Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Donna asks…

with all this revolution going on in india am i fair to say that in another 15 years to come?

India will be just like any western country… as divorce is up … and women are plotting to make as much money as they can quickly… That the social fabric of india will collapse and the safety of the house and family will disappear and multi marriages and divorces will become a normal thing like in weatern societies? and that children from broken marriages will become peodophiles and criminals and that just like western societies crime will increase dramatically.Like western societies governments will have problems funding lavish life styles for their politicians and a new revoluton will start? just like the one waiting to happen in the uk and america… and other western countries?

Nagesh answers:

Hi there !
Yeah..though sounds scary …..looks like we are “advancing towards” such a future….
But whether the future generations will be
so ” sincere” and “devoted” to start another revolution/mutiny in our society ? I doubt it…….maybe whatever is said in our holy books like Quran, Bible, and Ramayana, may happen…
Some thing like a “revelation” ? A “Divine assistance ” in the form of “another prophet”? “another Lord Krishna” ? “another Jesus” ? May come to our earthlings assistance ? Another miracle will happen and the vicious cycle will go on and on….
Let us assume like that…..and relax..

Best wishes !

Richard asks…

Is this possible?? a free ps3 for the uk residents only. have a look

They will probably have to stop doing these promotions as word spreads how easy it is to so take advantage of it whilst there is still time!

Follow these steps to get yourself a free PS3 for just a little bit of time and effort. 100% legitimate.

STEP 1: Follow the above link( copy and paste)

STEP 2: Register. This costs nothing and you don’t even have to go on with the offer after this if you don’t want to.

STEP 3: Now you get a number of offers from different companies – You need to complete one of these offers. This will activate your account and give you a credit so when you have enough referrals you can claim your item, without completing the offer you will not be able to receive it.

I would suggest using the Lovefilm free trail offer as you don’t need to pay. Just remember to cancel the trail before 21 days if you don’t want to stay a member. (NOTE: pick 10 dvd titles then wait for 1 dvd to be dispatched then then cancel your membership when you receive the dvd, just simply posting it back in the pre-paid envelope. This will mean that you will complete the offer without having to pay a thing.

STEP 4: Refer people. I would recommend making an Ebay page like this you will then get your referrals very quickly. A friend of mine managed to get 10 in just two days with this page layout so I am giving it a go too, got nothing to lose! You only need 13 referrals for a PS3. Lets all enjoy getting free PS3’s whilst the offer lasts!

Still not convinced?

Watch this feature on the BBC Newsnight program as it explains exactly how these companies make their money and how they can afford to give away these items:

Nagesh answers:

Hahahaha nice “Question”

Still I’m a fellow referral searcher. I got my self a free mini mac in this way, it takes some work but is well worth it. I found this site really useful when getting mine, it has some good tips on there and explains the concept well.

Lisa asks…

How do I raise finance quickly?

During the summer we completed the purchase of a new home. Our existing home which is in move in condition in a great area and being marketed at a competitive price has failed to sell because of the time of year and for no other reason. We are now committed to buy the other home however the sub prime mortgage market has collapsed in the meantime meaning that raising the bridging finance is proving next to impossible. We have 3 weeks to raise 150,000 pounds (I am in the UK). Our IFA is working hard to find a suitable mortgage product but the changing market conditions are making this very hard. We have no rich relatives. The issue is mostly that we were going to borrow on the 200K+ equity on our existing home self cert to do the bridge but the loan to value available has been dropped dramatically as lenders play safe, leaving us stuck with a problem in the meantime. Help! What is the quickest way to raise this money?
Can I just emphasise that I am in the UK, so need a loan in sterling. Also anyone who replies offering finance but without a phone number and website and some means of verifying themselves will be ignored.

Nagesh answers:

1. If you want to make comparisons using very accurate data, get quotes from different lenders or brokers on the same day. Mortgage quotes change daily. At times, they even change several times in one day.

2. When you compare terms, compare mortgage quotes for similar lock periods. A lock period is the specific span of time that guarantees implementation of a certain rate. As a rule of thumb, longer lock periods have higher rates. Lock periods are generally offered in increments, like 15, 30, or 60 days.

3. Compare mortgage quotes that have the same points, such as zero or one. In the mortgage business, a point is the term given to a rate. Three points, for example, means three percent. Mortgage quotes follow a tiered pricing. This gives you the opportunity to buy the rate and bring it up or down. How? It’s very simple. To make the points decrease, increase the mortgage rate. To make the points increase, reduce the rate.

4. In the quote you ask for, ask that the quote loan be separated from associates fees. Property taxes, home insurance, and pre-paid interest are not lender’s fees. What falls under lender’s fees are the following: standard title, appraisal fees, and processing or underwriting charges.

5. Compare mortgage quotes of the same type. There are many types of mortgages. There is a buy-to-let mortgage. Then, there are also self-build mortgage, right-to-buy mortgage, and reverse mortgage. The terms of your mortgage could change along with the type.

Lizzie asks…

If all non-Muslims boycotted all Muslim businesses -how long would it take to make them change their ways.?

To paraphrase-money is the root of all religion-if you choose to purchase your goods from non-Muslim stores,things would change very quickly in the UK.
Oh contraire -When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.
Just Pakistani Muslim stores.

