Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Sharon asks…

making money fast and easy!?

I am a teenager and really want a cat. My mom says with the cost of the vet with out two dogs, she can’t afford it. I have $80ish dollars and want to save up for all the supplies, but I can’t think of a fast easy way to earn a bunch of money to pay for the vets and stuff. please don’t answer “lemonade stand” because you only get like 5 dollars. and don’t say “win the lottery” because that probably wont happen. please help! give me some idea how to raise a lot of money!

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure if this is your idea of fast and easy but you can try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada (maybe the UK too, but I don’t know).

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Mark asks…

Tips on how to save money for teens?

Good ways for teenagers to make money?

Also, tips on how to SAVE money, because I spend it the second I get it. And I really want to save because I need to stop buying cheap, crappy clothes and start spending it on stuff thats worthwhile.

So… basically… I need tips on how to make and save money. Fast. I’m only 14 so I can’t really get a job. I’ve tried to start up a babysitting business but it didn’t really work. Help!!
yeah… selling ranch dressing… definitely.

i already do get allowance. but it’s only like $12 a week.

Nagesh answers:

Ask people if there’s anything you can do for money–chores, painting, whatever.

John asks…

ways to make money fast? help me…?

here’s the story
i’m sixteen i just moved in with my dad and grandma
and things are NOT going well, they think im going to hell and stuff,
and my grandma practically thinks im possessed of the devil,
just because i dont get great grades right after i moved here,
and i dont have a good attitude when they make me do chores.
anyway theyre way overdramatic and they decided that,
since im a rebellious evil child, they’re not going to pay for me anymore.
that means:
they will no longer buy me ANY, makeup, clothing, shaving cream, razors,
hair products, basically anything that a teenage girl needs.
they said if its not a “necessity” like food and soap to wash with,
then they’re not buying it for me.
i only have, one pair of jeans and three shirts and a couple jackets,
because most of the clothes i had before i moved was shit from goodwill,
and stuff i had from when i was like twelve years old,
so i gave most of it away before i moved,
cause my grandma said id get new clothes when we moved here.
i really, really want to wear makeup, because im insecure without it,
and i dont want to look like a poor dirty orphan going to school,
because people at my school are really rich and theyre CRUEL,
and theyll make fun of me for wearing the same stuff all the time,
and if i dont even have makeup so that i look somewhat pretty,
ill basically be screwed…
so i need HELPP. i can get a ride to the mall,
and i do have guy friends who would buy me clothes,
but thats majorly a last resort because i REALLY,
really, reaaaally dont want to take money from them.
because that makes me feel like such a gross golddigger.
any ways that i could make like twenty bucks or hopefully more,
in a matter of two or three days,
would be GREATLY appreciated. if i cant make money by then,
i will have to drop out of school here and go into independent studies.
ive been homeschooled before and i HATED it,
but im new at this school anyway so it wont be that big of a deal.
i just really really need a steady way to make money,
maybe something i could do like once every month,
just to restock my makeup and buy one or two new shirts a month?
please i really need help 🙁
any ideas would be appreciated… thank you..
oh and dont like call me spoiled cause im freaking out,
that i cant get clothes and makeup.
if you only had like 3 shirts and 1 pair of pants,
and you were a teenager who has to go to school every day,
and be surrounded by gorgeous rich girls,
youd be feelin a little upset too, i think. right?
anyway please help me… thanks.
sorrryy about the cuss word up there.
i just mean “stuff from goodwill”
im not allowed to get a job. they won’t let me.
and no i did not have problems with mom, my mother is a prostitute and drug addict somewhere in oklahoma.
havent seen her since i was about 4.
thanks anyway though.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sorry you have it so rough. Just try to be optimistic for the future, everything’s going to get better after you get into college. And to answer your question about making easy money….. Well there’s really no fast money making method. I had to learn it the hard way lol, just try to make some deals w/ your father about grades, chores, etc. You can even try raking leaves, shoveling snow, babysitting for the people in your neighborhood. Just try to be positive and the people who give you sh*t at school tell them to suck on a d*ck and choke on a nut.

Mary asks…

Fastest way for a teenager to get money for a car?

I need a car fast. How can I get some quick money. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

If you need it fast, then you’ll have to get a loan. After that you’ll need to get a job to repay the loan. Try your parents or another relative if you have to.

Your parents decision will most likely be based on the reason that you “need a car fast”. If it is a legitimate reason, then you may be more likely to have your parents help, if it is just because you “want” a car, then that may be another matter.

How are your school grades, if they are low, your parents may feel that you have not earned a car yet, and with a car, your grades will suffer even worse.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

What is a fast way to make money for a teenager…? By tomorrow?

Ok, So I need to make $450 by tomorrow, I am having a big garage sale with my friend who is bringing items to sell as well… My basic question is how can I makeup for the rest of the money I don’t make during the garage sale? I am going to have dinner with Governor Sarah Palin on August 8th, and tickets are $150… I need to have the money by tomorrow (Saturday July 18th)… so I may mail it in and it can be there by the deadline (July 20th)!
PLEASE PLEASE, any advice will be extremely helpful!
I always award best answer!!!

This is for my dad’s birthday, so I cannot ask my parents… no… not my mom either, because do you know where she gets her money? Dad… thats right… hahaha =(

Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Wow all the other answers you got were spam 🙁
How rude!
Anyways, you could try going to a bank and getting a loan 🙂
Then your parents can pay it back later 😉
Haha or maybe you could go to a pawn shop and pawn things you don’t want/need

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Thursday, January 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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