Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Teenagers

Ken asks…

Help with English coursework?

I know its really long but can somebody please go through it and either email me back about the mistakes and what i can improve on . I am a D grade student and I really want a C in my GCSE exam thank you 🙂

Explore the importance of the ‘serenade scene’ in ‘Ten things i hate about you’.

‘Ten things I hate about you’ is a romantic comedy involving 5 love struck teenagers battling through high school rule . The film has been described as a loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ set in a modern American high school. The new boy at school (Cameron ) and his new friend (Michael ) create an elaborate scheme to get the girl of his dreams, not realising that miss popular’s father is protective through his rules. Bianca isn’t aloud to date until her socially unaccepted older sister does. Kat, a feared feminist is hard to play cupid for, but the boys strike gold with the school bad boy Patrick (heath ledger). A sixth character is brought in and tricked into providing the money that persuades Patrick to take Kat out. In the classic fairy tale ending they fall in love and triumph through Kat realising the truth about their relationship, and Cameron gets his girl too. Romantic comedy films are movies with light-hearted, humorous dramatic stories centred on romantic ideals such as a “true love”.

The two main characters, Kat and Patrick come from very different backgrounds, Kat with her over protective father and Patrick with his seemingly none existent family. Both characters are feared in their high school environment. Kat is a well known politically straight feminist while Patrick allows rumors to circulate about him, swimming in his own mysterious danger ratings. While both are out cased, avoided and generally seen with just one friend, who will typically fit in with their ‘click’, they disagree with the important of moral fiber. They both share an instant dislike to each other, although the promise of easy money drives the less morally inclined Patrick to push his offers forward.

Patrick organizes a public display of affection that contrasts with his trouble-maker image, By singing a love song in front of Kat and all of the soccer squad, then his comic run from security he succeeds in winning her back through his devotion to her.

Bianca wanted to attend the house party, but couldn’t go because of her father’s rules. Then when Patrick appeared, ready to take kat out both girls were whisked off. It is here that Kat becomes ridiculously drunk, Kat was dancing on top of a table that ended in her hitting her head. We see another side of Patrick as he cares for her, taking her outside for air then driving her home. When Patrick was dropping Kat outside her house she went to kiss him but he turned away as he felt he didn’t want to take advantage of Kats drunken state .This hurt kat’s pride as she felt ashamed. When Patrick went back to school Kat was ignoring him by not talking. In the lunch queue Cameron says to Patrick “Look, you embarrassed the girl. Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score”.
Patrick took this advice literally and paid the band member so he can make a fool of himself.

The moment Patrick starts singing there is a extreme long shot of the sport field. The director does this to establish general location this shot to show the amount of people and the place where the action is going to happen. This is just above the speakers also the shot only happens for a few seconds before moving to the next clip.

Just after the extreme long shot the camera zooms into a long shot at eye level of the soccer team. The team stop playing then full silent and turn a small circle on the spot. The director done this to show the team confused about where the sound is coming from and who is it .

When Patrick first starts singing on the seating stand.The director begins with a close up of Patrick’s face, showing a cheeky smile. Gil Junger (director) Does this because it shows his performance that how much he is willing to please her and how he’s seeing her in a different way to just a ploy to get money.

The camera switches to the band then straight to the soccer team. The camera uses a medium shot to show Kat’s face and some of the other members of the team behind her. The director choose this clip as it shows the gasps and laughter as the serenade is such a shock to Kat and her team
About 30 seconds into this scene the camera does a highshot/longshot to show the size of the band . The band looks very rehearsed because of the way the band members march up and down then turn. The director does this because it shows about twenty musicians consisting of; wind instruments , brass and percussion. They all play perfectly together and back Patrick up
After the band shot it switches to low shot of Patrick singing “I love you baby” and he points across the camera so it seems l

Nagesh answers:

I didn’t have time to read through all of it now, but i’ll tell you what i got so far….

When you are describing the characters, you want to make sure the teacher knows the difference between the characters name and the actor’s actual name…both were in parentheses. It is all mostly grammar because you did an excellent job at describing the plot. You stripped it and made it sweet but to the point with important details. Make sure you capitalize my cousin’s name (Heath). Also, (I’ve learned from Honors English classes) don’t put in conjunctions. Separate the words. Oh, another thing… ‘click’ should be “click.” You always use double quotes UNLESS you are quoting something INSIDE the dialogue. Check for commas around the dialogue area, and I’ll email you with the rest of my critiques(: this is a really good paper! You’re going to do great!!


Charles asks…

Why can’t my dad claim benefits?

