Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

David asks…

i need some ideas on how i can make a little money on the side?

im bout that paper

Nagesh answers:

I am in the same boat you are in man. I need suggestions on making money to.
I do have some ideas that I am not willing to do. But I will tell you the ideas in case you are interested.
Donate Plasma. Go to the sperm bank and donate sperm. Donate bone marrow. You can even have a doctor remove One of your kidneys and get several Thousand dollars for that.
One thing I did a couple years ago was joined the Army and went to Iraq for a year. The rest of the time (Two years) I spent in Germany. I made a ton of money there. However, I got out of the Army, went back home to Michigan and moved to Florida. Now after buying a truck, moving expenses, paying rent for a year, being temporarily unemployed, etc. All my money I saved from the Army ($27,000) is gone! So be careful with spending it.
Also, don’t do any thing illegal, because after paying court fees and every thing, you will probably spend around $27,000! I myself got stopped by police after drinking a few beers, but Lucila I was barely under the limit and they had to let me go and could not arrest me. I got lucky that nite. If I were Two points higher on the breathalyser, I would have had to spend all my 27,000 on court fees and I would have never been able to move to Florida. I would be in Michigan freezing half to death right now! So just be careful.

George asks…

Begging-Should people who give money to beggars be fined?

Do you think it should be illegal for people to roll down their car windows and give money to beggars on the side of the road or the highway ramps? Do you think they should give their “so called” donation to a more worthy cause?
Just to clarify…I have personally known many beggars..not children..not runaways…not single moms…they have all been individuals who “CHOOSE” their lifestyle. They choose not to live within the restrictions and responsibilities like most people in our society. I am not asking about beggars…I am asking about why people give to them and if they give to other causes.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry, but I work for my own money. And thanks to the levels of freedom in this country, I can do what I like with it. And that includes giving it away to your version of an unworthy cause.

Have you ever talked to a homeless person? Or some teenager on the street begging for quarters? Do you know what kind of shame and embarassment these people have to endure every time they have to look someone in the eyes and ask ‘Any spare change mister?’

And despite popular belief, homeless people, and kids living on the street are not just too lazy to get a job, they are not just too stubborn to do what they are told and go back home to live with their parents (for the kids). Not everyone who is homeless chooses to be homeless. Have you ever heard a 6 year old kid in an elementary grade class telling his teacher that he wants to grow up to be a homeless person, begging on the street to earn a living? I never have, and I doubt that anyone else has either. People don’t want to be poor, they don’t want to be homeless, they don’t want to go to food banks, soup kitchens or beg for change either. But it’s something that these people have to do in order to earn a living. Most of them are NOT alcoholics or drug dependant either.

So, get a job, go on welfare or something? Yeah, nice idea. But a little known fact about social assistance is that you have to already have an address to get some money. How do you pay rent with no money?? And how do you apply for a job when you have no address, no telephone for them to reach you? It’s hard enough just to stay clean, considering that you don’t have access to a shower or anything like that. Have you ever wanted to work with someone that smelled like old garbage? Probably not.

Have you ever thought of what you might do if both of your parents were killed in a car accident? What if you had no other family to go live with? At 16 years old, could you fend for yourself? Or what if your parents didn’t die. What if instead, they split up and neither of them wanted you? Then your mother moves across the country and leaves you with your ‘dad’. He gets sick of your shitty attitude almost right away and kicks you out on the street because you’re too much trouble to deal with. Without ever having graduated from high school, what do you do now?

Aside from that, there are plenty of homeless people that have become criminalized just to prevent themselves from freezing to death in the winter. I actually met a man who would commit a petty crime every year around October just so that he would have a warm bed and daily meals inside a prison for the winter months. But he wasn’t a criminal. He did those things because he didn’t have access to any other way to keep himself alive. He didn’t know how to make the government programs work for him rather than against him. And with a criminal record, it became near impossible for him to get any kind of job, even one paying minimum wage.

