Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Susan asks…

Money problems any ideas..?

Well my dad recently got laid off, and my mom doesnt work. We were doing better than ok before.. but now my mom wont even give me money for dinner or whatev, Im too young to get a job.. and i cant really babysit. I like desperately need money, (clothes and stuff for new school year), and just whenever im out with my friends. I only have about 400 in the bank which im not taking out of.. and 10 here..
I have no idea how i can make money but i need too badly!
i need money when i am out with friends in town.. like going out to dinner ..?
but yeah im cutting back on that.. and my mom always takes me back to school shopping, i just feel bad so i want to be able to use my own money

Nagesh answers:

1) why do you need money for dinner? Can’t you eat at home with the family?
2) school doesn’t start for another month or so, so you need anything “for school” right now
3) what’s with buying new clothes for school? What’s wrong with the clothes you’re wearing now or even last year?
4) you do have money in the bank, so if you feel that you have to spend money on the above items, then spend your own money

Your parents have to cut back on non-essentials now until one of them finds another job. In this economy, once you lose your job, who knows when another one will come along so don’t take your parents for granted that they have tons of money for you to waste on stuff you can really do without. It’s time to start recycling and re-using stuff that’s really has nothing wrong with them instead of going out and buying something new.

Helen asks…

How could I make money with this idea? PPC or what?

I was thinking about making a website about a certain market, X. So the distributors of market X do not have affiliate programs of any kind. When typed into Google what some of the top companies in the country carry, none of them come up. Just smaller, less established companies that are competitors. I was wanting to make a website that broke down market X into categories and in each category I would have a list of distributors that carried that certain item. I figured that if I would do this I could eventually get a high click through ratio, but I have no idea what how I would make money from this. Any input would help. Thanks!
Ok, if anyone else reads this. My goal is to maybe get such a high click through rate that these companies will want me to keep my website up, and possibly pay me for it seeing that I am bringing them traffic to their websites. Is that possible, or is there a better way. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Scrap the idea of marketing affiliate x and go with making money with Adsense.

Setting up your own website and using SEO is the best way to make money online. Selling Adsense space on your site will allow you to monetize the site and make money.

Search traffic is by FAR the highest converting type of traffic and that’s where you can make money. In other words, traffic from Google and other keyword-based search engines will get you more clicks (or sales if that’s your game) than you can get from any other source. If you can learn to get traffic from Google and other search engines, you’ll never struggle to make money online. That’s the honest truth, and the best way to make money online.

Use Google’s Keyword Tool to find paying keywords. Paying keywords are keywords that are worth the investment in ranking high in Google. Going after the keyword “loans” is crazy and you’ll be wasting your time because it’s too competitive. Huge companies pay thousands of dollars a month, or even more, and have unlimited resources to rank high for keywords like that. You’ll waste your precious time and money.

You need to know how to calculate the potential income a keyword can produce and you need to know whether you can get your site to get listed in Google for the keyword. If
both of those variables align, you have a winning (as in profitable) keyword.

Search a keyword and refine the search by “exact” match. Then sort the search by two categories: Search Volume (Global), and CPC (Cost per click). Download the .csv file into Excel and hack it down into three colums. “Keywords, Search Volume, and CPC”. In that order. Then setup a fourth column and put a title in that first cell of the fourth column “Potential Income”. In the first cell below “Potential Income”, (should be D2) type this: “=” then click on B2, then type “*.4” then type “*” then click on C2, then type “*.25” then type “*.05”. If that’s confusing, here’s the formula for finding income potential for keywords:

(Search Volume x 40%) x (CPC x 25%) x 5% = Monthly Income Potential of a


Hit enter, and you should get a dollar amount in the fourth column. Copy that formula and paste it all the way down the column until you see dollar amounts all the way down. Then sort the whole spreadsheet by the fourth column, or Income Potential. Get rid of all keyword rows that are less than $50/month potential. Don’t waste your time. Also, if you have a pretty general keyword you might have some extravagant numbers like $20,000/month. Don’t bother. Only big companies with huge resources are able to rank for a keyword like that.

