Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

David asks…

How to make money for kids?

Hi, im 13 and i would like to save up for a rare expensive cat, and i need ideas for money because the cat i want is 3 grand. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow. For a kid, that’s really alot especially if you don’t have a job. Well one way I make money from time to time is offering to get my neighbor’s mail when he’s on vacation. I get at least $40 when he’s gone for a week. Other than that, you could definitely volunteer at an animal shelter or you could babysit. Those are pretty easy jobs to get when your not old enough for a real one. You could also do extra chores around the house. Or even better, if you have a little brother or sister, you could make a deal with your parents to help your little sibling with their homework once a week in return for some money. Hope this helped!

Joseph asks…

What are some ways for kids to make money?

I’m ten and i really want this phone for $50.00 but my mom won’t buy it for me and i really really want it can you plz give me some cool and UNIQUE ideas for me to make money!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Wow, everyone that answers is just trying to make money, they are all selling something, providing referral links etc etc. Here is a site full of UNIQUE ideas of how kids can make some money. Check it out!


James asks…

cool ideas to make money for a kid?

my parents are divorced and my dads making us move and my mom says we dont have the money to stay in out city.i want my girlfriend and friends! my friends and i our trying to make money for us. we already got carwashes. Im 12

Nagesh answers:

Dog walking
Water a elderly persons plants

I babysit and i make at least 20 dollars a kid 🙂

Good luck…my parents are divorced i know exactly what you mean :0)

Susan asks…

ideas to make money for kid?

is there any websites were you can go to to write reviews on products?

Nagesh answers:

If your good with computers: offer to help an elderly person with technical work
If your a good laborer: Ask to mow lawns of friends and neighbors (maybe when their on vacation?)
If your good with animals: Walk dogs, take care of animals while people are away
If your good with kids: This one depends on if your old enough, I say if your 13 you can do it alone but if your under or you have A LOT of kids, try taking an older friend or sibling.
If your good at cleaning: Offer to help clean someone’s house when they’re away.
If your responsible: Let a neighboor know you can water their garden and plants while their away.

John asks…

Any ideas for a kid to make money?

Please tell me if you have a ways for a kid to make money at the age of 13! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

A paper route

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Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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