Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

David asks…

hi, i am 13 years old and i want to make money this summer i want to dog walk with my cousin… ANY IDEAS???


Nagesh answers:

* Print out flyers and put them up around town. Cut out little slips of paper for a business card and put your names, emails, phone numbers, etc. On them.

* If you really want to get into it, then you can also make a website saying what you do for the dogs with reviews and everything.

* Volunterring for an animal shelter is also a good idea. Even though you won’t make any money, people who go to the shelters will see you and ask if you could walk their dogs. Workers at the shelter can also recomend you to others. It is a way to get more popular with the dog-walking business, basically.

* You can also hand out flyers in your neighbors’ mailboxes.

That’s all I got! I hope I helped, and good luck! (:

Michael asks…

My wife is out of work. Any money making ideas for the last two months of summer?

We’re in Virginia and I’m selling alarm systems, but my wife is home alone all day and bored and wants to work. How can she earn money? Or at least are there some good volunteer jobs that would look good going on a resume?

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend that you and your wife leverage her “TIME FREEDOM”. Maximize her time to assist you both in building wealth. I would recommend that she still set a work schedule for each day. She must have structure in her day. No time to lounge around and watch television. I am sure you both were not born with silver spoons in your mouth and could use additional knowledge on debt elimination, credit improvements, retirement generation, etc. Yes, I am implying that you both have work to do.

Schedule an assignment for her for each day of the week. Monday – Work on Determining your Financial Number. Financial Number is what you need to live an enjoyable and comfortable life. This has nothing to do with what you make from your JOB. Tuesday – Credit Repair – obtain copies of your credit reports and scores (develop ways to increase your scores up to 850 points). Wednesday – Develop Emergency Plan (develop a plan on what you would do if you have a $500, $1000,$5000,etc financial emergency). Thursdays – Debt Elimination and Fridays – Savings/Retirement. So as you can see each day has a goal and resources you will need to improve your Financial Wellness.

Just think “If you had no debt, what couldn’t you do in life”.

The only limitation you have in life is how you think?

Dare to achieve your DREAMS so that you can do what other dream about…..

Chris asks…

What can I do to make money over the summer hols?

I’m 15, live in Doncaster trying to make some money over the summer hols, tried getting a job but all the ones ive tried you need to be 16 :/

any ideas much appreciated


Nagesh answers:

Work at Wal-Mart (just kidding)

Sign up to some GPT sites to make easy money or some pay per photos sites, here’re some sites for you. No Spam(SPAM FREE) (best one ever)

Sandra asks…

How to make money? In summer, not pyramid either!?

Hey i am 16, in summer there are a few things i am going to be doing, but i need some ideas what have you on how to make some money, seperate to the corporate summer job i am taking.
Possibly from home. Or ones i can do at night.

Nagesh answers:

If you are willing to put in a 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hours a day then please!!! I welcome you to try they are an INC500 company 37th fastest growing US company to date, listed in all sorts of magazines. An actual legitimate company not like the scams that take your money and run for cover, they are FREE TO JOIN. Wont hurt to take a peek and look. E-mail if you’d like at for more info.

Joseph asks…

What are some good ways for a teen to make money over the summer?

i am a 13 year old girl, and as you know the economy is really bad. money is tight right now, and this summer i wanna save up so i can do some back to school shopping. are there any easy ways to make some money? & babysitting isn’t an option, i don’t know any little kidsss haha.

i’m thinking like lemonade stand or something. does anyone have any other ideas?

sorry if this is in the wrong category, i wasn’t sure whatta put it under xD

Nagesh answers:

Iwas going to say kissing booth, Kiss=1 dollar
but at the end
Kiss = Herpess :/

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Sunday, March 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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