With many cities making anti-panhandling legislation, even asking someone for spare change has become a criminal act. Do you realize that it is a crime to be poor? People treat you like dirt almost everywhere you go, and you develop a nasty suspicion that every time the police are around, they are there to do something to hurt you. Besides, you really think that it makes sense to give someone a fine for pan-handling when the reason they do it is that they already have no money?? What kind of sense does that make?

As for fining people that give poor people money, that is also an unfair idea. It’s not against the law for you to give your money to the Heart & Stroke Foundation is it? Who has the right to say what I should consider worthy of my hard-earned money more than I do?? Hopefully nobody!

And take some free advice: take an afternoon, walk down the streets where some homeless guy has had the nerve to bother you looking for a handout and take a minute to TALK TO THE GUY! Ask him how he came to be where he is, and how wrong his life went. I bet that once, maybe long ago, he was probably a lot like you. Maybe you’ll not only gain a bit of understanding about the place of poverty in this country, but you may also give the guy $5, or buy him a bowl of soup.

Betty asks…

Ideas to make side money, about 300 per week?

I am looking for serious ways to make about 300 extra dollars per week, preferably from home, but any ideas would help. Please be serious.

Nagesh answers:

Hello 🙂 I will be more than happy to help you. There is site called , the biggest freebie forum in the world. This is GREAT and way to make EXTRA cash and it’s absolutely FREE. I’m so happy that i found this forum. I’m making Over $300 a week and im ready to help you , So please take a look or even register it’s FREE , and you will be able to get started making money in the next 2 hours. This is true. Go here Please if you have any questions feel free to email me.

Ken asks…

Can anyone plz help me write a speech on money?!?

can anyone plz help me cuz i really have no idea of what to write my speech on money!!

plz give some ideas of what to write!!
i want to make a humurous speech, i dont want it to be boring!!
plz give some ideas!!

thnx for ur answers!!

Nagesh answers:

Read this it will help u

Definitions of money on the Web:

* the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender; “we tried to collect the money he owed us”
* wealth reckoned in terms of money; “all his money is in real estate”
* the official currency issued by a government or national bank; “he changed his money into francs”

* Money is any marketable good or token used by a society as a store of value, a medium of exchange, or a unit of account. Money objects can meet some or all of these needs. Since the needs arise naturally, societies organically create a money object when none exists. In other cases, a central authority creates a money object; this is more frequently the case in modern societies with paper money.

* Money is the 5th song on Pink Floyd’s famous album The Dark Side of the Moon, and was written by Roger Waters. It is the only song on the album to hit #1 in the United States charts.

* KMFDM’s sixth album, Money, was released in 1992. Originally the album was supposed to be called Apart, as Sascha Konietzko and En Esch would break up during the tour with Thrill Kill Kult in 1990. With the budget split in half, Sascha and En Esch made five songs each for the album. However, En Esch’s half was rejected by Wax Trax! Records. The record company gave them more money and Sascha finished the album by including new remixes of previously released material.

* Money is a KMFDM single, which preceded their fifth album, Money, in 1992.

* Money is a Time Warner financial magazine.

* “Money (That’s What I Want)” is a 1959 hit single by Barrett Strong for the Tamla label, distributed by Anna Records. The song was written by Tamla founder Berry Gordy and Janie Bradford, and would become the first hit record for Gordy’s label, soon to be renamed Motown.’s_What_I_Want)

* The official currency of the Republic of Croatia is the Kuna, which has 100 Lipa. Foreign currency may be exchanged in banks, exchange offices and post offices in accordance with the valid exchange rate. All major credit cards (American Express, Diners, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard) and Eurocheques (after being changed in banks) are accepted. …

* coins and paper currency issued by a government for payment of debts and for purchase of goods and services.

* A means of payment or a measure of value.

* This is the equivalent of all the goods and services of a collective. Instrument of capitalisation and mobilisation of value and as instrument of release of debts and obligations.,,651_3_2,00.html

* No money was exchanged in the doll games. Dolls scavenged, stole, and crafted their own goods in the subsistence economies of pirate ship, outlaw den, desert island and orphanage. The coins discovered in one of many faux-leather purses dating from the late decadent period have, however, led to some speculation that Doll Games’ growing interest in realism and material goods might eventually have led to a monetary system, had the games continued long enough.

