Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Donna asks…

quick ways for 20 year old woman to earn money?

no stupid answers .. u know what i mean
I already have a job but got bills to pay
I have 2 raise money over the next 2 mnths so i can go to college to do a levels
i cant get a second job as i only have 2 months

Nagesh answers:

There’s no easy way to make money. If you can’t get a second job, get a better one. Or sell stuff you don’t need anymore but that is only temporary income.

Mark asks…

Best way to make money in college?

I don’t have a car so I can’t go anywhere off campus, but I want to spend my spare time when I’m not studying doing something beneficial with my time. Any ideas of a job or anything?

Nagesh answers:

Check with the dining courts on campus. They should be a pretty quick/close walk and are normally always hiring. I worked there for 2 years. Most people just kindda mess around and don’t work really hard, so if you a good worker you can actually move up quickly. Like after my first school year I was made a student supervisor. They work around your finals, you have a pretty easy time finding someone to cover a shift if you need, and you can pretty much work as few or many hours a week as you want to be scheduled. The work can be boring, but you also get a free meal with every shift worked, so you can save money.

Ruth asks…

Quick college question!?

Ok I missed one part of the ACT to get into this college BY ONE POINT!!!!
Now I’m stressing thinking I will have to take this thing over and I really don’t want to.
You think the college will still accept me based on my gpa as well?
By the way: My gpa unweighted is 3.3. And the college I’m looking into going to is. . .well. . .i don’t mean to sound rude or anything but it kinda sorta has. . .dumb kids. . .lol.
Yeah it’s a HBCU and even my teachers said that I was too good for this school and that they are disappointed in me for even saying I want to go there.

Nagesh answers:

Oh my gosh, I had the same problem. I got accepted into this one HBCU, but I was one point short on the ACT to get a scholarship. As a result, I wasn’t able to enroll because I didn’t find enough money to support me into going to that school. I’d suggest just keep trying on the ACT, and if the college doesn’t accept you, it is what it is; you can always apply to other schools. Perhaps I got accepted but I ended up going to a better top ranked school on a full scholarship.

Daniel asks…

What is the quickest and easiet way to make a lot of money?


Nagesh answers:

There is no quick way to make money. People with money have worked hard to get it. You can to. Go to college or trade school and keep working for what your want. Make that money!!!! 🙂

David asks…

Do I HAVE to do a common app for college?

Sooo I just sent in all my money, applications, SAT scores, transcripts, etc. for my colleges that i’m applying for.. and now people are talking about doing the “common app”.. is it required? or is it just a quicker way/ alternative to apply to college?

Nagesh answers:

Some colleges have their own applications that you have to fill out. At some point, some people decided that this was too much burden (because it meant that if you applied for n colleges, then you need to fill out n applications), and thought “Wouldn’t it be great if you could fill out just one application, and then use it to apply to n colleges?”

So the common app is intended to be a universal application. However, in reality, not all colleges accept it. So for colleges that don’t use the common app, you still have to go through their individual application. Some colleges accept both the common app and their own application. Others exclusively use only the common application.

Almost all colleges that use the common app will also require a common app supplement, which is an addendum that asks some additional questions not found on the common app itself.

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Wednesday, July 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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