Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Carol asks…

What kind of projects can i do to let people in my neighborhood that i babysit?

i know ive asked this before but i babysit like for 4 families and i need money this summer so what kind of projects can i do to let people know in my neighborhood that i babysit (besides flyer’s and business cards) any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You can check with your local church, school or ymca type places. Word of mouth works wonders..Good luck

Daniel asks…

How can I make money over the summer ?

So i’m 15 and im not old enough to get a real job yet but i really need some extra money this summer so any ideas
oh and please no lemonade stands
thank you♥

Nagesh answers:

I babysit or dog sit. Easiest job ever. First, when I babysit, I play with the kids and then when they get tired, i put them down for a nap easily. When they’re asleep? I watch TV, get on the computer, or talk on the phone. I also sometimes dog sit for my neighbors while they’re at work. I take the dog out twice a day to do it’s business, and take it on a walk every day. It’s pretty nice, too, getting outside and walking. If you want to get one of these jobs, look around your neighborhood. If you know the lady down the street has some children she needs watched over the summer, offer to watch them a couple of days a week. The best part is,you pick your hours and sometimes… Your pay!

Hope I was helpful!

Ken asks…

How to raise money for summer camp?

My friend and I want to raise money to go to summer camp together. It costs $770 for each of us. Since it’s January, we can’t exactly do car washes and lemonade stands and such. And neither of us are old enough to get jobs. Other then babysitting, what can we do to raise money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some ideas:
– Sell newspaper logs. Look on the Internet on how to make them.
– A bake sale. Buy some cookie mixes, muffin mixes, and cake mixes from the store and bake them, then sell them.
– Pet sit. I recommend only doing cats and small animals, since dogs can be a handful.
– Scoop snow. If you live in a area that has snow, advertise around your neighborhood.
– Ask your parents if they could pay for the camp, but you could work it off.
– Tutoring. Tutor younger kids that have trouble in school.

William asks…

How much money would I need for Australia for one month?

I’m planning on going to Australia for one month between november/december but I have no idea how much money will be needed. I don’t know anyone there so I would be having to pay for hostels, food, travel, “social life”, etc. My plan is to go to Sydney first and then Canberra. So, I was just wondering if $2,000 (US dollars) would be enough? (not including flights and visa).

Nagesh answers:

M, I would up that $2,000 US dollars a little further, I would be looking at a minimum of at least three.. I blew two and a half grand in two weeks.

Remember November/ December is the high season over there, their summer.

Betty asks…

How can I make money recycling?

I am 15 years old and I need to save up money for a summer baseball camp I can go to so I can expand my knowledge in baseball. I have an idea about leaving a letter around my neighborhood explaining this so I can come around on a certain day to pick up plastics to recycle. But I need more suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Collect bottles

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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