Or collaborate with different companies. After you’ve set it up, you’ll have to generate traffic to your site as means of either advertisement (which you’ll have to spend a lot of money doing) or the more effective way is word of mouth and referals, which are free and more effective. Partner up with a company that gives you monthly earnings from services that you put people on either by in person, phone or from your web site. What I mean is for instance, my husband partnered up with a telecommunications service provider and all the cellular phone companies. Someone purchase a cell phone from our web site, or a land line or Internet service or whatever, the product it’self your able to provide at a whole sale cost as a distributer through the providers. When someone gets on the services, the company pays you a percentage of that person’s billing every single month, month after month for the referal from you by word of mouth or by your web site.
If you’d like to see an example of what I’m talking about, your more then welcome to take a look at my web site at Take a look at the products and services there, tour the company etc and to give you an idea of how you should have each of the companies and make extra money off the effort that you provided to these companies.
Once you decide on a product or products and services, you need to start driving “traffic” to your web site. A lot of work but well worth the effort when your income starts going and rapidly increases. The most effective way I’ve found is simply word of mouth and referrals. We’ve had our business for over six years and this has been the most effective way. Loyal customers bring in more customers by the way you treat them, the quality of the items you have and the timely matter of the service you provide.
Get a product and or service that’s high in demand. If you create your own web site, make sure it’s professional looking and not cheesy like a lot of web sites look out there. I’m not a web master, so I had the company do mine for me.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Linda asks…

Is there any REAL way to make money online??

I’ve been struggling to find a new job after being laid off, I found a new job about a few weeks ago but I need full time, even though I told the GM when she hired me that I would need atleast 30 hrs. And the job just isn’t delivering. I can hardly cover my rent and food and car payments. It is so hard to get a job these days, so I was curious if there was anyway to make money online without an investment (or atleast a big one) and no online schemes, does anyone know of anything?? Any anwser would be helpful.

Nagesh answers:

There will probably be some people who answer about an easy way and give you a link to their website so they get credit for getting a new person hooked up, but you should google that name and then “review” and see how it really works and see what people said who tried it and what they lost or gained.

You can earn a little money by putting things helpful in some way to others on Also, people make money selling things on ebay–sometimes they drop ship new things.

It’s amazing what people will pay money for–look at this sale that ended a few days ago on ebay for an empty toilet paper roll with two squares of paper left on it–it went for $15.00 plus $3.00 shipping charge.

Helen asks…

online money making help?

urgent advice on line money making?
there are many sites which ask to register for 40 dollars and promise 5 dollars per formed fill. but they show on working or not even a trail period. Does this scheme really work? or the are all a hoax and what are the hidden parameters??

Nagesh answers:

Most likely it is a scam, most of the online money making sites are.

Never pay anything up front to a site unless you know exactly what it is you are buying, what you have to do, how it has to be done, and most importantly, what you have to do to actually get paid. Even when they look easy to do, sometimes getting the money out of them is very difficult if not impossible.

Good luck

Robert asks…

Are there any online ‘schemes’ where you can actually make money & not get ripped off?

I’m on a HarrisPolls survey thing, which is great, but free stuff takes a LOOOOONG time to rack up, & I’d liek to know if anywhere else has legitimately worked.

Please reply only if you’re currently using such a service.
Please reply only if you’re currently using such a service.

Nagesh answers:

Basically, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Stay away from those things. Most of them are all scams or rip offs. They make $50, and send you a measly $5 reward.

If you *MUST* know…

Donna asks…

How can a woman make money online?

I’ve tried surveys and all these get rich schemes
but is there anything else that i can try and do
selling pictures, items. ANYTHING!
Dont give me a lecture about getting a job i’ve tried that but im 5 months pregnant no body is really interested in taking me on, and dont say that selling things like pictures is stupid, i know it is but i’ve got really stuck on money and i need to do something, i’ve just lost all my morals in this situation. please help me

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, there is no good way for the average person to make money on line. Almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any “free” service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can’t cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.

Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the “free” offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easily. But their web site rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in “free” offers. I have played around on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don’t let them.

You will find many people on this site that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. For instance they will say: “Go to cashcrap,com/q2347.” The “q2347” is a signal to the cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by “q2347.” If they sucker money out of you, “q2347” gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link. Other people will refer you to their own private website or blog for the purpose of trying to get money off you. The bad spelling and grammar is usually a good tip off of this.

Note that I say there is no good way for the AVERAGE person to make money on the internet. If you are not average, and have some special skill, you can make money. If you are good at selling things, try selling things on E-bay. If you are good at writing, set up a blog or other site and sell ads. If you are good at computer programming, try setting up a site that uses your skills. None of these methods are easy, you have to be really good to make much money. Since I don’t know what special skills you have, I have a hard time advising you on this.

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Thursday, July 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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