Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

David asks…

Can the sheriff in Alberta impound and suspend your license for child maintenance?

So there has been this ridiculous battle between a buddy of mine and his ex over child support payments. As far as known there are NO payments ever been due or appointed by the court for him to make. Hell they’re pretty sure the kid isn’t even his due to some genetic traits. So he’s driving down the road near Grasslands and Boyle, when he gets pulled over. Keep in mind hes not speeding, or disobeying any traffic laws or provoking the police in any way. He gets pulled over and the usual bull shit procedure takes place. Cop comes back saying his license is suspended for 30 days and his truck impounded due to ” Child Maintenance”. This makes absolutely no sense to me at all considering he has to travel 5 hours one way for his job to make any money, why suspend the license? Im curious as if this is legal at all in this province or if anyone else has experienced this. Also if this is legal, what are the conditions that led up to this?

Nagesh answers:

I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to get out of making child support payments over a claim that he’s not the child’s biological father. Child support payments is not something that has to be appointed by a court, either, because not only is it common sense that parents are legally and financially responsible for their children, there are already laws in place that explicitly say so for the masses too dumb to figure this out for themselves. A court may be used to settle disputed payment amounts and arrangements, though.

As long as the mother has your friend listed as the child’s biological father, he’s required by law to pay child support, and the court can go after him for failing to uphold his legal responsibilities as a caregiver of the child. The sheriff didn’t suspend your friend’s license. The courts did. The sheriff just enforced it.

And according to a quick google search, there is a law in place in Canada that allows impounding vehicles of deadbeats (something else that can be enforced through law officials). This is to encourage the deadbeats to contact the necessary people, and fulfill their obligations. Your friend needs to contact the court or legal organization behind the impound order so that he can quickly set up arrangements to get his vehicle back. This may include a lift on his suspension.

If your friend has a problem with all of this in general, he needs to get scientific proof that he is not the biological father and then present it to the court. Physical features and traits does not act as proof in the vast majority of cases, he must have DNA test results. If he’s not the real father, he’ll be exonerated from any responsibility. If he is the real father, he’ll be expected to stop acting like the *** he is.

Basically, tell your friend he needs to get his **** together, and stop thinking that ignoring a situation will make it go away. He needs to deal with it properly and to go through the right channels. This would never have happened if he’d taken care of it sooner.

Mary asks…

What should I tell my friend about this?

Now, read the details. If you do not, you will now know what to answer.
Well, one of my friends wants to get a big cat so badly. My friend has been dying and dying to get one. My friend wants to know where to legally get one and what it’s like caring for it.
My friend does live in a state where having one is allowed. I know it’s hard to care for one, but how is it hard? I am doing this for my friend.

Nagesh answers:

Elaine M, Rad Bon means big as in tiger, lion, leopard, bobcat, serval, caracal, or cheetah. If it’s true that your friend is in a state where it’s legal to have a big cat, get it from a pet trade or something that is legal. Call the government or something like that if you can have a big cat. They might say no or yes. If yes, then tell your friend that it is hard to care for one. It is best for your friend to get a big cat as a cub, but it can cost from 900 dollars to even 20,000 dollars. If your friend’s desired cat is rare, it will cost somewhere around 20,000 dollars. When you build an enclosure for it, make sure it is big. Big as in BIG. It has to be like 500 to 1000 square feet cage. If your friend can make a cage bigger than 1000 square feet, that is better. TELL your friend that the cage should have trees(especially if your friend’s desired big cat is a leopard), water(especially if your friend’s desired big cat is a jaguar or a tiger), and tell your friend that the ground in the cage should not be dirt or concrete. Some big cat owners think that buying the cat is the most expensive part. Tell your friend to NOT GET A BIG CAT if your friend is not able to spend LOTS and LOTS of MONEY, AND is not able to earn LOTS of money quickly. Endless money(not literally endless) has to be spent on food, making the cage, buying land(if necessary), and buying items to take care of the cat as a cub. Big cats need meat, fresh meat. Make sure the public cannot access or view your big cat. Something bad can happen. DO NOT WALK IT, and do not put it on a leash. Again, something bad can happen, and it is one of the reasons why the cage has to be big. Your friend will have to wash it as a cub using those items, as I have stated. It may still need to be done when the big cat is an adult. Be very careful. DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE! IT CAN OR MOST LIKELY WILL COST YOUR FRIEND THEIR LIFE! Before your friend gets one, make sure you friend has an exotic veterinarian, in case something bad happens. When it is an adult, many people are not able to play with it. This is how caring for a big cat is CRAZY HARD. Tell your friend to get a domesticated cat instead, if he or she cannot get a big cat, and does not mind that.
Also, it will spray urine a lot, no matter when you spay or neuter it. ALWAYS contact a government agency.

