Your Questions About Money Making Schemes In India

Lizzie asks…

where to do investment?





As per survey taken by ‘’RS.INVESTMENT’s’’ 68% of people in Mumbai don’t know
How to manage their finance neither they can afford to pay the high fee of financial advisor

In today’s world getting knowledge for ur finance is very important. But when we ask for any knowledge the CFP do charge to manage our finance

I have written to president and education minister regarding this that there should be subject in every stream after 12th STD where student can understand about capital market and financial market. So according to that each an every individual can plan there finances.
At this time they do have basic knowledge and some chapter of stock market which is not enough.

I have also sent a original copy of letter which has been signed by 15 different college principal’s, And over 1200 students which include F.Y.JC, S.YJC,

‘Barclaycard’ brand name and big bank in U.K to help their customer what they did they went and given interest free period for all the card holder who lost their job in this global meldown
they also reduce the interest rate for all the customer and also min payment was reduce from 2.50% to 2.00% which help the customer a lot in U.K.they also started giving advice over the phone to all customer how to manage their finance in this global melldown,and they didn’t charge for that free financial advice.

When they can do it why cant we give free financial advice where India is an developing country

Savings Bank Account ,Money Market Funds (also known as liquid funds) ,Bank Fixed Deposit (Bank FDs) ,Post Office Savings Schemes (POSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF) ,Company Fixed Deposits (FDs) ,Bonds and Debentures , Mutual Funds

These are the basic things where we should be having knowledge about
And I demand for free advise in today’s market so that the people in India should save money not book losses in capital market

Every time when there is big market correction we always here suicide cases through out India

I will be writing to BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE as well to get each and every broker and operator should be given training for capital market advice and financial advice So while making trade for their client the can make their suggestion as well

Nagesh answers:

You are brilliant ,what you said is exactly correct.

Joseph asks…

Why policy of Whistle Blowers is not success in Indian Banks?

Central government announced policy of protection to whistle blowers to improve vigilance administration long back. It is remarkable to say here that whistle blowers are those working staff who secretly report to CVC about the corrupt practice such as bribe based lending or commission based contractual work or purchase of goods and services of his higher authority or his colleague. According to this policy Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is authorized to receive written complaints for disclosure of any allegation of corruption, misuse of office, abuse of power and recommend appropriate action.

Every Public Sector undertakings including banks also announcd similar policy advising staff not to be silent spectator of corrupt practice in the office or branch they work. Inspite of such policy announcement and subsequent reminding circulars for the same there is no actual response from staff working all over India. It is an open secret that cancer of corruption is all pervasive and widely rampant in all offices and branches.Still honest staff thinks it wise to be silent spectator of all unhealthy and unjustifiable actions of powerful persons inspite of the fact that bank management tried to convince whistleblowers by saying that staff can submit such complaints of allegation of corruption in writing in a sealed cover directly to CVC without any fear of repercussion. Rather bank management has announced incentive scheme for such whistle blower.

Corruption as a matter of fact includes not only giving bribe or commission. Higher management or powerful bosses can indulge in various other types of corrupt practice which induce and inculcate unhealthy practices in offices and branches they control. Whimsical posting , whimsical promotions of yes-man and flatterers superseding so many talented workers and arbitrary transfer by higher authorities are carried out without any hindrances from any corner. Higher authorities can do so by using powers of discretion given to them in promotion policy by way of interview and in transfer policy by showing exigencies of bank’s work. ‘

Any officer who creates impediments in the path of corrupt bosses in earning bribe and commission or in getting golden gifts or in getting red carpet welcome in five star hotels from his yes men serving in branches and offices under him is very easily removed .
Any worker specially an officer who is a considered would- be whistle blower, a prospective complainer of evil works of executives, he or she may be transferred to such a critical place that his or her family life and social life becomes hell.
Bank management has power to make an officer as Branch Manager (apparently incentive but practically a punishment) and post him to such a remote place that he cannot visualize even peaceful living of his or her family.
Such honest and talented officers are transferred from one corner to other extremely far located other corner even violating normal transfer policy. Such honest officers will not be sanctioned leave when they desire. Even slightest mistakes of such honest and prospective whistle blowers are viewed seriously by corrupt team of officers in controlling offices and they are rebuked , humiliated before a gathering and what not until they feel isolated, frustrated and attain a position of depression.
On the contrary officers who are yes-man and flatterers of corrupt bosses, who earn bribe and share with bosses, who extend five star welcome to bosses, who on the excuse of inauguration or a function call the bosses and offer costly gifts are given choice posting , quickest promotion and given whatsoever they desire.
Actions of almost all executives demonstrates that they like those officers who earn money and gifts through lending or purchase of goods and service and honestly share with bosses called as executives. Rather such corrupt team of executives award junior level corrupt officers not only by giving them cream posting and unusual and abnormal promotion but also praising them before the mass gathering.

