Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How can I get money? Fast?

I am in need of money so bad, it’s not even funny. I have no money, I’ve never had a job, I’ve never been given an allowance when I was a kid, nothing. I received 190$ as birthday money and I gave it to my parents to pay for my cellphone bill. Yet, my phone was cut today. What they did with the money, I have no idea, but I am pretty frustrated. I need money, really badly. I have nothing. I never shop, I never go out with friends because my parents don’t let me, but I would at least like to get some money so that I at least have a bit of money and don’t have to count on my parents all the time.
I have been looking for a job for a long time. I started dropping off resumes back in May, hoping to get a job in the summer. Well now, school is about to start, and I have only been to one interview. I am getting really desperate and now people cannot reach me because I do not have a phone anymore and I am afraid if they call at my house, someone else will answer and ruin it for me. What should I do to get a job ASAP? Where can I apply? What place hires people, no matter the lack of experience? Where will I be guaranteed a job?
And what other ways can I make money? I am so desperate its not even funny. Thanks a lot
I turned 17 last week.

Nagesh answers:

Robbing banks has always worked for me. Make sure your disguise fits on tight.

Mary asks…

what are some ideas for an easter event for the community to make some money for my business?

i am going to a park to do an event to earn some extra income for my business and advertise what should i do and what should i charge i was thinking of taking one of my bounce houses my cotton candy machine and my easter bunny suit and do an egg hunt for the kids let them through some pictures with the bunny and bounce around in the bounce house and also put some music and have some water and soda for sale but i dont know if its a good idea and if it is i dont know what to charge can some one help me fast easter is a week away

Nagesh answers:

I like the egg hunt idea it’s always popular for the kids and the adults. One year in my store we did an egg hunt. We hid 30 golden eggs around the store (didn’t advertise in advance) and when people found them they either got a certificate for x% off or a gift certificate for $5, 10 and 50 dollars to my store. It was kind of a nice and impromptu way of celebrating. After the first egg was found it caught on quick and we were flooded all day. People even came back year after year expecting it.

I would simply charge for the soda, candy, bounce house and other stuff that you are selling and leave the hunt free so that it brings in all members of the community, even the less affluent.

Thomas asks…

In boxing – do a lot of pro’s fight smart, make money in the buisness and get the feck out of it fast ?

do some go into boxing for that reason – just to make good money £££/$$$ and go into fights which will be physicaly the least threatening to them, i.e pick a similar style fighter – or aged bums, or inexperienced but cocky kids or simply guys who have glass jaws or average punching power – win/draw those bouts, make good money – recover and then prepare yourself for next opponent ?

if a boxer ends up fighting for around 10-12 years fighting like that as i described above (bare in mind hes not excellently mike tyson himself, and hes a relatively unknown boxer but IS professional, like teh undercard of an undercard kinda fighter) how much does he make , in terms of accumilating wealth – does he make enough £££ so he can live a nice cosy life and buy all the things he wants and enjoy his retirement with class ?

or is it impossible to use a strategy like that in the boxing game – where eventualy an up and coming hot prospect with tremendous punching power, WILL pick YOU as a ‘decent opponent’ for their kid, because YOU have had

a) loads of professional fights under your belt, hence experience to ‘test’ their young prodigy.

b) reasonable punching power to trouble the kid, but not devestating punching power that would break his ribs or batter his face to a pulp..

c) less stamina than the youngster the longer the fight goes on, allowing the younger fitter man to practice his boxing skills on your aged dumba55 in the middle of the ring !

d) a few ‘notable opponents’ in the past, whom tested you – and hence gave you a credible reputation to become a likely candidate as an opponent for their kid to fight – ” well yeah hes old, but our boy fought and so, and and so hasn’t fought bums all his life….’ kinda thing

and so, a boxer who cleverly avoided dangerous fights all his career – ends up in a dangerous fight, against a guy twice his junior but with nearly twice as much speed, punching power and stamina.

of course, a ‘deal’ could be made with the kids camp – ask him to pelt me a flurry of blows in the 5th and my a55 WILL go down !

and then I’ll go down for the kid in the 7th, theatricaly from a punch that looks more vcious than it really is – i get out of that ring in nice shape, i make my money he makes his – and gets his experience – everybodies happy ! ^_^

am i sussing out how the boxing game works then ?

or have i just shown i have no idea what so feckin ever ? : ))

no seriously – just answer my original question please.

Nagesh answers:

Well anyone can become a pro boxer but that does not mean you will make lots of money.
The guys that make lots of money like Floyd mayweather, manny pacquio, cotto, marquez just to name a few have been in boxing for a long time and would definetly not make money from fighting bums.
So to answer you question no because you have to be in the pro game for a while and you have to be highly skilled to get paid great amounts of money

Donald asks…

i am 15 and i need to make 500 dollars fast.?

i dont want mowing lawn’s, lemonade stands, or babysitting, ect… i need 500 dollers so i can get a scottrade account so i can do stock. im saveing up for a car and it is only 9k. any ideas on what to do. iv’e also looked this up on the computer and kids get the same answer id’e like something that would get me the money and kinda fast.

Nagesh answers:


Chris asks…

Good ideas for my manga I’ve decided to make?

Well I’ve came up with three. Just need broader ideas on them.

1. An action type with karate, Kung Fu styles where a Chinese or Japanese(idk) meets an African kid (guy) with a French girl who also know some fighting. They meet rivals and people and have tournaments to get their karate “belts”. Any ideas on villians, side kicks, senseis (I want it to be more realistic not blow the whole world up with naruto/DBZ superpowers lol)

2. A team of 3 who are young ameteur hover board riders and meet other street kids and get in a world tourney cup and compete for money n fame. The races are fast paced, actiony, weapons, air gear. Just need some competitor ideas.

Or 3. A kid who has a bestfriend and they both play video games and meet a new student girl. And the kid really likes her but won’t tell her. However she likes him back and the kids bestfriend nows they both like eachother. But cannot say anything. They meet classmates, play video games, teachers and normal stuff teens do(but not that dramatic) just need ideas on a romantic good ending.

If u read all this ur awesome n rlly apreciate it. Any ideas are useful 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Some suggestions

1. Afrian amerian business man runs into french journalst at airport in china and picks up the passport she drops so he follows to give t to her but she realizes someone is following her so she lashes out on them and they fight right in front of a ta kwon do studio. The owner walks out of his studio followed by a chinese teenager who wants to learn too. The teacher sees talent in these 3 ppl so he trans them and they later find out that if they dont fight and win all the belts, the principle of the rival shool will take over the studio. It kinda sounds like step up

2. Um they all have personal reasons to race. One person needs money to pay for his family dept, the other one just has a strong passion, and the third one is pursuing the girl in another team.

3. Um thye both like the girl but the girl only likes the one guy and his best friend know and doesnt tell him and at the end he realizes that bes friends are supposed to support each other and tells both of them. They finally get together and it shows a girl holding up a piture of the guy and girl’s weddng and the best friend the best man. The little girl asks the boy playing video games next to her if thats his parents and he says yep and another boy sitting next to him goes and the best man is my daddy, he met my mom at the wedding, she was the bride’s bridesmaid
haha idk its a dumb story all of them are! Just brainstorm uz only u can think of your own story

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Monday, April 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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