Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Helen asks…

Can anyone give me a way of making money fast to be able to buy white beret and white ele’ blouse on Runescape?

I need a quick way of making money to be able to buy White beret and White ele’ blouse… My username for RS is Yemenia10100 im lvl 66 and i need help!!!! please respond as soon as possible or just add me on Runescape: Yemenia10100 and inform me ur from Yahoo-.- 🙂
Yh but if i flax and then make it into bowstrings its like….. gonna take forever!!!!!! i have like 54 flax in my bank though i tried it out… but how much would i need to like make a mill?????!!!!! help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!add me on RS too
R u serious??? Chaos Druids.. id die like in an instance i killl the dragons though!
Im a mem too
What r g dragons?

Nagesh answers:

Well there is no EASY way of making money but there are quick ways of doing so. One is to continue killing g dragons and looting there hide and bones. Since your lvl 66 just wear what ever armor you specialize in ex. Archer, mage, melee. Just bring a anti dragon sheild . In 1 week i made just about 1 mill and i only played 2 hours a day so in about 7-10 hours you can make a good profit. Or if nooby ways are your will then go to caramja and go into the cave then go into the members gated area and make sure you bring some lobby or shark and there is good money to be found there… I am lazaar lvl 113 so i just kill the black dragons and kill the calfite queen a bunch.

Betty asks…

whats a good way to train range in rs fast?

im atm at 64 ranged and im using a rune c’bow and topaz(e) and above. i heard that knives are very good for training but i dont want to waste money because i am very poor. can you also please recommend me a good way to make very fast money. i only have 160k and i want to buy good things =P thnx for the help

Nagesh answers:

Ur like totaly in the wrong section. TOTALY.

But lucky for you i use to be a pure on that game and i was 99mage/range/str. Soo.. Best way are iron knives at firegiants or cannon at rockcrabs. You are one poor motherf*cker in that game.

Jenny asks…

How To Make Fast Money On Paypal?

I wanna Get RS memBership But I Had it For Like 5 years then left for 5 years and i want to get it but not spend another $300 on it and please help no anwsers like (get a Life or suck B##ls Poorbie

Nagesh answers:

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. Http://

Charles asks…

how do i make money on rs if most of my stats r 1?

almost all my stats r 1. my str is 78,my hp 75,my atk is 62, my deff is 60, my mage is 26 (=P it sucks), my range is 74, and pretty much the skiller stats r 1. help me make fast cash fast =[

Nagesh answers:

Well… You could try killing stuff. Or you could try leveling your stats and then making money. There isn’t a good way to make money with low stats. Killing stuff is pretty much your best bet.

Mark asks…

What is a fast way to make money on runescape?

I would like something good not pick flax and spin it or kill black dragons. Keep in mind that I am only a level 65 member. Make sure it makes atleast 300K an hour. RS name: Aprentice34. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Hey Sasquatch9799,

As you may know, or not, there’s quite a few ways on how you could make money in-rs. Most of the people make nature runes, or go to God Wars, but since you are level 65 you can’t really go to God Wars.

My suggestion for you would be to make nature runes really,
I suppose you could do “Lunar Diplomacy & Dream Mentor” quests, and then pick snape grass (this way would give you around 350-500K per hour, it’s quite boring though). You also need 72 magic in order to do snape grass method.

Nature runes making is quite easy to be honest, most of the people use “Graahk method”, but since you’re level 65 you probably don’t have high enough summoning level to do that (57 summoning). There’s only one way in which you could craft nature runes, which would be called “Abyss rc’ing”, you can find these guides here:

Snape grass:
Abyssal rcing:
White berry:
Chaos druids:

Sorry that I couldn’t provide better guides, but it’s because of your rather low combat level, anyway I hope that this was enough for you, best of luck! Should you need any other help, let me know.

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Monday, May 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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