Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

John asks…

What is the best way to do disney world?

I want to go to Disney World in March and I want to get the most bang for the buck. I want my two kids to have a lot of fun, but I don’t have thousands to spend on a trip.

My total budget is around $600 including travel – I hope that doesn’t sound unreasonable.

Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I think most of the posters hit the nail on the head, but I do have a few suggestions to add. Your question was missing some key information, but I will do the best I can to offer you some helpful tips.

If any of your little ones are under the age of 3, you would not need to purchase tickets. Guests under the age of 3 are guests in the parks and do not need a ticket. Also, if you have children between the ages of 3 and 9, Disney is currently offering a “Kids Stay and Play Free” offer with free base tickets for kids. As with any promotion, availability is limited, so you will want to book fast if you see anything available for your travel dates. To book this, head to, hover your mouse over “Tickets and Packages” and click on special offers.

One good way to save money on your vacation is to be flexible with your dates. March is a fairly popular time to come depending on your dates. The beginning of March is Regular Season and the end of March is Peak Season, which is the most popular time to visit. You will find that the parks are the most busy, and the resort prices are at their highest, second to only Christmas and New Years. If you can come in Value Season (which is January to mid-February, and again mid-August through September, you will find that the resort prices are much lower and the parks are much less crowded. You will be able to do everything you want in much less time!

You did not mention if your food on your vacation was factored into your budget. Do yourself a favor and add one of their dining plans. They offer a quick service dining plan (if you don’t care about doing any meals with the characters) that gives each person (over age 3) 2 meals and a snack each day. This is the most economic way to go, as eating at Disney can get pricey. Yes, you can go outside of Disney for your meals, but by the time you have done that, you have spent the same amount of money on gas and missed 2 hours in the parks. (I’ve tried that, and it’s not worth the time or effort!)

Disney is a wonderful place to take the kids to make memories that will last a lifetime. Please, do yourself a favor and plan your trip for next year, during value season. The weather is typically great in February! Book your trip early to ensure that you can get a Value Resort for the dates you want. Then if Disney offers a promotion for your dates, you are able to apply the discount to your reservation (if it is available). Bookmark their special offers page and check back often. Reserving for next year’s value season will give you a little more time to save up to make this a memorable trip.

Best of Luck to you!

Susan asks…

How can you make time seem to go faster?

Sleep seems to make time go way faster! When I am sleepy at work, I think less, and time goes faster.

In other words, my number 1 way of making time seem to go faster, is by not thinking.

What do you think? Warning: this might make your time seem to go slower…

Nagesh answers:

Buy World of Warcraft 😛 Hahah just kidding.

Try reading a book! That always helps me to pass time. Or how about working out? Gain some muscle and mass! Maybe go out for a long vacation, ask your parents or if you’re old enough go with some friends or even by yourself. Community service is great also to pass time and has benefits in the future if you are applying for a job or professional school. A job will also be great to pass time and build up some money for the future and for the game you are waiting for.

There’s lots to do!

Which game are you waiting for?

Gears of War 2? 😛

If you travel the speed of light (c) time slows down for you relative to earth’s frame of reference. If I was a twin, and one of my twins stayed on earth and I went into a ship and travelled the speed of light and I came back (inertia frame of reference, so turning around is a non-interia frame of reference – acceleration) I would have appeared to be younger than my twin relative to his frame of reference. (Einstein’s twin paradox)

The equation: t’ = t / sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

So the only way to speed up time would be to create a time machine. Goodluck.

Thomas asks…

How can I get my girlfriend to stop spending money?

I live with my girlfriend and our two year old daughter. I love her very much and we are going to be married once we have saved up enough for the wedding. That is the problem though. We don’t have any money to save because she spends it all.
We are both unemployed so money is tight. I try to keep costs down but she seems to have no concept of money. She buys gifts everybody she knows, toys and clothes for our daughter, fast food, candy etc. She claims to be allergic to the cheap brands of detergent, shampoo etc. If we are down town and want something to drink she has to drink a 10 $ glass of soda at a cafe instead of buying a bottle in a shop and drinking it on a bench in the park. If time has been running late and we need to get dinner in a hurry she insist that we order takeout instead of just making a quick sandwich. She just spent 200 $ on gifts. She is always planning on new stuff to spend money on – currently it is an iPad.
When I try to talk to her about not spending so much money she becomes defensive and claims that I’m the one at fault because I have not contributed anything towards the new clothes for the kid or the gift for this or that cousin. Of course I have not done that – I’ve spent all my money on groceries! She can’t even accept that – she claims that she also buys groceries (which is right, about a tenth of what I do) and implies that I am a miser. In her world all the stuff she buys is necessary and I’m being petty for talking against spending money on it.
The result of all this is that we usually end up being forced to live off a very tight budget around mid-month. I also feel guilty for sometimes spending a little on myself – even if it is just an ice cream cone -because I know we are going to need that money for food when my girlfriend has spent all of hers.
I would love to spend less than we have and be able to save some money up for unforseen expenses or even for spending on some nice stuff for ourselves but I can’t see that happening as long as all our money is spent on useless junk. My girlfriend seems to have no concept of money – every month she seems surprised when it is all gone and even though I try to explain to her what she has spent it on. It is as if those numbers and budgets means nothing at all to her. She simply does not understand how she went from “having moneyto “not having money“.
The most bizarre part of it all is that she is fully able to recognize and criticize this behaviour in others. Her mother is the same way – every month when she gets her paycheck she runs out and buys gifts for our daughter, only to find herself broke at the end of the month.
Besides the thing with the money she is an amazing person and a wonderful mother for our daughter. I love her very much and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Her compulsive spending is just driving me insane and I’m afraid it is going to ruin our relationship. What can I do to help her stop?