* Anything that serves as a generally accepted medium of exchange, a standard of value and a means to save or store purchasing power. In the United States, currency (the bulk of which is Federal Reserve notes), coin and funds in checking and similar accounts at depository institutions are examples of money.

* {talk about the money economy}

* The accepted common medium of exchange for goods and services in the marketplace that functions as the unit of account, a means of deferred payment and a store of value.

* A psychological creation; a concept; the mental image of that which is used as a medium of exchange.

* Any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as a means of payment for goods and services.

* Economists tend to define money as anything readily acceptable as means of payment. Usually this means notes, coins and bank deposits. However, one Authority says it is “an extremely difficult concept to define with precision.” The supply of money comes under any number of definitions. M0 is notes and coins in circulation plus banks’ deposits held in the Reserve Bank. M1 is the total of cash and current account deposits at any given time. …

* anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange, such as currency or precious metals. See money stock.

* Almond, Basil, Bergamot, Bryony, Chamomile, Cloves, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Mint, Patchouli, Pine, Sage, Wheat..

* Anything generally recognized as a medium of exchange.

* “What you buy things with.” It is a medium of exchange, in terms of which the value of all goods and services is expressed.

* Current coin, government or bank notes, cheques, drafts, post office orders or express or bank money orders [Regulation 47(1)(e)].

* although Satie certainly knew periods of dire poverty, and was perhaps a little uncontrollable in his spending, in long periods of his life he had few worries in this sense. Although maybe not having much money in his pockets, he was (certainly from the second decade of the new century) often invited to expensive restaurants and to all sort of events, and was given financial help, by all sort of people. …

* A symbolic representation of wealth. Used for exchange in place of actual products or services.

* In the Shadow World, most advanced cultures use a gold/silver/bronze/copper/tin coinage, each coin being worth about 1/10th of the denomination preceding (eg, a silver piece is equal to ten bronze pieces). Each coin weighs around a half-ounce. As a very rough comparison, one bronze piece would be about equivalent to a dollar in terms of buying power.

* “Money” means a medium of exchange authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government and includes a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between 2 or more nations. [1993, c. 293, Pt. B, §2 (amd).]

* Any object that a group of people uses to pay its debts and buy the goods and services that it needs.

* LINE The amount you must bet on a favorite to win $100, or the amount you win on an underdog if you bet $100. It can be used in any sport, but however wins the game or event wins the bet.

* Money is the generally recognized means of payment with which any goods and services offered on the market can be acquired. The State declares the national money to be the statutory means of payment (currency): everyone is obliged to accept it as payment for services. As a unit of account or measure of value money permits goods to be compared by price, which is expressed in monetary units. …

* anything that serves as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and a store of value

Steven asks…

CLUB NIGHT in brighton ideas help please ?…?

I need some idea for a club night in Brighton I have a few like Gary goose give away
But finding it had to thing of anymore dose anyone have any idea or know of any good ones they have seen or been to this is for 18+ standard music a bit of dubstep and all that lot it’s a rather poser club then the others in Brighton would be very thanks full for anyone’s help and there is NO limit on what we can do on the money side so open to all ideas !!

Nagesh answers:

Well if money isn’t an issue, you could consider a PA in relation to the theme of your night.
Do you mean Grey goose? Because that usually goes for about £120 in the average club, and about £30-£40 in shop, so you could make a damn good profit. But a giveaway could be a good idea to draw in a decent sized crowd and therefore a bit more profit, However I’d up the security with free Vodka. Student nights always seem to be a big hit, however I don’t know if that is the type of crowd you want around Grey Goose, I wouldn’t

Up in Birmingham, we do this sort of night every month or so and if it goes well, we’ll carry it on everyweek or so. The venues usually want a hire fee however we keep all the enterance fee and the owners take a % from the bar, so we rarely make a loss. It is a very fruitful business to enter.

Make sure to consider:
Promoters wages
Venue hire

Please message me for any help, info or anything else you want to talk about the night.

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Sunday, October 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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