Your Questions About Quick Money Making Schemes

Sandy asks…

Why to get rich quick scheme don’t work?

Like when you join a business to make money some say this is not a get rich quick scheme why do they say that and a get rich quick scheme mean you make money very quick is making a lot of money always a problem. Do some get rich quick scheme work in some businesses.

Nagesh answers:

A ‘get rich quick scheme’ is a SCAM designed to get YOU to pay THEM for something they CLAIM will make you a lot of money in a short amount of time. NONE of them are legitimate ways to make money. MOST people that SAY they are not get rich schemes actually ARE. They say they are not to try to fool people that know get rich quick schemes don’t work.

Linda asks…

Anybody have any thoughts on Riddick Bowes re-entry into the Heavyweight division ?

Does Bowe have the desire to get back in real contention or is this another quick money making scheme, at 41 is Bowe capable of beating the current crop of heavys, is anybody bothered at all that he has turned back up on the radar or has his appeal disappeared. I wondered whether anyone has any thoughts currently about Bowe.

Nagesh answers:

Riddick Bowe has about as much of a chance in a come back attempt as Butter Bean. As far as a quick money making scheme who would be dumb enough to pay money to see him fight?

Lizzie asks…

Has anyone actually made any money from the internet using an idea they purchased?

I’ve had literally thousands of requests to buy ‘ideas’ and ‘schemes‘ to make quick easy money on the internet, every one of them reports to be making money by following a few simple steps and working only a few hours a day/week. Does anyone actually do this and was it harder than you thought or were promised it would be?
See my other question about “The World Internet Summit” also. Has anyone heard off/tried anything to do with this. They apparently proved it in front of visitors to the summit.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t believe in the pay to learn model. I’ve learned a lot without ever having to pay for any of those guides, ideas, or whatever you want to call them. Making money is possible and some methods are better or easier than others. However that doesn’t mean you can’t learn them without paying for all these “offers” you see.

While there is always worked involved, the level of work varies depending on what you’re doing. The harder you work, the more possibilities there is. The best advice I can give you is research.

Robert asks…

What was the way to make a quick buck in the 70’s?

Today it’s obvious that “taking photography” is being sold as a way to make lots of money with little effort. In the 90’s I remember it was buying old houses and fixing them up.

What were some of the quick schemes to make big money fast that were sold to the disillusioned public in the time that you have been alive?

Nagesh answers:

Early 70’s, handmade crafts…macrame, jewelry, candles. Some quick bucks were being made by spiritualists. Later flea marketing was the big draw.

Sharon asks…

Has any one ever bought a “Make money on-line scheme” and actually succeeded at it?

I get a lot of junkmail like “Make money quick on line” or “Make money with google” etc… I like the idea of making money quick and having multiple streams of income, but I am skeptical about all of these so called get rich schemes

Nagesh answers:

If you had a secret on how to make money, would you tell someone how it’s done? If something is too good to be true, it usually is.

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Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 Money Making Schemes

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