Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Charles asks…

Selling Snakes a Good business idea?

Me and a friend are thinking about selling snakes we understand we need the money and things but is it a good business and we got already the idea for food without spending money
Im not talking in owning a story im refering to a local classified selling snakes and they are legal in my area

Nagesh answers:

As a side business, if you have another primary source of income, sure! If you are wanting to start a business and make allot of money, theta an old saying:

“You want to know how to make a small fortune breeding reptiles? Start with a large fortune.”

You need to have a genuine passion for the animals you are breeding. And be prepared for setbacks, vet bills, etc… The cost of rodents isn’t the biggest expense, though breeding your own certainly helps. And, if you want to sell animals that have a high value, you are going to have to spend ALLOT up front typically, then wait 2-5 years for the animals to reach breeding size.

Mandy asks…

Halloween Party Ideas?

I am having a halloween party and I still need more ideas what to do. I want people to not be bored out of their minds and have fun. SO what are some creative ideas for stuff to do at a halloween party? I am having it in my basement which is unfinished and decorating it like a haunted house. People there will be like 13ish (8th grade) and it willl be probably alot of people

Nagesh answers:

Halloween party decorating ideas
Here is some Halloween party decorating ideas:

1.Ghosts,inside with kleenex ,cotton ball, thread, marker,put cotton ball in center-wrap thread for a “neck”,marker for eyes and mouth ,hang from the ceiling with thread.

2.Outside,white trash bags,crush newspapers (or anything) into a ball,do the same but use string,I whacked the bottoms off to look ragged,and hung them on the tree on small end branches,they were really cute dancing in the wind- the leaves fell and there they were- when the wind blew hard they streamed and looked like they were really flying%u2026

3.Use black licorice strings and form bat wings with a marshmallow body , paint with food coloring.same with big spiders%u2026.

4.Noticed Ace Hardware had small hay bales,you might check the paper for real bales.Pumpkin carving contest,use wierd tools or regular ones,everyone votes for winner%u2026 bobbing for apples is still fun!

5.Pick up some black lights – they will give an eerie effect. Make deviled eggs but do not slice them withwise but rather in the middle.


Yields approximately 9 dozen bite-sized eyeballs

3 oz lemon gelatin (can be sugar-free)
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup pineapple juice
8 oz cream cheese (can be lowfat/Neufchatel)
1 cup mayonnaise (can be fat-free)

Dissolve lemon gelatin in 1 cup water in double boiler, add marshmallows and stir to melt. Remove from heat. Add pineapple juice and cream cheese. Beat until well blended. Cool slightly. Fold in mayo. If you have a truffle candy mold or round ice cube trays, pour the mixture in the molds and leave to set in the fridge. Otherwise pour into a deep ceramic dish and chill until thickened or firm enough for scooping into eyeballs. Using a melonballer, scoop full balls of the mixture and set aside for decoration. To decorate, use liquid food coloring and an old detail paintbrush and get creative. You will need black food coloring for the pupils. Also, if you are in a hurry, instead of painting the colored irises, you can carefully dip the ball in a small pool of food coloring to approximate the iris, but still paint on the pupils.

For 1999, I found rubber ice cube trays that worked beautifully with much less waste than the melonballer technique. I sprayed the rubber trays with non-stick cooking spray beforehand like you would any gelatin mold, let the gelatin mixture sit in the refrigerator to set, then I was able to carefully pop the eyeballs out to paint them. Some of the eyeballs did break, and they do have one flat side, but that actually works, since then they don’t roll around while you are trying to paint them. Since 2001 I have found that Wilton truffle candy molds are even better, since the swirl design on the top is the right size for the cornea shape on the eyeball. When using the truffle molds, one recipe makes about 9 dozen eyeballs – plenty for a party crowd!

Find More Recipes Here
Songs for a halloween party
Some good songs for a halloween party
1. Alice Cooper – Welcome to my nightmare

2.Ghost in my house.

3.Brittany spears.

4.MONSTER MASH so cool to dance to in fancy dress done it.

5.Monster Mash. Black Magic Woman – Santana.

6. Hell On Wheels – Cher.

7.The Timewarp is always the show stopper%u2026..