Obviously policy of incentives for whistle blowers introduced by corrupt team of executives sitting in top posts becomes a laughing stock for ground level honest officers.

Nagesh answers:

Ask questions to confirm your thoughts.
Ask questions because it is less tiring than studying for answers.
Ask questions to get the chance to socialize.
These are the main reasons for the worldwide success Y!A
I did not understand in which category is your question.
If it is in part of the third group, welcome!
Whenever possible, you will have my help! Good evening |

Helen asks…

Khadeja APUSH work….?

General James Wolfe-led the British in taking over Quebec; killed in the battle

Currency Act- banned the use of paper money as legal tender; forced colonists to use gold and silver which was in short supply

Sugar Act- raised price of molasses; improvement on molasses act; rejected by colonists

Navigation Acts- tightened up in 1762; forced colonists to sell goods through Britain; angered colonists

John Hancock- smuggled French molasses so he wouldn’t have to pay for the English kind

Stamp Act- British tax imposed on colonists to pay for the British soldiers in the colony; rejected by many colonists

Sam Adams- wrote a book against the stamp act; An American View of the Stamp Act

Daughters of Liberty- women who provided supplies when the colonists were boycotting English goods; knit clothing etc.

Patrick Henry-one of the most outspoken Patriots in Virginia; blamed George III for supporting the ministers who designed the stamp act

James Otis-Massachusetts; disputed legitimacy of a general search warrant; cited English legal precedent

Townshend Acts-imposed duties on paper, paint, glass, and tea; gave some money to American military but more was given to imperial officers to increase their power; also created Revenue Act of 1767 which created a board of American custom commissioners

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania- written by John Dickinson; said that the real issue was not whether tax was internal or external but the intention of the legislation; argued the Townshend duties were designed to raise the revenue of the imperial government

Lord North-became prime minister; took away all taxes except for tea tax; American merchants did not mind

Tea Act-took away taxes on tea for East India Company; making it cheaper than the Dutch tea; when Americans began buying this tea Patriots thought it was a British scheme; directly leads to the civil war

Coercive Act-made to force Massachusetts in to submission; just after Boston Tea party; Boston Harbor was to be closed until the tea was paid for; local town meetings were prohibited; barracks were to built for the British soldiers or they were to be quartered in people’s houses; and all trials would be done in England

Nagesh answers:

Excise levies-essentially sales taxes on goods such as salt beer and distilled spirits, once again passion on the costs of the war to the kind’s ordinary subjects (Pg. 136)
Rotten Boroughs-tiny districts whose voters were controlled by wealthy aristocrats and merchants. (Pg. 136)
Vice-admiralty courts-maritime tribunals composed only of a judge and not by a local common law jury. (Pg.137)
Radical Whigs-The emergence of a big and expensive government confirmed the predictions of the British opposition parties. (Pg.136)
Virtually represented- in the home legislature by the merchants who sat in parliament and by other members with interests in America. (Pg.139)
Sons of Liberty- led by men, the mobs demanded the resignation of newly appointed stamp tax collectors, most of whom were native born colonists. (Pg.141)
Common Law- the centuries old body of legal rules and procedures that protected the king’s subjects against arbitrary acts by the government. (Pg.143)
Homespun- American women ordinarily excluded from public affairs became their to the non importation movement through their production. (Pg.146)
Minutemen-The concord town meeting voted to raise a defensive force to stand at a minutes warning in case of alarm.

