Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Charles asks…

can i reallly get money from this scheme?

It says i can earn at home by making envelpoes, which could get me around 2 pounds per envelope. The company calls itself abssuk and this is the website they have
I search the net and have seen many people saying its a scam, so what shall i do register and pay or forget it?

Nagesh answers:


Use a bit of common sense. Of course it’s a scam but if you want to go ahead and waste your money, don’t let us stop you.

Laura asks…

I want to work from home (PC/telephone work). Does anyone know any UK companies offering GENUINE homework?

There are loads of opportunities on the internet – but loads are scams/pyramid schemes/MLM etc which make little or no money. Is there anyone working from home successfully (who is not just trying to advertise?!) I’m not looking to run a business just generate a regular income as I have children at home.

Nagesh answers:

I wish i could help you but i have no ideas. I wish you good luck.

Sandra asks…

What is the reputation of AGIO Promotions (formerly Active UK)?

I’ve been approached to work for AGIO Promotions to sell a product I’m actually very interested in and believe in. However, I’ve never done sales before, and I’m very much aware of scams and other such easy money making schemes. They seem legit, but so far it’s all been very easy. Maybe it is. Just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with them either as a customer or employee? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I’ve been involved with AGIO Promotions as a salesperson for a number of months now. You’d be right in assuming they’re legit. They’ve always been straightforward and quick to deal with, no problems as of yet to report. They do expect you to already be a salesperson and to put the work in….I do, and make a good living from it. Commissions are genuinely very good so If you can sell, you’ll make the money….some interesting products too.

Hope you find this helpful, James.

Linda asks…

Why are environmentalists now saying that stopping global warming isn’t as important as protecting endangered?


Have they found their new moneymaking scheme?
To the idiotic moron who called me a “neocon,” get an education. A neoconservative is a liberal who has converted to conservatism. I was never liberal.

Nagesh answers:

It’s not so much money making as it is promoting their fairy tale delusional indoctrination. There are plenty of con-men following them to cash in on their bigotry.

The neo-Marxist eco-bigots scramble for the next fabrication or reality they can use to beat “greedy capitalists.” Notice that no matter how much industrial capitalists are involved (3% of the 13% of CO2 humans produce) the neo-Marxist eco-bigots hammer only on that.

PS: A neo-con is basically a soft-core national socialist. They sold out to even bigger government than classic conservatives. True liberal were always the small government group. Today’s “liberals” are socialists fraudulently using the label. See below.

True liberalism advocates: individual freedom, weak government, and free markets. Conservatism advocates: moral responsibility, strong government, and protected markets. Socialism advocates: social responsibility, omnipotent government, and controlled markets.

Michael asks…

Are you making good money?

I have a job which pays reasonably OK, but I would love to hear from anyone who has made some money, whether it be speadbetting, (or any other way), I don’t have much of a clue about these things.
Would anyone be kind enough to offer their advise and tips.. I don’t want to join any dodgy schemes or anything..just would love to learn to do this for myself. (I live in Hampshire- UK). Thanks in advance! :0)
and no..I wouldn’t sell myself!!!

Nagesh answers:

Yes thank you.

Working damn hard for long hours. Two reasonably well paid jobs. One of which involves some time working from home, so I get the benefit of the extra income and still being able to be at home in the evenings with my wife. Both jobs have flexible hours, so I can also schedule to be off work when she has her days off, although I inevitably end up working some part of the day.

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Thursday, May 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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