Right, I’ve posted this question before, but some total idiots read it wrong and made ME feel stupid. Flamin typical. Anyway, my dad lost his arm 13 years ago when I was about 10 weeks old, and now he suffers from back pain, neck pain, and chest pain on top of that. He’s on this scheme where a company looks for a job for you. He’s always trying, but no luck. And now, cozza this ressesion, he has no chance. He DID get 90 grand, but SCOTTIH WIDOWS invested it and lost every penny of it. BUT, just to stop people questioning, SCOTTISH WIDOWS told him it was LOW RISK and that he was absolutely certain to get some more money out of it…buut we didn’t, & now Instead of living comfortably with just enough money, we’re struggling to make ends meet. Oh well. But let me make this clear; THE INVESTMENT HAS NOTHIN TO DO WITH BENEFITS – so don’t tell me that plz [just coz i’m a teenager does mean i’m stupid].
He’s tried claiming, but even though he suffers pain every day, he still can’t get a penny and dole money is criminal. So the point is, were struggling cos we were mis-advised by Scottish Widows, and now we can’t even claim benefits for my dad who can’t get a job. But old men with bad legs can, so why can’t a man with an arm missing, chest, neck & back pain?
He deserves benefits, I don’t care what anyone says. And so does everyone else in the same situation. If that’s the system then it needs to be changed.
They know he lost the investment, and they have proof – so what’s the problem?
Tag23 ; thnx for the links. They should pay every penny back to customers like us, whether they can afford it or not. The advice these complete plonkers give out is far too often, entirely wrong, and not the fault of the investors if they’re advised to do that. I hope that total idiot who left us in the state we are now is livin out on the streets.
He’s not responsible for the investment!! Scottish Widows persuaded him to do it! They gave him the wrong advice! Get ur facts staight!

Nagesh answers:

Well ok i read that through and to be honest theres no way the government in that situation would be able to refuse money, if he is the sole parent in the house then you would be getting child support and council accomadation even if he was able bodied. As for the disablility allowence the only reason they could have refused in the past would be because of the pay out you recieved, if thats gone then they have to give you money! Benifits look at your circumstances and your finances when deciding how much if any to award, if things are as bad as you say then you need to appeal to the claims office, i think theyr number is 0845 6088552 hope it works out for you

Paul asks…

Parents, would you find this to be a valid argument?

Last summer my mom finally agreed to let me change my room from the childish theme I’ve had for years to a more mature color scheme that I’d be able to live with. The colors I had (and still have) are light purple, mint green and baby pink. The colors of the bedding I got last summer for my new scheme are hot pink, black, white and baby pink.

When I first started planning the update, I wanted to get soft pink (not quite baby pink, more of soft coral) and chocolate brown bedding and paint the walls accordingly. However, I decided with my mom (although for what I remember, she tried very hard to change my mind) that I would have black and hot pink. So when we went shopping for bedding, I wanted only those colors. But they were joined by white and baby pink on the bedding I decided on. I liked the colors for a while and thought I could live with things that were hot pink with white polka-dots on one side and baby pink on the other.

However, as time passed, my mom kept buying more and more things (without letting me know in advance) that were baby pink. This color was not one I wanted to be everywhere, in fact, I would have preferred to have it no where. So now that my mom is going to let me start painting (after a year) I feel like I should let her know how I feel.

I think that with all the baby pink and bright white in the room, my room, which is supposed to have a more mature image, more suitable for a teenager, it will remain feeling like a little girl’s room. I feel like I am not getting what I had bargained for and my mom kept buying these things out of random to make sure my room stayed at least a little the same. I understand that she might not want my room to be proof that I am, in fact, growing up, because I am her youngest daughter and child, but I feel like I’m being repressed. So, I feel like since my birthday is coming in October, it would be reasonable to ask to take money from my bank account (I have around four hundred fifty dollars that I got from family for my communion) and, using entirely my own money and buying things only when I’m positive they will please my newer theme, redecorate my room. I don’t have anything else to ask for, and it’s my fourteenth birthday, so I don’t think it’d be terrible to ask to scrap this attempt that is failing rapidly now, and change my room with my money.

Would you allow your child to take their money out of their bank account for their birthday for the purpose of redecorating their room? Do you think it is a responsible thing to do with their money? What are your thoughts on it in general?


PS: I apologize for writing such long information; I can get carried away. Also, It may seem like around $450 wouldn’t be enough to redecorate a room, but my room is very small, maybe ten feet by ten feet; I have all the furniture I need already and my mattress is not in need of replacing and on top of all the things that I don’t need, me and my mom have a gift as shoppers, meaning we can find things at extremely low prices. Please keep these things considered if you answer? Thanks again:)

Nagesh answers:

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be done with pink and white 🙂
First and foremost, begin the conversation with thanking your mom for attempting to find you things she thought you would like. Explain it means a lot to you, however you would like express your personality would like the opportunity to redecorate your room on your own. If you begin the conversation affirming her good intentions, she will be more open to hearing the rest.
Are any of the current items returnable? If not. Can they be donated to less fortunate families? Would you be taking any of the (soon to be) new stuff with you to college-this will both save your parents $ down the line and shows you are thinking maturely. You may want to leave the accent colors to one wall and bedding for longevity.
Secondly, take a step back and be grateful for your “problems” as they are not really problems, but rather natural growing pains. Congratulations, you are normal. So is your Mom.

