Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Linda asks…

I need ideas on ways I can get money fast.?

I’ve applied for every job available. This morning I was collecting cans for money – not working. Im 17 and in real need of cash. I tried websites that pay you for suveys, didn’t work. I need some real good ideas to make money.

Nagesh answers:

For inspiration from other teenagers who earn money doing work they love and who have become millionaires in the process check out:

Charles asks…

Fundraising ideas for teenagers?

So this year my 9 of my friends and I are going to do the relay for life to raise money for the Canadian cancer society. Our goal is to raise 5,000 and we need to think up some fundraising events we can do. We are already planning a garage sale as well as a book/bake sale. We thought of doing a car wash as well, but we don’t have anywhere to hold it and all that water and soap and things would be expensive.

Since everything we are doing is being paid for from our own pockets and 100% of the money is going to the charity, we are looking to do something that won’t cost us too much money, and will be fairly simple to organize and hold.

Thanks in advance on behalf of us all 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are plenty of ideas that are free or don’t cost a lot to do. Your garage sale and bake/book sale ideas are great but keep a few things in mind. Be sure to have large signs saying that you are raising money for Relay for Life and keep donation jars in site. Some people might not want to buy anything but plenty of people will make donations for a great cause like Relay for Life.

Ask your principal if you can put a donation jar in the front office at school. Also ask if you can put donation jars out for other school events like at the concession stand at sports events.
Some local businesses (like gas stations and quick marts) may be willing to let you have a car wash at their location and they would donate the water. Each friend could bring one bottle of soap and things like scrub brushes, towels, and buckets from home. Again, use signs and donation jars so your “customers” will know that all your proceeds go to Relay for Life.

Here is a site that is full of fundraising ideas to choose from:

Relay For Life Fundraisers

Some of these ideas can be done on a smaller scale by you and your friends. Good luck to you with your fundraising efforts!

Michael asks…

Fun ideas for teenagers with no money!?

So I recently got back together with my ex, and we have been looking for things to do. We don’t like spending a lot of money and we live in Montana so the weather is pretty crazy. He always asks me what I want to do and to give him ideas but I have no idea what to do. Right now its the beginning of winter and its super cold so we don’t really have many outdoor activities to do. So, my question to you is what are some fun things we could do? Indoor and or outdoor?
Thanks so much!! 😀

Nagesh answers:

Well you could go to the mall and window shop, also I’m not sure if it snows in your area, but it’s always great fun to snowboard and go sledding out in the snow, also having get together inside while drinking hot coco and watching movies is fun.

Thomas asks…

I am a teenager that needs money?

me and my friend want to earn money we need advice any unique ideas welcome

Nagesh answers:

There’s an innovative teenager in my neighborhood, who paints mailboxes, ($20 each), walks dogs and does lawnwork. (He’s got a whole set up with his dad’s John Deere and other equipment.) He appears to have a number of clients because he not only does a good job, but he comes in much cheaper than professional gardeners.

Since summer is the season for people to vacation, perhaps you can also feed cats, water plants, stuff like that. I don’t know how old and responsible you are — but if you fit the bill, prepare flyers, get references and see what happens.

Betty asks…

Need money fast, any ideas (teenager)?

I’m a 13 yr old that really needs to earn some money. I left my dads camera at an amusement park (someone took it) and I need to earn the money back NOW. This also brings me to my second question, what kind of camera would be affordable, (I’m looking between $100 – $200 maybe) It needs to be a really good camera, but not those professional bulky kinds.

I was searching and this might be the camera that I lost:

But I want to buy a really good/new camera so I can’t buy that one.

I can’t mow lawns or get jobs or do car washes and stuff. The best so far I can do is sell my crappy iPod. I might be able to find some old clothes to sell but thats all the ideas that I have. Any inspirational ideas (please no stupid websites)?
For Just Me: I can’t work because I have homework everyday and I have tests every week and there are so many projects due It’s really busy at my school I’m struggling just to pass my classes. I’d rather pass my classes than spend time mowing a lawn. And it’s not because I don’t want to. I partially don’t know how since I’ve only mowed my backyard 2 times. But my parents don’t allow me to go to people’s houses and ask them if I can mow their lawn. I can’t even pull the starter thingy on the lawn mower. :/
If I do a car wash in front of a closed down store, how would I hook up a hose??

Nagesh answers:

Try making bracelets and selling them. Go to a boutique and see if they’ll carry them; in my town they did for us when I was your age.

Have a bake sale.

Enlist your friends to help you with a car wash in exchange for cooking them a meal or some treats. I know you said no car washes, but this is a great way to make a lot of money in an afternoon, as long as you have help.

You could try asking some neighbors you know if they need help planting flowers this spring, and that you’d be willing to help them for an hourly fee.

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Sunday, December 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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