Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Robert asks…

How to make money as a kid?

I am 13 years old almost 14 and I saw a really great airsoft gun thats like 200 bucks, my parents told me i had to pay for it. Any ideas how I could make that money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Sell gummy bears at school!!! I did that for 3 years and i was making 1000 dollars a year. With my allowance it was more than enough. Make sure you check your schools laws because you can get in some trouble.

Laura asks…

How can I make money fast!?

I’m just a kid and need to make about 500 dollars! I know sounds kind of crazy but I need to pay for my bunny so it can go to the vet! Plus for it’s food and toys! I’m doing the bottles and paper plus having garage sale but I need other idea that is fast!
Thankyou for your time=)

Nagesh answers:

Ask ur parents… Or if they dont agree, recycle, i doubt ebay would work (but…), fundraise at school (it might sound kinda weird, but u could host a bake sale to help ur bunny out!)
Hope ur bunny is gonna be ok 🙂

Helen asks…

How to make money fast…?

i am too young to get a job. where i live, it is very cultural for the kids to work on their own yards, so raking and mowing are out of the question. the land on which i live is worked on by another man who my uncle hired to work for him because he was in need of a job himself, so no luck there. any ideas of how to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Check out my blog. It has the link to a site i’m using now (you only have to be 13 to sign up) and it’s a great site to make money on!

Check out my blog here:

Good Luck =]

Steven asks…

New Gamertag and money for the slim?

Okay I want to get the new Xbox 360 slim the 240GB one. But its $299 from what Ive seen. I Don’t have much money and I had to quit my job for the sake of my sanity.

So I need MAJOR ways to earn money fast. Im baby sitting for a lady who has two kids this weekend so I will make $30.

Also Im making a new Xbox live account. But I don’t know what to make the gamertag, I want it to be really cool.

The reason Im making a new one, is because I stupidly used my ( now ex ) boyfriend’s last name in the GT, Stupid as hell I know, I wont make that mistake again.

Also My ex earned most of my Gamerscore for me. So I want to re earn it on my


1) I Ideas to make good amounts of money fast ( legal ideas only please lol )

2) Awesome GT suggestions?

Please and thank you !!!!

Nagesh answers:

Ok for money, I suggest selling stuff like older games, old movies whatever, either on criag’s list or Kijiji

For a Tag I got mine from at tag generator here

Hope that helps

Mark asks…

Ways for 12 year olds to make money?

I’m 12 years old and I’m saving up to buy an Ipad for $500. I want to buy it myself but I don’t know how to make money. Please don’t suggest things like babysitter, dog sitter, dog walker, shoveling snow (I live in Florida), lemonade stand, bake sale, paper route, tutoring, car wash, gardening, craft making, etc. I need new, creative ideas. My talents: I can read pretty well (College level), I can do most 6th grade math and lower, I do well in Language Arts, I can do most 6th grade Science and lower, I do well with Grammar. I can roller skate pretty well (I can go fast and I can weave and go backwards), I’m in Broadcast so I know how to edit on MacBooks using Imovie HD and I’m learning how to use Imovie and Final Cut Pro. I read a lot and I remember most of the books I’ve read (which is A LOT). I can make Friendship bracelets, and I’m learning how to crochet. I can also take pretty good photographs. I’m good with most animals and I can write well too. I love little kids though I don’t think I’m ready for babysitting or family helper. I can also use Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote pretty well. I’m good with most computers and computer technology as well as camerawork. I know how to play a few songs on the piano, nothing hard though. I know how to play (Joy to the World, Chopsticks, Happy Birthday, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, etc.) I played violin for three years and I am starting up again soon. I can also make things on the computer (e.g. brochures, business cards, reciepts, lists, agendas, etc.).
To be honest, I’m not very comfortable asking people for money, especially people I know so that’s also a problem though I will if I have too.
I WILL work but yes, I do wish to “get rich quick” though you can hardly blame me. I’m not some person though who thinks they can get paid for doing nothing.

Nagesh answers:

My dad had me working at his office when I was eight years old. He never wanted me to be “one of those teenagers who slept all day (or all summer)”. I learned how to be a file clerk and receptionist during the winter, spring, and summer breaks. Maybe you could go to work with one of your parents like that?

It sounds to me like you could do a good job tutoring other students your age (or in lower grade levels). In fact, if you know Microsoft well enough, you could probably teach some people (yes I’m including adults in this category) how to use it. This would be EXTREMELY helpful teaching senior citizens how to use the internet, e-mail, and Microsoft software.

Start making tutorial flyers. Say you specialize in teaching senior citizens or something. Create little lesson plans to help teach them. I think this could be very beneficial for them and you. 🙂 It would also look great in a couple of years on your college applications.

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Sunday, April 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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