John asks…

How soon can my car be reposessed?

My payment was due on the 13th, but I haven’t been able to make the payment due to a family emergency. I am planning on making the payment on October 1st, when I get my annuity money, but until then I have no way to pay it. I have not ever been this late on my payment, but am worried that they will come take my car. How quickly after a missed payment can they repo my car legally? I live in Ohio.
I have tried talking to the finance company and the two times I have talked to someone they just demand the payment and say they can’t extend it that my payment is due on the 13th no if ands or buts. That is why I am concerned.

Nagesh answers:

Auto finance is what I do for a living, you need to call your lender and tell them what is going on.

Don’t worry about your car being repossessed, this normally takes 3 missed payments, but you do need to keep in touch with them when something like this happens.

Jenny asks…

Can a native English speaking person teach English in China?

I have been intrested in teaching English in Japan or/and China. If I can teach in China, is it hard to get a teaching job there? Is it possible to teach English your whole life in China or is it a contract deal?

But overall, is the teaching experience great? And are you able to make enough money to live off of it?

I know these are a lot of questions but I would appreciate the help.

Nagesh answers:

You can teach English (TEFL or TESL) in China if you meet the requirements. The minimum requirements to teach legally and be employed by a legitimate school is a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and possession of a TEFL/TESL certificate. Previous experience certainly is a bonus, and some school require that. Most schools seek younger applicants, between 22 and 30. Some schools are specific about your appearance… Prefer Caucasian… Some will even specify body size, hair and eye color. It is now required by the State Administration for Foreign Expert Affairs (SAFEA) for you to register with them and submit to an evaluation (which includes a psychological profile).

Teaching jobs are plentiful, but you need to research the employer with scrutiny. Avoid 2nd party recruiters… You’ll take it in the poop chute. I’ve been here 6+ years and have been employed by 2 different schools… The experiences have been from tolerable to very satisfactory… I consider myself fortunate as there are others who have experienced hellish nightmares.

Employment is contract based… Typical contract is a one-year term, although some six-month contracts are available. If you are new to teaching, I’d suggest the latter, a lot of foreigners simply can’t hack the culture shock and wither, fizzle and fail quickly. If you are successful and can survive the China experience, you can renew your contract annually or seek other employment after the term of your contract. Contracts are not easy to break, you’d be subjected to fines, penalties and perhaps bodily threats and deportation.

The money is quite adequate to survive… If you’re self-sufficient, know how to budget your expenses, and practice some restraint, the money is good. Salaries are much higher than average wages for the area. Most schools will offer accommodations as part of the contract, or a monthly stipend for housing.

Being a native English speaker doesn’t necessarily make a good and successful teacher. There’s a lot more to it than that. Many come here with the expectation of partying and getting laid all of the time… These folks ultimately fail quickly. Teaching is a profession, and it’s paramount that you act professional, respectable and courteous in spite of your surroundings. You will earn your wages; there IS work involved in teaching. If you possess the right attitude, are diligent and have a sense-of-humor, then you can easily survive in this profession. Learn the language, the customs and traditions beforehand… And know how to observe and respect them. Foreigners are not above Chinese laws, rules and regulations; you are not granted special privileges or exemptions as such. An ignorant, arrogant, smelly, self-righteous drunk foreigner with a perpetual hard-on won’t survive… That is a fact.

Thomas asks…

How can i get free food quickly?

I have no food or water in my dorm and no money to buy any and the cafeteria wont be open again until tuesday. Is there a way i can legally get it for free?

Nagesh answers:

If you’re not near a relative or friend you can mooch off of, look up food banks in your area. They will give you a box with a couple days worth of food.

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Sunday, August 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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