Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Joseph asks…

Esther McVey resigns from Madeleine fund board?

Esther Mcvey, spokesperson of the Madeleine fund has resigned
her post and she is not alone. It appears that “team McCann” is starting to fall apart at the seams and not before time. Anyone who colludes to protect people who neglect children and very possibly kill or harm a child is as guilty as the perpetrator,apart from the disgusting trademarking of poor Madeleine and massive fraud that “team McCann” has instigated. The next money making schemes are the Madeleine film and book. These people are the lowest of the low. I am not suprised that people are starting to walk from this hateful pair of swindlers. The rest of the Tapas group should think very carefully about where their loyalties lie, with Guru Gerry and ice queen Kate, or with their own families and children and little Madeleine who deserves to be given a proper buriel. My question is, How long before a Tapas member does the right thing and comes clean regarding the disappearance of little Madeleine McCann?

Nagesh answers:

Is there nothing these vile people won’t do? But are we surprised? Their behaviour since Madeleine ‘disappeared’ has left a lot to be desired and this just confirms how low the McConn’s will sink in order to get money! It seems their air of arrogance will never leave them but neither will the disgust people feel for this contemptible pair…….

Donna asks…

How can a 13 year old boy in England make money.?

Please, no stupid answers or online schemes. I am prepared to go to great lengths and have already set up an amateur car washing business. Take a look at my website on By the way, he picture is of my partner in business.

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on ebay/craigslist. You can make an ebook about something you’re good at, or something that you know a lot about. Sell the ebook.
Write a blog.
Add google adsense to your website (if you haven’t done so already), and your blog.
Learn how to trade stocks, then trade stocks.
Affiliate marketing websites. Try swagbucks. It’s a search & win website. I promise it’s not a scam. If you’re interested, message me, and i’ll give you more detail about it. And if you’re still interested, i’ll send you my referral link. If you decide not to sign up, i hope my other answers helped!

Ruth asks…

Does the US government care about its people’s health or just the money?

(long post..sorry) Now I am not hating on the USA but I am pretty sure that I am not the only one that finds this really suspicious.I have lived in the UK and Caribbean for 10 years, now I am back in my place of birth (NY) finishing up my Bachelors
I decided to give Aetna a call to get individual health coverage since I dont work, they told me I gotta pay $100 a month, $40 for doctor office visits, and the first $2,500 of the ER visit. So I went ahead and signed up for it 6 months ago. I had to got other ER two weeks ago because I had an asthma attack. After I was discharged I had already started coming up with the $2,500 that I knew Aetna was going to ask for. I nearly fainted when i got the letter, itstated that I had to pay $8,500 out of pocket because my coverage didn’t cover the type of doc that treated me and the type of equipment that was used….WTF??
This is getting ridiculous and TOO confusing, soon people will need a PhD to understand how their own damn health coverage works. Nothing is ever straight forward anymore, although you pay your monthly fee there is always some BS that they will come up with so that can get more money.
Thats not even the point though, what confuses me is why the USA is the only country that does this. Back in The Caribbean or in Europe (or most other Sane humane countries) all you gotta do is just go to the hospital and get treated…simple as that. Hell if I was in Canada right now and I broke my leg all I would have to do is go to the ER, get it taken care of and NEVER have to worry about a $9,000+ bill coming in the mail. Sure they pay it in taxes but its not even that much, and even if you dont work they still wont charge you. There is a myth that the US health care is the best but who gives a damn if they cant afford it? Who the hell charges someone just because they wanna live and not die anyway? Thats a cheap coward move!,And then we talk about China and their government as if we are better! Since when did health care become some kinda money scheme? Its just ridiculous in the US, I know we Americans can gotta pay for stuff..but healthcare??? WTF is the world coming to? Is our government that broke? Arent we suppose to be the best country?; We have 3rd world islands in the Caribbean offering free health care and college and I have to save money to seek medical care in the US? Does that make any sense? And guess what happens if I dont pay it, I will screwed even harder cuz they will cancel my policy and Dr visits will cost a fortune

I didn’t even mind paying that $2,500 and still thats too much, but now they want me to pay $8,500 just cuz some Dr want listed on my plan. That doesn’t even make any sense since it was an emergency room, I have no say over an emergency. I am Beginning to believe that the USA is not the land of the free, its only free for rich people. Us average people will be eaten alive! Once again, I love my country and my fellow Americans; But these politicians making these crazy rules need to stop. I spent 30 mins in the ER and got charged $8,500, can you imagine how much money those bastards make a day off of the sick???
The government doesn’t give a f*ck who lives, dies, or goes bankrupt due to medical bills. And I was actually gonna join the Army to serve my country….smh, thats just a waste of time. the USA is far gone. The thing I like about 3rd world countries is that they are traditional and keep things simple, we should take notes from them and stop charging people for every damn thing. We Americans let big insurance companies f*ck with our life and health and we just watch them do it. In other countries like Spain the citizens would run a mockery in the streets until the Laws are overturned. Are we cowards or something or does our government abuse us since they know we wont act out? You all may not know this but there are more citizens than Law Enforcement Officers, other countries have realized that so they just bomb the streets until they got what they want. There is no reason for Americans to be suffering while companies like Hip, aetna, Cobra, Blue shield…etc make bank. But we all know these companies pay off politicians to keep health care private…smh. If thats not corruption then i dont know what is, I shouldn’t have to be saving money to go to the emergency room…at least not tin the US out of all places
can someone from another country PLEASE marry me and make me a citizen so I can get out of this money hungry country? I will die soon because I cant afford medical care!