Nagesh answers:

It would make the Muslims even stronger knowing the God is the provider….. Not creation.


Paul asks…

Please help me understand drug addiction?

Sorry if this is a bit long, I will try and explain this as best I can…

My partner’s brother is now in his mid 60’s and is a drug addict. He has been in prison for drug dealing both in the UK and abroad on and off serving approx 10-15 years. He doesn’t drug deal any more but is addicted to them. I am not sure what he is taking, but I think it is Coke and Heroine. He hears voices and shakes uncontrollably, all the time, he has no pride in his appearance and has lost most of his teeth and basically looks a mess.

In his prime he was a very handsome man, he had property, fast cars, a beautiful wife and son. According to my partner, he was incredibly arrogant and rather than work for it like the rest of it, he chose a different path by selling drugs and making alot of money quickly. Well he’s lost everything. He lives with his mother who is in her 80’s. He sleeps during the day and every 2-3 days buys more drugs – we are assuming with money he is getting from benefits (he has not worked since his last stint in prison 12 years ago), OR that his mother gives him some of her pension.

He keeps saying he is going to, as he puts, it “turn a corner” and that he is close to giving up, but these are just empty words. My partner confronted him and said, OK if you’re going to give up, give me a time limit, well of course he couldn’t do that.

is it too late? Can we help him? If so, what can we do if he won’t help himself?

Nagesh answers:


Well, your partner’s brother sounds like he’s sure had his difficulties with addiction. I think it’s good that you and your partner want to understand better, and I will try and explain addiction the best I can.

First off, addiction is believed to be a chronic disease that gets worse with time. Even medical doctors now acknowledge that drug addicts have different brain chemistry (this wasn’t able to be proven until modern technology could show it). So the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that a drug addict who is using drugs or drinking is not going to be thinking or acting like a “normal” person would. Their brain is literally wired to need and seek out drugs. He probably feels the urge to use as soon as he wakes up in the morning, and it’s probably at the forefront of his mind until he goes to sleep. If he is using heroin, this only complicates things, as he would be physically addicted to heroin as well. So if he doesn’t use, he gets very sick. So he feels the need to use both emotionally and physically to try and feel okay. Of course, this changes once an addict is detoxed and has been sober for a period of time, but there is still that “addiction wiring” in their brain. This is why it’s suggested that a drug addict remain completely abstinent from all drugs and alcohol to maintain sobriety.

Secondly, those empty promises he gives you probably mean something to him, but his addiction basically takes over and he is unable to stop, even if he wants to. Many addicts find that they have to reach a horrible place, also called “hitting rock bottom”, before they can stop. Most “normal” people would think that going to prison or getting arrested or losing all your money or houses or cars would be a rock bottom, but to a drug addict–those are just things. The important rock bottom a drug addict has to hit is an EMOTIONAL bottom. That is, they could still have a million dollars and a nice house, wife, cars, etc. But if they FEEL like they are done, then that is where change can happen. This is why you see so many addicts lose it all but keep using drugs. Because they haven’t reached that place of despair inside.

So, negative consequences do not mean much to an addict. This is one of the criteria in the definition of addiction: “Addicts continue to use despite negative consequences.” So punishing or threatening an addict will not make them stop using. This is why so many addicts go to prison but use drugs again within a day or two of getting out. Punishment means nothing in active addiction.

To answer your questions: No, it is not too late. I know many people who have gotten clean and sober in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s. I met a man once at an AA meeting who was 30 days sober and he was 87 years old. He said he was a drunk his whole life, lost it all–house, wife, kids, grandkids, etc.–and that he had made peace with that. But he just wanted to be sober before he died. I also had several clients in treatment who were well into their 60s and 70s. They can still get clean.

The things you can do to help would be: don’t enable him. Enabling means providing money, rides, clothing, food, etc. Enabling an addict in any way just makes it easier for them to use. They also will believe that they can continue to manipulate you–this is just how addicts think. It seems he is enabled by his mother, which is unfortunate, but very common with parents of addicts. They tend to feel guilty and can’t say “no” despite all of the bad things their (adult) child has done or is doing. Secondly, you can try to stage an intervention if you believe it might help. An intervention MUST be performed by an intervention specialist. They basically construct a plan to try and “bring” the addict’s rock bottom to him. Interventions are very popular here in the US, and we even have several reality TV shows which document interventions and addicts getting sober from them. The end of an intervention basically is an ultimatum: The addict either goes into rehab right this second, or there are a set of very specific therapeutic consequences (this is what the interventionist helps with). This might be a good choice if you can get his mother on board. She is his primary enabler, and if she continues to provide him with money and a roof over her head, he will most likely continue to use indefinitely.

There really is no way to force an addict to stop using. I think this has been made apparent by your partner’s brother’s case. The best advice I can give you would be to take care of yourself, and the same for your partner. There is a 12 step program called “Alanon” which is for the family and loved ones of alcoholics and addicts. It is an excellent anonymous free program just like Alcoholics Anonymous, except it’s for the family (who are not alcoholics). You might want to look into meetings in your area. Just do an internet search for “Alanon meetings” in your city. They have specific ways of helping to cope with having

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Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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