Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

George asks…

Good way for a 12 year old to make money?

My lesser brother want to save up money fast, He cant do a lemonade stand, or any chores (There is nothing to do!) He is going to try to sell paper boats for 50cents, Will it work?Any other ways?
No stupid stuff like “beg for money” or anything too technical

Nagesh answers:

First you need to educate yourself on all that’s available that you would be interested in doing. There are more ways to earn online than there stars in the sky. Well, maybe not that many but it can be over whelming.

I started by signing up for all the newsletters, mini-courses and such that I could find. You will filter throught them till you find the ones that appeal to you.

Once you find something you are interested in, you have to make a decision that will call you to action. If you can’t do this, and you only wish and talk about wanting, then you will never have what you want.

William asks…

What is a good way for a 10 year old to make money?

My son is 10, going on 11, and he is saving up for an iPad, what is a good way for him to make money fast? Snow Removal won’t work because winter is almost over, and by law, you have to be 12 years old to run a lawnmower, so that won’t work either. Any suggestions will help!

Nagesh answers:

Where do you live where a 10 year old can’t use a lawnmower?

Yard cleanup – raking, trimming shrubs
Dog walking and pet sitting
Being a “parent’s helper” – watching younger kids while mom or dad is home but doing something else
Washing windows
Organizing basements or toolbenches or workshops
Cleaning out garages

I’d have him make a flyer with these services and go door-to-door to your neighbors and ask if they’d consider hiring him. He’ll need to set a low, reasonable rate. Perhaps offering the first hour free would help too?

Good luck. Also what about selling old items on Craiglist or eBay with your supervision? Maybe he has old toys or games he could sell.

Ruth asks…

Ways for a 12 year old to earn money FAST!?

My sister needs to earn money by halloween. We live in florida so, things we can do down here. No snow or anything that’s “up northy”. He goal is about $50.00. She can:
Mow lawns
Make Sites
Lotsa stuff.
List anything you know of

Nagesh answers:

Looks like you just need to pur your plan into action. Don’t think about it, just do it. Most girls I know around that age are babysitting for a few extra bucks.

Michael asks…

What is the best/fastest way for a 12 year old to make money?

Nagesh answers:

My son when he was younger 🙂 worked at a Dominos pizza place cleaning the area up, he was 10yrs old, he also helped a man whom was wheel chair bound, collecting cans for him, mowed lawns, made at that time, $10 each time…. My oldest when 9yrs, baby sat for a disabled parent, she made $100 a week end….. She babysat till she was 15.7, then worked at a Burger King till 16.5, Taco Bell, by age 17 she was assisting the manager… She worked for Eagle Hardware, janitor for a WorkFirst, Boeing co…. Now she makes $17.50 an hour, owns a home… So my point is if you work hard, being responcible, graduate, you may at 30yrs old be able to own your business, homes, cars and enjoy your work….
Good Luck..

Sandy asks…

Can 12 year olds bus tables?

i need to make money fast, can i make it this way? and if not, what are some good ways to make money for a 12 year old? and were?

Nagesh answers:

When I was 12, in 1992, I delivered newspapers. Now you have to be 16 here in Ca to get an actual job. Right now I suggest you go to and make your own dusiness cards for free and hand them out. Advertise yourself that way, but first you have to find what you can do. Talk to any older friends you may have at school or church to see what they have done. Ask your parents for ideas.
-Mow lawns
-Pet sit
-Dog walker (unless you are of smaller stature)
-Offer to help neighbors with chores
Personally I think it’s great that you want to get a job and become a responsible member of society. It builds character. I have met several people in my working career who are 18 to 22 years old and they are looking for work for the first time in their lives. It also helps you learn the value of a dollar.

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Thursday, February 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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