Now comes the fun part. Using either Firefox SEO or Google Toolbar, do a search at for each keyword in your list. Each resulting page should have a PageRank number next to it, or “PR”. Look at the first four sites that come up from that search. If any of those are PR4 or higher, don’t bother wasting time and resources to rank high for that keyword. You want sites that are PR0, PR1, PR2, or PR3 in the top four in Google for your keyword. That way, using single links from single sites and blogrolls, you can easily get ranked first in Google for your keyword and make money online, virtually hands free.

Sorry if this is a long explanation, but I believe people deserve real, concrete information when deciding to make money online. See the links below for much, much more information.

Paul asks…

Help! Any ideas for saving money?

Now, here is my problem: despite opening a savings account with an external bank other than my primary bank, and having money transferred automatically each week to this external account to try to save, I still end up transferring that saved money back to my checking account at some point since I live paycheck to paycheck. I have tons of credit card debt and no savings, and I’m 35 years old. Does anyone know of a bank or savings institution that I can stash some money for savings and NOT be able to access it online?? And any other ideas about debt, saving, etc will be appreciated. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Ive got some great money saving ideas.

Here’s how to save money: Stay away from tobacco, alcohol, & drugs. Stop drinking sodas/energy drinks & replace them with tap water. Start growing/hunting your own food instead of buying frozen junk/fastfood. Using CFL or LED bulbs in your house will save money on electricity. Just don’t spend money on anything frivolous/destructive that doesn’t benefit you, last long, or help you make more $.
Then some ways to make money besides getting a job are recycling cans & unwanted metal, selling books & DVDs to book stores, garage sales, & looking for coins in vending machines & loose change around your house.

Avoiding the junk listed above will not only save money at the counter, it’ll save you from future medical bills & it’ll make you healthier making you a better worker.

Michael asks…

Money Making Ideas?

does anyone have a good money-making idea for a broke 14 yr old in a small town? …. i really apreciate all advise and ideas!! thanks guys!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can babysit if you are into that. I used to take a neighbors kids down to the park 2 times a week because they didn’t have the time to go themselves.

Or you can help people with small things, especially older people, or business type people.
Older people may need help with yard work, or grocery shopping. If you live close to a store and can pick up groceries you could probably make some good money from people who are not able to get to the store, either because they are older and it is hard for them, or because they are just too busy and they are willing to pay someone else to run errands. I know I can always use help with laundry and yard work.
I don’t know how small your town is, but it might work. Also during Holidays you can offer decorating services. I read online about a company that makes really good money with yard and house decorations, especially during Christmas, but 4th of July should be good too. Of course they provided decorations also, but you should still be able to do this. Many people don’t have the time to do that, but would like to.
Mowing lawns, raking leaves, scrubbing driveways, sweeping sidewalks, etc. All old fashioned teen jobs in the neighborhood.

Maybe there is a local business, such as an automotive shop, pet store, etc. Where you can apprentice. I think you have to be 16 to get a real part time job, but there are many places you can help out at for some extra cash. We have an auto shop and a young kid used to come around and sweep, mop, put away oil, etc. The gas station next door has a guy that comes around a few times a week and sweeps by the pumps, empties the trash, cleans the bathrooms. It’s little extra work that a business doesn’t have enough of to hire someone, but could use a hand every now and then. You can learn alot of stuff and get some money too.

You could wash dogs, walk dogs, clean up dog pooh lol. It depends on what you are interested in doing, but random stuff like that. Pass out some flyers, you can get a bunch of them for just a few bucks printed at a printshop after designing it on your computer. Put them around the neighboor hood and offer your services, whatever you are willing to do. Once you get a few customers they will probably mention you to other neighbors as well.
As for price, I would just set it around 5 dollars an hour, after all you can’t get min wage since you are not paying taxes and such, so 5 dollars is good for work like this. Or you can have people give you prices, like I’ll pay you 30 dollars to decorate my yard and you can decide if you want to do it or not.

Donna asks…

ideas for raising money?

I am raising money for cancer research. This is a school activity and it’s called relay for life. I am having trouble with coming up with more original ideas to make money to donate. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Some ideas others have tried
1.Our school is letting us do a “Hat Day” where everyone brings in a dollar and if they do they get to wear a hat of their choice for the day

2. Our theme is circus/carnival so we will be selling cotton candy and lemonade and then we will have carnival games such as bean bag toss and we will charge a dollar a game I think.


Papa johns does fundrasier cards that sell pretty well. Try selling things at sporting events at school,

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Saturday, October 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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