Susan asks…

debug this program for me. there is a error in line 418: do must have a while…?

char password[30];
void horizon_prnlin();
struct date{
int dd,mm,yy;
void moneyin();
void moneyout();
void customercare();
void changebank();
void makeaccount();
struct bank{
int e_code;
char e_name[20];
struct date dob;
void main()
int ch;
char reply;
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
void customercare()
char reply;
int ch;
cout<<"nn Enter your question";
cout<<"nn Enter 1 for knowing the fascilities provided by the bank";
cout<<"nn Enter 2 for loans and interest schemes“;
cout<<"nn Enter 3 for queries about debit cum atm card";
cout<<"nn Enter 4 for the queries about retirement schemes of the company”;
cout<<"nn Enter 5 for thr privacy conditions";
cout<<"nn Enter 6 for terimination conditions";
cout<<"nn Enter 7 for the publicity conditions";
case 1:
cout<<"nn The bank provides the following fascilities :-";
cout<<"n1. It provides cover against any untoward event or accident.";
cout<<"n2. Wealth managment options.";
cout<<"n3. Core banking.";
cout<<"n4. Loans for homes, education, healthcare etc.";
cout<<"n5. Largest ATM network all over India“;
cout<<"n6. Free Debit cum ATM card";
cout<<"n7. Instant credit upto Rs.50,000 of outstation cheques";
cout<<"nn************HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE************";
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 2:
cout<<"nn Preferential loans and present floating schemes are as follows”;
cout<<"n Housing loans upto 5 years 3% of P.A ";
cout<<"n 5-15 years 5% of P.A ";
cout<<"n Automobile loans upto 3 years 5.5% of P.A";
cout<<"n Personal loans upto 4 years 3.5% of P.A";
cout<<"n Other loans upto 4 years 6.6% of P.A";
cout<<"nn************** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **************";
cout<<"nnEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 3:
cout<<"nnThe bank agrees to provide a free itnernational ATM-cum-Debit card to all account holder";
cout<<"nt1.The card will be provided free of cost to acc. holders.";
cout<<"nt2.The debit card will be personalized.It will carry a photograph and signature of the holder";
cout<<"nThe holder will be protected against fraudulant use of lost/stolen/missing debit card";
cout<<"nThe holder have to report the loss of debit card to bank @customer care(9898123456)";
cout<<"nThe liability of card will be nill from then on.";
cout<<"nRs.2000 will be deducted from holders account as damage repair fee.";
cout<<"********** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **********";
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 4:

Nagesh answers:

Line 418 is some way past the end of what Y!A will allow you to post. I suggest you post this question again with just the relevant bit copied into the question. Tell us the number of the first line you’ve copied, or highlight line 418 in some way.

Having said that, my guess is that the compiler means what it says. I don’t know much about C++, and what I do know convinces me that I don’t want to know any more, but the syntax for a do…while block is something like:

/* as many or as few statements as you need */
while (condition)

You may need a semicolon after the last ). The computer repeats the statements inside the { } until the condition becomes true. If you omit the “while (condition)” you get the error message that you’re seeing. The other possibility is that you’ve missed out the }, or have something between } and “while” that’s confusing the compiler. (Confusing a compiler isn’t hard… Most of them are written on the assumption that the programmer knows the syntax of the language, and they don’t cope very well with missing or extra characters. If you omit a } somewhere in the middle of the program, the compiler can get all the way to the end before realising that you have more { than }. This is why, whenever I type a {, I put in the matching } before writing whatever goes between them, so that I don’t forget afterwards.)

EDIT: I shouldn’t post here before my second cup of coffee… Do…while tells the the computer to repeat the statements *as long as* the condition is true, not until it becomes true. It differs from an ordinary while loop in that the computer will always execute the statements at least once, even if the condition is false when the loop starts, because the test is at the end of the loop, not the start. In an ordinary while loop, if the condition is false before the computer gets to the start of the loop, the statements inside the loop don’t execute at all.

Robert asks…

Want to become a commercial pilot but can`t afford it.?

I really want to make my career as a pilot in aviation filed . But itz too expensive .plz tell me can i borrow money form any organization or any bank without mortgage , I don`t wanna go through militry . even couldn`t found any cadet scheme . so what can i do in this dilemma .
i`m living in india so plz suggest any organization in india .

Nagesh answers:

If you cant get a student loan or join the air force get another job until you can afford to go to school and go to a small school that are mostly pay as you go

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Sunday, May 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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