Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Charles asks…

ways an 11 year old can make money quick!?

my uncle is just about to get married… IN IRELAND!! well my mom and dad and i need to get money for it we need about 5000 to 6000 dollars. i want to get spending money and i want to get money to pay for plane tickets any easy way for an 11 year old to get money.
(i can only work on most weekends and mondays and thursdays) plz help!
kelly please tell me!
i meant want money not need!

Nagesh answers:

The “usual” ways 11-year-olds can make money are generally not easy and include:
1. Child care. You need to be able to charge at least minimum wage. Or you could organize after-school play groups of 3 or 4 children whom you could supervise at a safe playground and charge each parent a sufficient amount for you to earn, say, $10/hour.
2. Yard work. Raking up limbs and trash are certainly within your capabilities, and you can charge minimum wage or more, if you’re a fast worker. You can also spread mulch, but you’re going to have to arrange to have it delivered.
3. Sell things. Tag sales are a tried-and-true method of both decluttering your own home and making some pocket cash. Roadside stands to sell whatever you have in abundance are time tested–lately I’ve seen folks selling cut flowers, rooted azaleas, and daylilies for transplant at roadside stands.
4. Make things and sell them. Check your local open-air, curb, or farmer’s market to see what kinds of things people are making to sell and what kinds of licenses might be required. Things I’ve seen people selling include baked goods, pot plants, painted pots, jewelry, cookbooks, original art work, and that sort of thing. You might need an adult to sign the contract for a sales booth, though. If you’re handy with a needle, you might make T-shirts or pillows in your school colors, with or without monograms, and sell them at school. For that, you may just make a few and then take orders for later delivery. Or make “scrapbook pages” of events in which you participate with others and sell them to the other participants.

Mandy asks…

whats a quick and easy way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Northbus is right. There is no “quick” way to make money.
One way to make a lot of money is to start a business. Start something that’s cost efficient. How quickly you make money in your business, depends on how much you work it.
Most cost effective type of business I’ve found is to start up a home based business. You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business has, and you also have less over head to pay for each month. Most everything in your house, is part of your business, which becomes tax write offs. Your telephone, computer, heating, electricity, car etc. Less over head, less bills to pay out then a traditional business which means MORE profit. Home based businesses are also cheaper to start up then a traditional store front. They’re also easier to maintain.

With the business experiences that I have had, the best type of home based business to have, I feel is collaborating with another business. In doing this, it lessens the stress factor that a traditional business has, yet you have the same income opportunity, no overhead, no buying and selling, no bills to pay. So everything you make, is basically a profit! That’s what my husband and I did over six years ago. We collaborated with the largest direct selling Telecommunications service provider in the world. They market in Local and Long Distance telephone services, Internet, video phones, digital phones, VOIP, Satellite TV as well as all the major cellular phone providers such as Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Alltell, Nextell etc. We save people money on services that they already have and can introduce them to services that they don’t have. Everytime these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month. It’s really easy to do and we do it from home. So this is one type of home based business available. If you’d like to look at some more ideas, I created a blog on home based business opportunities on my 360 page that your more then welcome to take a look at. There are over half a dozen to take a look at.

If you have any questions your more then welcome to email me back anytime at

Susan asks…

Legitimate ways to make money from home?

I’m 18 and live in New York. I can’t seem to get a job around where I live because the economy’s bad and anyone who is hiring doesn’t want to start me because I’m moving in a couple months. I’m open to pretty much anything as long as it’s legit, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

The economy is definitely changing – just as we had transitioned into the industrial age some decades ago, we are not transitioning to a digital age where things are done differently.

However, one thing you can do to make a good cash flow while you are in this transitional period (or even beyond) is ghostwriting – there are tons of businesses out there that build Web sites and need good quality content for their Web sites in a variety of topics. This is what I did when I first lost my job (and I had just found out I was pregnant so I really needed to have a stable income). It worked out really well and I made a good reliable income – I worked full time ghostwriting for about 4 weeks and then after that, I was working part time making the same amount of money so that I could focus on other things that I wanted to do (because ghostwriting full-time is sort of brain-numbing). Now years later, I have a stable business and I can go back and write to make quick cash if I need it, however I rarely need to because over the years I have built a good stable business that does not involve ghostwriting, but involves my life passions 🙂

Many people work at home and write for really low wages – just do not get stuck writing for something like .01/word – at that rate, if you type 50wpm, you will likely make like $10/hour and if you are a decent writer, you should make more than $10/hour. Please check out in the sources below for the link to my blueprint that I wrote to describe my exact process along with letters I wrote to prospective clients and copies of ads that resulted in higher paying jobs.

Best of luck to you – working from home is very rewarding and I really enjoy it as I am able to be home with my daughter and live a very flexible life – my life is different than yours I am sure, however at 18, I am sure there are things you can do with that sort of flexibility!

Donald asks…

Quick ways to make money ?

Is there any other ways I can make money other than a paper round I need about £100 by the end of February.
Thankksss 🙂 x
I’m a 13 year old girl so nothing like washing cars and that.

Nagesh answers:

List ads to help with home work, especially those kids who are home schooled. List to help with book reports, etc.

Place flyers around senior citizen complexes to do odd jobs, like house cleaning, run errands, etc.Check with salons to see if you can clean up in there and help with odd jobs for them.

Mark asks…

i need ways to make quick money?

ive done everything from selling bud to car hopping i had a good job but i got fired for comming into work drunk high and fucked up on triple c’s knocked abunch of shit over and got into a fist fight with a customer im not looking for any of that survey bull or affiliate marketing tryed it and it dident work for me i need some really good ideas on how to make some quick cash

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations on taking the first step in putting yourself in the driver’s seat to better finances and changing your life! That is a highly respectable decision and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

The next step is to connect on the phone or by email so we can learn a little about you and your goals for instantly changing not only your life, but the lives of people you know.

We’ll specifically be interested in learning:

1. Why you want to start a home business

2. What kind of income you’re looking to generate over the next 12 months

We have 2 awesome options for you depending on several factors. Whether you’re looking to replace your full-time job with a home-based business, looking for time freedom, financial freedom, the ability to change your outside appearance instantly, a simple system to make some extra cash weekly, or long term residual income we have what you’re looking for!

Visit to learn more about this exciting business that is not only making individuals wealthy, it’s changing their health inside and out! To join this simple system that allows you to earn weekly and monthly income!

Also visit to learn how you can leverage your cash to generate an extra $500-$1000 Daily!

Because our businesses are so successful, we have limited time to get back to everyone personally. So please don’t hesitate to give us a call. If we miss you, leave us a message to let us know you’re serious and we’ll put you ahead of a lot of the other people we’re talking to.

Our number is: 206-376-0880

Our email is:

You can also reply to us via email with the best time and number to reach you.

We look forward to talking with you.

Maxzell & Danielle
National Expansion Leaders
Adversity causes some to BREAK and some to be RECORD BREAKERS!!!

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Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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