Your Questions About Money Making Schemes In India

Jenny asks…

Is this a scam? And how do debit cards work?

A lady on the phone told my mom’s friend that she was from India. And that she had billions in 5 accounts across the world or something. She said that the government was going to take it unless she gives it away to people in need. A week ago my mom sent name, addresses, and emails (about 15), because her friend told her about it. she said that everyone was going to get 500 a week for a year though email or something. Now thankfully I got on the phone with the lady because my mom can’t speak much english, I’m little suspicious because I heard about pyrimid schemes. And how sometimes the person at the top of the pyrimid makes up abunch of different account so that all the money will flow to them. Now , if she didn’t want the government to take the money, why would she need us when she could make up different accounts? She said we needed to have a debit card to put the money in. I’m also wondering if it’s possible to overdraft a debit card? Now I’m only 13, so I don’t know much about credit cards, but I thought you could only take out money if you have money already in the card, and you can’t have a negative account if you use a debit card. Can you please explain how this works too?

Nagesh answers:

It is an old con

Once you give these people your card details they take all your money out of your account

You get nothing you just loose. 00

Donald asks…

please guide me in choosing a topic – THANKS IN ADVANCE?

I have a competetion in IBM ,and these r d following project topics.Pls choose me the best.
1 7th All India School Education Survey (AISES)
2 Anganawadi Information Management and Impact Analysis System
3 Animal husbandry – Cattle development
4 Anti Money Laundering System
5 Cash assistance to infirm and aged persons
6 Comprehensive Agriculture Information Thru Kiosk
7 Core Banking – Consumer & Corporate
8 CRM for Airlines Industry
10 Disease surveillance system
11 Dispensary Management System
12 District Collectorate Office – Information integration
13 E-Bazar
14 E-indenting
15 eTicketing
16 Fair Price Shops
17 Generic Project Management Portal
18 Gram Panchayat Budget Management System
19 Insurance System
20 Make your wish
21 Medicine Informatics
22 Mention your own project scenario
23 Schemes Database
24 Tourism Management Solution
25 University Admission System
26 Vehicle Identification
Let me knw the reason too

Nagesh answers:

You didnt mention which type of competition you are having
is it debate or speech or any other

choosing the topic depends on what is your strong field and
on what topic can you do your homework

whatever it is it is you who has to step up to an audience and speak . It is the matter on which you can handle so it is upto you to choose the best topic

Richard asks…

Great Mind Challenge IBM 2007. Please help me to choose a project. Project is based on database management.?

These are the topics available.
1 .7th All India School Education Survey (AISES)
2 Anganawadi Information Management and Impact Analysis System
3 Animal husbandry – Cattle development
4 Anti Money Laundering System
5 Cash assistance to infirm and aged persons
6 Comprehensive Agriculture Information Thru Kiosk
7 Core Banking – Consumer & Corporate
8 CRM for Airlines Industry
10 Disease surveillance system
11 Dispensary Management System
12 District Collectorate Office – Information integration
13 E-Bazar
14 E-indenting
15 eTicketing
16 Fair Price Shops
17 Generic Project Management Portal
18 Gram Panchayat Budget Management System
19 Insurance System
20 Make your wish
21 Medicine Informatics
22 Mention your own project scenario
23 Schemes Database
24 Tourism Management Solution
25 University Admission System
26 Vehicle Identification
give me the reason for ur choice. these scenarios r available in

Nagesh answers:

Medicine Informations I think would be one of the easiest to manage in a DB, or Vehicle Identification. I deal with MySQL Databases in PHP, so those are the two that I would chose.

Susan asks…

what are some examples of large “Schemes” or “Ventures” created by the British in history?

African colonies? (Sir Winston Churchill even helped in the raping of South Africa? or what was that venture about?)

what about India or Opium wars with China or other large scale schemes or Ventures for making large scale power plays on whole countries..where many are working for little and making lots of money or things for a few people?

WAS WORLD WAR 2 THE SAME REALLY? Churchill was wanting to take the head for this “Venture” personally? how so?


Nagesh answers:

A scheme has the connotation of something illegal or at least questionable while a venture has the connotation of a legal enterprise.
One of the best example of a venture would be the British East India Company. I’m not sure if the Opium Wars could be classified as either a venture or schemes, as they were actions taken by the British government to insure the continuation of trade.

Chris asks…

What do you do if you find your doctor has been over charging your insurance company?

I see a psychiatrist for a service called “medication management.” This means I see him for a stable condition for about 6-10 minutes and he writes me prescriptions. It does not pay well–around $70 negotiated insurance rate including my $25 copay.

I get quarterly statements from Medicare. I discovered my doctor has been charging the much more expensive service of 45-50 minutes psychotherapy plus medicine and evaluation. He bills $250 for this. Insurance pays a lower negotiated rate, but still higher than the cheap and easy medication management rate.

I feel this might constitute medicare insurance fraud because I’m not being provided with the services he charges for. There are only 2 doctors in the area where I live. Both are from India, and both seem to have this policy of over charging for visits. They see 4-5 people an hour, but are charging for hour visits…it doesn’t add up.

I did confront one of them about it. Instead of admitting fault, and offering an apology for ripping me and the government off, she told me to go find another doctor. I was so nice to her. I gave her the opportunity to make it right, and I’m a pretty understanding guy. She didn’t take me up on the chance to offer me time to make up for the time she charged for but didn’t provide. So I went over to this other doctor, and her’s doing the same thing.

I’m frustrated because I am not getting better service…and I’m frustrated that they are using tax payer dollars as some kind of “easy money” scheme..
@Flower I pay a couple hundred dollars a month for medicare and part D. I had much lower cost insurance when I worked–and it was better. Where I come from stealing money and ripping the government and customers off is very very bad. Its dishonest. Its manipulative. It is “milking” the system to make it worthwhile for those collecting money. I would say that I wouldn’t have a problem if my psychiatrist would actually listen to my problems for an hour before hastily writing prescriptions, but he doesn’t. Therefore he should not be paid for services not rendered.

I hope you aren’t a doctor engaging in these types of abusive insurance practices.

Nagesh answers:

By your description it does sound like it could very well be fraud. Report it to Medicare; they’ll check into it and if found to be substantiated you could possibly get a small reward.

Here is the website with information:

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Monday, June 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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