Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Mary asks…

How can a 14 year old make money?

I am a 14 year old girl looking to make some money. I don’t mind what I do and I am in no rush to make money quickly. I was thinking about doing dog walking/car washing but I didn’t know if it would be popular. Has anyone done dog walking/car washing? Did you make any money from it?
Or, I was thinking of starting my own business selling things, but what? I was thinking about selling cakes for childrens parties as I make a lot of cakes at home and can do childrens designs and stuff but I don’t know if I would make any money from that. BTW i have tried cutting grass for people, but it wasnt popular and I can’t seem to get a paper round. Does anyone have any suggestions for things to sell or another way of making money?
Also, if I did do dog walking/car washing, how much should I charge?

Nagesh answers:

Summer – You could sell lemonade juices around where you live.
Car washing sounds good.
Bake some cakes or cupcakes and sell them piece by piece to little kids. If it’s good , trust me you WILL make money from it.
Or you could buy cheap candy , from Sams club ( idontknow if you have that btw ) and sell them. Like the big boxes

Winter – Knock on some doors and ask if they want their car dugged out of the snow.

Fall – Sweep up some leaves for the neighbors.

Spring – You could be hired as a florist anywhere, or you could do gardening for some neighbors also.

It all depends if their cheap or not. You can make money from it though.

You can also babysit. Find moms that like to go out clubbing, single moms or with dads that work late. That also helps alot.

EDIT : Dont listen to these jerks , dont sell your body for money. In the long run theirs always side effects. Trust me its not worth it. Your still young. Theirs alot of jobs out their !
You dont have to vote me ; but i really wish you best of luck because i was eager in finding some money, i was on the edge of selling myself. But i didnt , you shouldnt either.
And selling new’s paper does work. Also , being a waitress you get a good tip daily. Its good !
Again , wish you best of luck.

Richard asks…

Making Money?

i would like to know, if any one knows really good easy ways to make heaps of money quickly at home? any advise? or even good sites? Or any good money making ideas??

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from my home in a rural, mountain area for just a little over the last year and am close to earning 25k right now. There are a lot of scams out there, so do be careful. If you e-mail me I do have some sites that you can check out the quality of the companies you are looking into. Particularly data entry and type at home and the survey companies tend to be bogus and will take off with your money, with the promise to pay you after hours filling out things online. The company I work with has scored in the top 10 work from home opportunities available, has been around some 20+ years and has won the BBB Golden Hall of Fame Award for Ethics and Integrity as well as countless other awards, including Inc. 500 (5 times, that is more than Microsoft has).

One thing, if you are SERIOUS about working from home, just because you are in your home you still must WORK, no HONEST company will say you can collect a paycheck for sitting home watching tv in your underwear.

Feel free to e-mail me and I’ll give you some legit companies to check out, not just the one I work with.

Good Luck and Be Well.

Helen asks…

Work from home – am I too gullible to believe I can make money online with a free program?

I must find a way to make money online (not talking about make money instantly, but starting somewhere) because I am forced to stay most of the time at home due to my health issues. I have insurance and health care, but I doubt they will pay forever – I need some additional revenue. I tried doing virtual assistant and it works (in spite of low rates), but I am looking for something else as a residual income as well. Any recommendations? And don’t bother pitching your get rich quickly schemes, I do not have money to invest in crap – someone in a similar situation can maybe offer real advice.

Nagesh answers:

Hold on, cowboy! The whole “work from home” meme is a minefield nowadays – I hope you are not falling for the most obvious ones – word of advice, the popular AdWords pyramid games have been severely cut down by G and people lost lots of money. But since you mentioned the virtual PA, I imagine that you are looking for the good old-fashioned work from home method to make money online, the one that involves hard WORK and is not another way to make money instantly only for its author. You could check the reviews websites – but be aware some people are true advertising wh*res and just write fake reviews to get leads for the affiliate program. There is a new system launched by Paul Myers not long ago that seems to be on the legit side of doing business – use yahoo to search for “partner with Paul” or simply partner with paul without quotes and you should get it. You can view some references at – it is a free way to make money online by registering on one of the hot websites of the moment and offering there services you either provide yourself or get from other places. Nothing wrong with it – offer meets demand and all that – just be aware that it takes some time to master and don’t imagine you will break the bank or anything working from home – unless you are already a banker.
Good luck!

Nancy asks…

HELP ME! How can I make money quickly before I lose my home?

I live in Virginia and I am having an extremely hard time finding a job. I am a college student and I am not a felon or have any other things that would keep me from getting a job, other than the economy sucks and all the jobs are pretty much taken. I’m still actively looking and using staffing services, but I’m broke! I’m about to lose my apartment. I was fired from my last job because I missed a week. I was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis. I NEED money. I’m about to lose my apartment and my car. Disability isn’t an option…I tried for my anxiety issues. I have spent my entire student loan and I am down to my last $10. My parents do not have the funds to help me either. Please. PLEASE. Show me a way to make some money. I have nothing to sell but my art (I’m a graphic design student) but nobody seems to want to buy… Please only honest answers. Anything disrespectful or offensive will be reported to yahoo! Answers staff. Please help. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Get 2 part-time jobs if you have to. Most places like Walmart or Target hire lots of help for the holidays. Have a yard sale and sell anything extra you have…dishes, extra sets of sheets, extra towels, old picture frames, dishes and clothes. You might think you don’t have a lot to sell, but what is junk or extra stuff to you is needed by someone else and they will buy it. Display your art at your yard sale too, and be realistic about the pricing…you need the money can work toward the fame and art galleries later.
If you are a good student, offer to tutor….or maybe you could babysit. Just don’t give up without a fight.
Good luck!

Betty asks…

What should I do with my life?

I’m a creative individual. I love to create things, love fashion, love music and singing (and I’m pretty darn good at it!). I want to work from home if at all possible, but I’m being pressured into taking a sales job (yuck!) by my loving significant other.

I need a way to make money quickly, from home… Any thoughts on what I should do? I’m at a loss, and I feel like I’ve already thought of all the possibilities out there.

Your suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Maybe start doing some youtube videos, playing an instrument or singing. Sales is a good job, there is good commission in it, just look for a job while you have that sales gig, its going to be tough out there but maybe in this sales job u can throw in your titles such as independent sales rep/writer, or singer/composer/fashion merchandiser, look into articles that help you develop or acquire skills in the areas of your interest. Hope this helps.

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Sunday, May 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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