Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Ruth asks…

how can i make quick money on runescape in f2p?

well ive just become f2p and i have 78m and i need 22m more for either santa or green hween mask. i have been rune mining which is about 500k cash an hour, its good but requires alot of work. i would be happy if there is a better way to make money, even if it gets me less than 500k an hour, just easier, minimum 250-300k an hour 🙂 thanks

Nagesh answers:

Pvping f2p or pvp trick

Daniel asks…

Runescape ~ Ways to make money?

K so.. im in dying need of money since im such a big spender. what are some ways to make alot of money? If its killing monsters and stuff.. nothing over level 100 cause im only level 79. I just need quick ways to make money, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Go to Green Dragons (east of Clan Wars) and kill them. Pick up their bones and dragonhides and sell them on the Grand Exchange. This could get you up to half a million coins/hour at your level. I also like going there because I very commonly get a level 3 clue scroll, which could fetch up items up to around 400 million coins when you complete them.

Sandra asks…

what is the fastest quickest way to make money in runescape?

i have 785k i also have 350k in items.
p.s. made this money before grand extchange

Nagesh answers:

Merchanting items in the Grand Exchange works fairly well and you can leave big orders in for days.

You can even make money on buying shrimp (for example) at the lowest price in the G.E. Then selling them at the highest price later on. I know it sounds dumb but it can work.

As of right now I have two huge orders in to buy 250,000 shrimp at the lowest and 250,000 raw shrimp at the lowest. The profits possible are apparent. Merchanting items in the Grand Exchange while you are off making money with skills is particularly effective. (Keep in mind: Larger orders = Longer times to fill them, but also larger profits)

Whatever you do don’t just sit there and watch your order fill out. You are wasting precious time that you could be using to make money in the traditional ways (like skills and monster drops).

I have found that merchanting dragon longswords is not only easy and fairly profitable but also a very risk-free investment (since the prices are based on fixed shop prices).

Buy as many dragon longswords you can at around the median price +5 gp. Then sell them at the max -3 gp. This makes the trade go a bit faster since it is likely that your order will hit before others.

For example,
A couple weeks ago I bought 32 Dragon Longswords at around 98,750 gp a piece. I then sold them all at 100,197 a piece. It netted me over 46k. Not to mention the time I was out using my skills to make money as well. (I know everyone has varying amounts of money but the truth is: You need money to make money).

However, just a word of caution when merchanting items on the Grand Exchange: Items that do not have a fixed store price like Dragon Meds, Dragon Platelegs, and most of the non-fixed priced items can be very susceptible to sudden drastic price drops (its just a matter of supply and demand). So be sure to watch very closely.

Sorry for the long answer.

Paul asks…

what is the bet way to make quick and easy money in runescape with a lvl 86 account? and were should i train?

i just lost 23m in pvp so i only hav 700k>.> im trying to do skilling to get money biut idk wat the best way to make lots of money and im a member so i just have been asking every1 and i kno 1 of u guys can hlp me. so plz hlp ttyl cya^.^

Nagesh answers:

Well, probably the best way is do whatever you did to get the money in the first place.
Other ways could be to buy low sell high on the grand exchange or to collect members only items that free players can use in order to sell them for a profit.

Sharon asks…

whats a quick way to make money in runescape???

i’m not a member.

Nagesh answers:

Hi u can get 3k from me tommorrow nite at 5:00 Eastern time.
My name is Squiddells8 add me to ur friends btw world 86 tommorrow ok.

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Monday, February 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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