Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Betty asks…

what age can i breed boreder collies…. second post?

thnk you for the first responce i appreciated it, i have not made my mind up if it is definatly going to happen yet, i am trying to get some ideas for the future and no it is not a quick money making scheme as youchose to put it i have got a lovely dog with a lovely temperment and is gresat around kids cats dogs and other animals he even plays with the rabbits in the garden, so befor you start giving the do not sdo this do not do that why dont you get the facts first and if you aint got nothign nice to say dont say it at all!

Nagesh answers:

The age is when you find out how to do all proper breeding such as tests and such..
It doesnt matter what you’ve put down as for what this dog has(that only matters like,20%).
You need to find beter resources then Yahoo answers for breeding, something as delicate as that.

And by your post you dont sound mature enough to become a breeder.

Thomas asks…

Marriage Overseas Divorce?


I have been married to someone in Vietnam (Vietnamese national) with marriage certificate in Vietnam and I am a US citizen with US passport.

Shortly after the marriage in Vietnam-Over the years my spouse and I had a falling out/separation prior to my beginning the process of sponsoring her to America. We now are not on talking terms and since there have been no marriage documentation done here in the US (no US marriage ceritificate), my question is would it be necessary to officially file for divorce in Vietnam since that is the only place we have a marriage certificate. Would there be any issues for me here in the states if I ever married someone from the US, I just dont want her or her family popping up some years later and try to sue me for money or things like that sort for making money scheme as they are in a poor country and I make good money here in the states so I heard thing of this sort happening. We have no kids together, we just wanted to get married, went to do the marriage in Vietnam, and shortly thereafter had the falling out and never spoke again and I have went on with my life here in the states since. It has been 2 plus years and we have no contact or anything more to do with each other aside from the marriage certificate.

I dont even know her whereabouts,etc.

There was this immigration lawyer here in the states that wanted $1300 for the help with the divorce and he said I wouldnt need to do anything but sign papers and he would have things done on my part here and in Vietnam, however, if it’s unnecessary I dont want to give away $1300 just for that. And even then what proof will I have that the lawyer did all the necessary steps and paperwork to officiate the divorce making it I am not familiar with Vietnam’s laws and proceedings for divorce and how international law affects me here in the US

Thanks for your time and help.

Nagesh answers:

For that much money you can trip overseas and get a quickie divorce- an overseas divorce for an overseas marriage

makes perfect poetic sense to me

Richard asks…

Why is everyone making a joke of Britany?

It’s obvious the girl is mentally sick. It’s no laughing matter. I can’t beleive that the hair salon couldn’t wait for her to get out the door before they were already scheming a way to make money off of her. Thats real concern if you ask me. Supose she had left there and committed suicide? Would they be trying to auction off the weapon or the pills she overdosed on. I have struggled with depression for years and it’s really not funny.Where is the compassion and concern for people anymore? It’s all about making a buck, no matter who it hurts or how it;s done. She has kids that someday will see this stuff about their Mom and it’s going to affect them. Lets forget about the monetary part and concentrate on helping this girl and her family. She has a right to be depressed just like anyone else and she has feelings like anyone else. Give her a break. Take her serious and support her and see how that works. Sorry, but all of this hair stuff makes me sick, It’s all about money at any cost!

Nagesh answers:

We like to build people up to hero status so we can kick the ladder right out from under them when they are on top.

Sick but true. Maybe we have little tolerance for the rich, thinking that they have what we want and feel little remorse for they have so much.

That is part of why we have a long way to go still before we get it right. What disturbs me is that I feel only great tragedy among the masses will be our wake up call…….again.

Carol asks…

How can i make more money for my family….?

i work 8am – 6pm mon to sat and have a wife n 2 kids one is 4 years old and the other 9mnths i’d like to learn a new proffesion to help but havent the time or money to invest into education… i know there is no real get rich quick scheme but i sure could do with one right now as i am on a financial breakdown.

Nagesh answers:

My husband sounds like you. Why don’t you tell your wife to do childcare. She could watch an older child who is pottytrained and make around $75-$125 a week and have a playmate for your 4 year old. It would be great for bringing in money, her not leaving the house and your daughter having a new fun playmate.

Easiest way to get started (what I did) is put a free ad on under the childcare section. FREE and can be done in a minute. Many people need childcare and if she is willing to do it cheap and be a good provider, it works great!

David asks…

Why do so many people talk so down on networking bussiness?

Since MLM products (as a rule) are priced higher than what might be considered “retail” in stores there needs to understanding and consideration of:
a. MLM products have to be of higher quality than retail products to get customers to “feel better.” Time after time exposé’s on TV show that many items on a store shelf contain nothing but the equivalent of “sawdust.” To stay alive MLM companies “generally” have to produce higher quality products. To determine which are most effective requires a product by product test by the MLM seller. Only by personal experience can an MLM Distributor “bond to a product.” This “bonding” is an essential element of being able to aptly sell a product.

Yes, there are some bad companies out there and pure pyramid schemes. Over all MLM is the Last hope in America for the little person to learn how to make money and actually do it. There are over 10 million people that earn a part time to a full time MLM income. People that hate MLM always ignore the part timer person because I swear the “Bashers” (see below) would rather have them washing dishes or waiting tables. My heart goes out to that divorced woman with 2 kids whose MLM income lets her spend more time with those kids. A woman who that extra $500 a month means the “world” to her and her kids. I look at the people making a living at $3500 a month that are happy. It isn’t just our industry that highlights the high income earners so does Franchising and all types of business opportunities besides MLM. It’s human nature to look at high dollar earners. Every year when college starts enrollees are looking at what graduates started earning when they graduated last spring. Priests and teachers are the only ones deliberately going into a low end earning business (they earn respect


Most MLM “Bashers” (people that say MLM is no good) have never been close to a good MLM company. They took one bad experience and go bonkers about it. Their point of veiw is a pinhole to match the brain in. Most are wage earning tongue draggers that have not been outside their local city limits. Why do I get mad at them? I have global experience. I have lost more money in more businesses (the majority non-MLM) than those losers ever made! I have also made more money (some of it in MLM) than they could even remotely imagine! Most MLM bashers hate successful people. They go into a state of shock when they see “ignorant” people (by their silly standards) making money. The bashers never figured out that People without a P.H.D. are not automatically dumb. The bashers were outraged when they saw high school dropouts making $500,000 a year. Of course many bashers, that joined MLM companies, were really outraged when they found they would have to “share” or sell something. Work – on my no they cried! Bashers want people to live in cradle to grave society with no risk and wash dishes their whole life. They are the “new socialists” and work hard at destroying vestiges of the last bastion of economic freedom in America and the world! They totally ignore the “little” success stories outlined in the first paragraph.

Nagesh answers:

I think that MLM does NOT equal Pyramid Scheme. Don’t pay attention to ignorant people. It’s a great way to make money and be your own boss. I DO agree that LOTS of Pyramid Schemes in the past gave a bad reputation to a lot of Home Based Businesses, but oh well…. Who cares. Believe and move on…

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Monday, January 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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