Maria asks…

Who has dirty cold-hearted siblings in their family?

I don’t get why people bite the hands that feed them. I have a brother who is the King of Con and he has done this to me and the rest of the family for years. We never knew it was a con until it was too late. He has never been the type to take no for answers and whatever he wants he will surely get by ANY means necessary even if it involves screwing over his own flesh and blood who cares about him because he is family and family is supposed to be there for one another when you need them. That’s how my family was towards him.

Instead of him just asking for something he wants he immediately come up with ways to scam for it and sadly his scheme worked because he is so smooth and so slick unitl nobody ever expected him to be this way. His personality is one way when around family but behind our backs he is totally different than what we thought of him.

He is a great actor and can lie and scheme you right to your face and you wouldn’t even notice it because his lies and cons sound so real to you can’t tell the lies from the truth. He does all this with a straight serious face the whole time like he really believes the crap he is pitching out to you.

He went so far as to use my dads illness as part of a scam to raise money for his own use. Now that is just lower than low. I mean, why bite the hand that feed you? Seriously, what makes a person stoop so low as to do this to the people that took care of them and loved them so? I remember he even stoop low as to steal my grandmothers car and went joyriding when he was a teenager and she spoiled him rotten as a kid growing up and he still do crap like this. After all she did for him and this was his way of saying thanks and screw you grandma.
Now you guys really got it bad. I totally feel your pain on this. This is so unfair to us good hearted family members. I hope my brother burns in that place down yonder if you know what I mean.

Nagesh answers:

I have a sister who is similar to your brother. I also come from a family that believes that family should always be there for one another. I often wonder how the hell she was raised by the same parents I was. They did their best to teach us to be loving, honest and caring especially to each other. My sister did something that disgusted me to the point that I disowned her. Her baby died a few hours after birth. All friends and family donated money to help her pay for the costs of funeral and everything. Well, my wonderful sister used that money for herself instead of her child’s funeral. Classy, huh? Disowning her was a difficult thing to do since I do love her and was raised to not turn back on family, but she really left me no choice. She kept screwing us all over so in the best interest of entire family, she’s out. If we didn’t, she would have kept hurting us and I want to protect the rest of the family that actually does care about one another. By the way, didn’t just drop her without trying to help her change first. Went to family counseling and a a million other things as well, but she wasn’t interested in committing to changing her life. If your bro is like her, you might want to do the same. Just my opinion tho. Good luck.

George asks…

Dad’s a real nasty,scheming & vindictive piece of work, how do I live with the fact that his blood is in me?

Whilst my Dad may have psychological issues, he has the uncanny ability to be charismatic and nice to others, but not to his own family. It almost appeared that he begrudge us to be happy.

He has really betrayed my Mom, my Brother and me. What has he done, well-
Given advice to me, that in retrospect was bordering sabotage (As I’m more mature and more experienced now, looking back on some advice he gave me was not just wrong, but obviously wrong with no logic, other than to insure failure)
Borrowed money from me (he prefers the term “invest”) I’ve never seen it again.
Stolen money from Mom.
Told my shy brother to join the Navy, when he was 17, only to come back 6 months a nervous wreck, Dad’s a psychologist so he knew my brother was a fragile individual.
Hidden the fact HE’D be cheating on Mom for 30 years, with Men (found incriminating photos & letters in his safe), Mom has since had to undergo blood tests.

Yet he would often say, son if your gay, it’s ok. I already felt weird and unwanted as I didn’t have any girlfriends growing up as a teenager (I was 100lbs overweight and shy) yet him saying this to me made me feel even self conscience, because Dad being a psychologist, I felt he knew me better than I knew myself.
Took Moms compensation payout for a serious car accident, then left Mom broke and miserable.

Now I’m left with the fact that I have this evil persons DNA and surname, I believe that Dad is a manipulative psychopath, as he brought his own family to our knees and left us all feeling gutted.

I hate signing my name as it reminds me of what a horrible person he is. How can I make myself feel proud of who I am?

Nagesh answers:

Your dad is a manipulative psychopath for sure, you hit the nail on the head, and he’s obviously very selfish and only cares about himself. BUT that does not have any reflection on the type of man you are. People can be very different from their parents. They can learn from their parents so they don’t make the same dumb mistakes. And it takes a strong man, a better man, to realize that and rise above it. My husband’s dad is the biggest alcoholic that ever existed. My husband is nothing like him.
For you to grow past this you need to first forgive him for being the loser he is, just except the truth and move past it.
My mom is a psychiatrist and believe me, they don’t always know what they are talking about. (by the way, doesn’t it suck to have a “psychiatrist” for a parent! They always think they are right but that’s not the case!)

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Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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