Nagesh answers:

Sorry, you need to move back.

William asks…

Swine flu… isnt it bizaar…?

Swine flu has become a major issue, for reasons i’m not really sure of, because in the end it’s only flu, and HONESTLY not that many people die from it… but… could it be a money making scheme from the pharmacuitical/medical industries?.. raking in billions of money for this so called Vaccine (we are in a recession)… aside from mexico it’s hit all the major countries and really quickly, like USA, Australia, UK… i dont see poor africa getting all panicy about the swine flu and buying drugs worth millions….hmmm?

ALSO if your immune system was left alone to fight swine flu by itself, without the aid of drugs, provided you’re a healthy person who can do this, surely you’re immune system will be stronger?

just asking…. i could be wrong… we should all panic…

Nagesh answers:

They are overreacting. A lot of it has been promoted by the media trying to get a good news story. They are supposed to report the news, not cause mass panic. The media has blown this way out of proportion. These cable news pundits who are giving 24-hour coverage to this flu are the same folks who had us convinced avian flu was going to end civilization as we knew it a few years back.

They’re also the same people who told us West Nile virus was going to become some sort of uncontrollable plague.

Of course, as we all know now, nothing close to their dire predictions ever came to pass.

There’s a lot of confusion regarding swine flu. Every time someone comes down with the flu, we’re going to need to see whether it’s this new variety. And, of course, plenty of people (especially the immune-compromised) die from plain old flu every year. Respect it. Be cautious about it. Don’t panic about it.

Wash your hands often — maybe even carry some hand sanitizer with you. Stay away from people who are sick. Give your immune system a boost by taking vitamins and eating healthy whole foods — and stay away from the cheap, processed carbohydrates and if you’re not feeling well, go and see your doctor.

Mark asks…

Are booster shots really necessary every year (please read)?

I particularly want to hear the views of people from the UK.
Mainly because I think different countries put different viruses in the booster shots, I think that’s what I’ve read anyway.

When i first had my cat and took him for his first lot of injections (Kitten injections) the vet nurse told me he would need a booster shot every 2-3 years. However the following year when he turned one I received a letter in the post to remind me about his booster shot so i arranged an appointment as i want the best for him. My cat will be 2 this year and his next booster will be around July – August time.
Last week I took him to the vet for something else and he said that if the treatment didn’t work then to come back in around two weeks, then he said “and in a couple of months he is due his booster shot”, and I said that was correct.

So what i want to know is why did it change, when i first had my cat everything i read about booster shots said they should be given every 2-3 years and then about 9 months after having my cat i was reading that they should be given every year but wasn’t to sure it was right until i got the reminder off my vet practice.

Baring in mind my cat has just turned 2 what changed? I’m asking this because he was really under the weather last time he had it done, he was eating and drinking but then sleeping until he would get up to eat a bit and then he would sleep again, this lasted 3-4 days he is a very active cat so it wasn’t nice to see. I’ve also read articles about cats that get regular booster shots are prone to getting cancer in the site of the injection.

My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat (like most people in the country), he goes outside when I’m not at work. Everyone I speak to has told me they never take there cats for booster shots that they just give them their kitten injections and they claim there cats are healthy.

So if you live in the uk and let your cat outside can you tell me what you do and if your cat has any problems.
Also if anyone knows what is actually in the shots would be helpful as I forgot to ask the first time round, is it everything that is in the kitten shots? I’ve tried googleing it but everything comes up as American practices. i.e. rabies shot keeps coming up but I don’t thing cats have it here once they have had it in there kitten injection.
If I do need to go back to the vets then I will ask but in the mean time your views would be most welcome.

Is it a money making scheme or is it genuinely necessary.

I’m really not sure what to do.
messykatt: you saying you had a cat dieing of lymphosarcoma at an injection site is what worries me.

I’d do anything for my cat, hes neutered, microchipped and i take him to the vets if needed, i would also be very happy to give him his booster shot when they originaly said 2-3 years. Its the fact that it seemed to suddenly change over night to every year that makes me doubt if they really do have our pets interests at heart.

Nagesh answers:

UK cat vaccinations cover cat flu, feline enteritis and optionally feline leukemia. Most uk vets allow you the option to include the feline leukemia vaccination and will only give FELV if asked to give a full set of vaccinations.

There has been extensive research which has proven that as in humans the vaccinations are not needed on an anual basis for example in humans the tetnas jab generally gives cover up to 10 years. Recent research has shown that cats should have a full set of kitten vaccinations but then a booster is only required every 3 to 5 years.

This will now largely be dependant on your vet, taking into consideration that the pharmecutical companies suggest boosters every 12 months as it provides a regular income for them this is the same for your vet anual vaccinations are a vets bread and butter money.

Personally, having previously kept outdoor cats and currently indoor cats – all my cats have had their first set of full vaccinations, and then both my indoor and outdoor cats are re vaccinated after 3 years which is the current guideline if you look into the research available.

Your vet will probably not agree.

It has been proven that annual vaccinations can cause cancers at the injection site due to the carrier fluids used to house the vaccine.

At the end of the day the choice is yours, however, if you intend to either show your cat or put them into a cattery you will be required to provide proof of upto date vaccinations.

This does not necessarily mean annual vaccinations but it does mean that a full complete recent vaccination card will have to be presented.

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Friday, February 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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