Nagesh answers:

Most people who overspend can learn to control their spending. However, your girlfriend does not believe she is overspending, and that’s a real problem. Because of that, she of course resents any criticism from you. And unless this can be resolved, I fear a grim future for your life together, and it will ruin your relationship.

Frankly, there needs to be a shock-and-awe moment that will get her undivided attention on this topic. I think you should seriously consider telling her that unless you two can work out a budget and prove that you both can live within it, there’s no wedding and no future. A budget does not mean eating dog food and living under a bridge – it’s simply a plan for how you are going to handle your money. It means you MUST set aside some money each month for savings because there will be unexpected expenses that should not pile up on a credit card.

Make sure she sees this is a joint effort and not you simply dictating how she has to account for every cent. If you run out of money mid-month, then make a WEEKLY budget and manage it with cash. No credit cards, no debit cards, just cash from the ATM each week. When the money is gone, so is the spending, but at least you’ll have money set aside every week and won’t run out in the middle of the month. The budget should include allocating money for the things she wants to buy. If she buys lots of gifts, you can’t say no more gifts. Just agree on how much can be spent weekly on gifts. And it’s up to her to learn how to manage within that allotment.

I guarantee you if you don’t get this settled now, it will not get any better later – it will get worse. If she agrees to live within the budget, then there has to be an agreement that breaking the budget will not happen unless you both agree in advance. And she needs to understand that this problem has the real potential for ruining your relationship and making you move on.

I would normally suggest getting counseling but I would understand that it would be difficult given your current unemployment. Counseling would help her understand WHY she spends like she does. For some people it’s to take their mind off of problems, for others it’s to show everyone else that they aren’t broke, and other people have other reasons. Some people go shopping for “something to do” and then can’t understand how they spent any money. If you don’t have money to spend, then you don’t go shopping. Maybe you can’t solve the WHY but she needs to agree that she is going to live within the budget no matter what or else, and that you honestly want to be with her – but it can’t be under the current conditions.

I wish you luck.

George asks…

What is a good way to find tutoring clients?

I have printed flyers for maths tutoring (spending a lot of money) and have put over a thousand of them into letterboxes in my area, but have only gotten two phone calls. All I have really put on the flyers is the grades that I am willing to tutor, and my qualifications. I haven’t listed rates, because I didn’t want to scare anyone away. But people are not calling.

How else can I find clients? I am out of work and need money, and I know that tutoring is something that I am good at (as I have done it before). I know that this is what I want to do. But I am really having trouble. Help me!

Nagesh answers:

Deliver a stack of flyers to all of the local schools and ask if they’ll distribute them to their math teachers, or leave them in the office for parents who inquire about tutoring. That’s how I’ve found most of my kids’ tutors; by asking their teachers or someone at the school.

Also, hang your flyers in places where kids/parents will see them, such as:

Boys and Girls Clubs
Youth Athletic Clubs
Dance Studios
Gymnastics Clubs
Indoor Soccer Facilities
Karate Schools
Fast Food Restaurants

And anyplace where kids go with their parents… Because remember, it will probably be the parents calling you, not the kids! 🙂 Once you get a few clients, if you’re good, they will spread the word to their friends!

Lisa asks…

What are some fast ways to get cash in the next 24 hours?

I am short on rent and need money by tomorrow, I am a stay at home mom and don’t have any money until Friday, but my landlord won’t budge, PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

There are some bad options, like selling stuff that you own (car, jewelry, etc), borrowing money from relatives. And there are much worse options like borrowing money at high rates from outfits that make loans even if you don’t have a job. And there are scams that give you promises of free money and hope and put you further behind.

What’s the plan? As a mom, you have a responsibility to your kid(s) to think deeply, figure out all your options and roll up your sleeves and get to work.

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Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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