Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

Lisa asks…

i apply in google adsense for earning money but they rejected my application?

i want more money through internet for free any one guide me with perfect details and the use of the particular service please

Nagesh answers:

You need to have a quality content on your website. They don’t approve non english(and some other language), no content website.

Free money through Internet is a myth. You still have to pay for your Internet access 🙂

David asks…

I’m 15 and I need money. Can I open a paypal account in order to earn money and make purchases online?

I need about $10,000 for my life to be complete…before college anyways. I want to buy a ton of things online like instruments and cds and clothes. I have plans to participate in a summer law program for high school students and volunteering abroad. My parents don’t mind if I do do all of this. They just don’t want to pay for any of it.
My mom won’t let me get a real job, but she said I could write online and make money online through other things. She also said she’ll let me open a pay-pal account. And she’ll even open a separate bank account for me just for my pay-pal stuff just in case it gets frozen or something happens.
But how would I do this? I’ve heard of free checking accounts. Is that what kind of bank account she should open for me? How old do I need to be to do this? Can my mom open a bank account in my name if she gives permission or something or do I have to wait until I’m 18?
And about Pay-pal, do they freeze accounts often? Will I get some sort of card or something that’ll let me make purchases that aren’t over the internet? Am I old enough to even have a Pay-pal account?
I really need to make money! It’s a bit materialistic of me but my parents just don’t want to buy me anything. I know it sounds ungreatful, but they really don’t mind and they’re going to let me do all this. In fact, they seemed kinda proud that I’m taking the initiative to earn money.
Please help. Thanks!!
And if I have to be 18 to get a Paypal, why do some websites suggest sites that pay through paypal for TEENS to make money? I’m sure they mean teens like 15 and 16 year old teens. Can I open it all under my mom’s name and just make and spend the money according to my own will, online at least??

Nagesh answers:

Well you cant really make money with paypal but you can buy
to make a paypal account
Put your name and address and stuff then put your age as older than 18
after that you can either link it to your bank account for money
( go to your bank and ask for you bank accounts
INSTITUTE NUM , TRANSIT NUM and ACCOUNT NUM and link your paypal account to it
now i’ve been doing this for a year ( requesting money from my bank account ) but if you really think
you’ll get your account frozen then you can buy vista gift cards which you can put in as
a credit card and dont worry just put your real address for the billing address it doesnt really
make a differance
and to make money online
use Cashcrate
make an account REAL information
fill in offers with your REAL information ( dont worry they wont call you or anything )
and make a new email because thats the only thing that’ll get spammed
and choose 100% free offers that only require your email , information and maybe you
to fill out a survey
If you live in the US ( which is where the most offers are )
you can easily make 2-5 dollars a day
good luck
here a link

Paul asks…

How do I make $$$ with my computer in my free time?

I have free time here and there, and would love to do something through the internet and earn money doing it. Any ideas? And what would I be doing (what is the activity, how long would it take, what would I need to know to be able to do it)? Thanks!
I have a full time job, but I have free time here and there, and would love to do something through the internet and earn money doing it. Any ideas? And what would I be doing (what is the activity, how long would it take, what would I need to know to be able to do it)? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Try lockerz or swag bucks which give you points with which you can redeem items. Real easy and fun too- i’ve done it

here’s my invite for swagbucks-

give me your e-mail and i can send a lockerz invite (better!)

Ken asks…

why is it that almost all internet surveys are free registration is free but must pay for date base 4 survey?

I was going through diffrent surveys as i am looking for one that is free so that i could earn some money from home as a part time work.Many of the organisations i have attempted will invite you that it is “FREE SURVEY”.As it is attractive ,i will sign up and will be hopping that it will begin to start making some $$.but to my surprise,there is always another window that will pop up.And in this one is asked whether to pay by visa or master card.Pls,is any body fsmiliar in these part time survey business.
I need to ne guided.Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I hear you, i applied as well, they keep coming alot to me, i fill out the “free” registration an next they want to know how i’m paying, pay pal, visa, etc. Some free, haha. I just gave up on them, although i have heard that there are some out there that actually do pay you an not pennies either, heard it was good money but can’t seem to find them, good luck to you. Hope you find them.

Lizzie asks…

Can anyoe please suggest some work from home jobs plz?

hello,i need some info regarding internet jobs,ppc etc. so that i can earn sum money in ma free time..plz sugest sumthin through which i can get about 25-30 dollars per hour.

Nagesh answers:

A home based “job” is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. That is no where near what your asking. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse’s gas tank with the gas prices these days. After taxes are taken out, your looking at your take home as being below minimum wage. I don’t see how a minimum wage home “job” is going to cut it then for you. If a minimum wage job is sufficient then I can give you a referral to apply for a home job. I won’t guarantee that you will get the job, I have no control over that. The competition is really high for home based jobs. I think because of the way the economy is today, a lot of different people are searching for a way to make an income at home. Home based jobs are good for starters while your looking for something better paying.

If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities.
Your more then welcome to take a look at them for more ideas. There are more then half a dozen different industries to take a look at. A lot of information regarding scams, what to really look for in researching a business you want to get involved in, and many other things.
When you first start a business, there is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home “job” and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.
In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then, as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say “I started a business” and don’t put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won’t make an income.
Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other’s dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income. The same income opportunity as a traditional business with out all the over head expenses they aquire.

If you’d like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

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Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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