8.Asda and Tescos are selling cds for 97p they are brill.

9. Just go get like a sacry soundtrack. They have them at halloween stores walmart and k mart!

10.The new song by Nelly Furtado “Maneater”.That is actually a good song for Halloween. It has scary noices and it sounds a bit spooky, just perfect for Halloween.

Halloween Party Costumes Ideas Without Spending Money
Here%u2019s some fantastic costume ideas for a fancy dress Halloween party without spending a fortune on it:
1.Wear an old homecoming or prom dress that still fits. Straighten then curl your hair and put it up with the curls falling elagantly like in the olden days. Wear bright makeup that highlights your dress. Costume jewlry great too!

2.If you have an old suit, slick your hair back paint your face pale and go as a vampire. It’s Easy.Or buy a boiler suit, a hockey mask and a plastic machette and go as Jason, probably about £25 for that, plus it looks cool if you are quite tall and not too slim.

3.Tape a sanwich wrapped in clingfilm to your back and go as the “lunchpack of Notredame”.

4.Go as chucky, pair of denim dungarees a stripy top n get a ginger spice wig n cut it a little to make it raggy, paint some scars on your face when your done.

5.Go as Norman Bates’s mother! Get a bad wig,a big plastic knife that you can always buy at Halloween, and an apron covered in red paint to look like blood.

6.Wear a simple black Cape.Also if fake scary teeth dont irritae you try them. Try some Vampire Blood.You could wear a mask for a while
hope i helped (:

Daniel asks…

Romantic Christmas ideas?

My partner and I live some distance away from each other. He may be coming to visit this December, not during but before Christmas, and it will by then be our 5 month anniversary. I want to do something really special for him. Unfortunately I have very little money, so I can’t buy the present I’d like to get him, or take him somewhere too fancy unfortunately, but I’d like to make him a gift or do something fun with him to make it a memorable day.

Does anyone have any romantic ideas for a date during the holidays?

So far I have…
-Snow ball fight (if we have snow by then)
-Christmas light viewing
-A personal tour of the town (which there will be Christmas lights up for)

Any other ideas would be absolutely lovely~!
Well, I think thats nice and all. But I guess I’m the kind of person who prefers taking turns, and enjoys being the one to take a partner on a date instead of the other way around. ^^’ I guess I’m not really huge on gender rolls…
I basically just want to show him a good time and make our day together one he won’t forget. He did that for me last time, and I wanted to return the favor.

Nagesh answers:

Its good so far to be honest in my opinion thats enough from your side… Hes the man so he should come up with pricy ideas 😛 and just in general ideas i dont like that when a man is not prepared

Mary asks…

mothers day ideas for a kid with no money???

im 13
and mothers day is tomorrow
i have no money
and im gonna make her a card i guess =/
but what else is there
any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

Well, mine was a little bought, but i got a 2 sided picture frame from Michaels Crafts for $3 and on one side put her fav. Lil pic of me in it, on the other side i did a poem that contained these questions:
-4 adjectives that discribe yourself (ex: compassionate, shy, thoughtful, funny)
–Lover of… (ex: my mom, my husband, animals, music)
– Talented in… (dance, arts, making people smile)
-Who feels…(free, happy, joyful, stressed)
-Who needs…(love, hugs, help, laughter)
-Who fears…(the dark, clowns, spiders, being alone)
-Who gives…(patience, love, head aches, stress)
-Who would like to see…(Europe, Heaven, God, New York, maybe a realitive that had passed away before you met them?)
-____________ Native (Texas Native, Florida Native, New York)
-End it with your name again

I’m a teacher and a fellow teacher i work with her daughter did this when she was a SR. In HS and she loves it, then we did it in my classroom with my students. So i decided to do it too 🙂

Hope it helps!?

Michael asks…

Whats easiest way to make money?

I want money and fast!

Nagesh answers:

Hey I have been looking for an idea on how to make easy money for an income on the side, and I have discovered a very good way of making money on the internet. I have generated so far 17,730.00 US in two months. Iam still cant believe it LOL. Here is my msn messenger where you can talk live with me. Iam willing to share my experience and ideas with you. That’s if you are interested In my advice and the income I have mentioned above.

Have a nice day…

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Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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