Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Susan asks…

How Can I Make Money Fast For A Teenager (15)?

I wanna make money to buy my mom a amazing present (she past way last year) but I think I should still buy her something but I need to make money fast kinda last minute bc I wanna get her a Christmas present she always wanted these shoes but there $120 I know she won’t wear them but I would feel great.! ANY IDEAS

Nagesh answers:

Whereabouts do you live? If you’re far enough north, you might shovel people’s walks for money. (If that seems too cold & boring, it might be more bearable if you team up with a friend and split the take.) Or perhaps there are people at your church or wherever who are leaving town for Christmas and need someone to water their plants, feed their pets, walk their dogs, or whatnot.

If you were older, I’d suggest selling blood plasma, but I don’t know if 15-year-olds are permitted to do that.

In any case, there are better ways to honor your mother’s memory than to spend money you don’t have on something she can’t use. Put her photograph up while you’re celebrating Christmas, go out of your way to have your family sing her favorite carols, mention her when sharing “joys & concerns” at church; I don’t know your mother, but I would think she’d find that a personal & warming tribute.

Lisa asks…

How can you tell the difference between bipolar and?

a depressed teenager with normal (if not a little on the extreme side) hormonal mood swings.

Or just a teenager without the depression?

Nagesh answers:

The mood swings in Bipolar last for many weeks or months and only change 2 or 3 times a year… Hormonal mood swings tend to last for a few hours…..

Everyone has moods like those of Bipolar Disorder……. Because everyone has mood swings, momentary loss of judgment, likes to go shopping, likes sex, feels down sometimes, gets angry now and then and is hyper on occasion. The difference is that all of these symptoms in Bipolar are so intense that they interfere with your ability to function. Think of a pole (biPOLEr) with 0 at the center (0 being normal) and 10 at one end (manic) and -10 at the other (deep depression). Most people have swings but stay within 3 to -3. I have fairly severe Bipolar 1 but since my psychosis is mild I go from -9 to 9…. Also depression that comes and goes is not bipolar but just recurring depression, you have to have mania for it to be Bipolar….. You have to go to both ends of the pole.

Rapidly changing emotions or becoming angry or sad easily is not all there is to Bipolar. That is just having emotions. People with Bipolar Disorder do not just change emotions quickly, they go through periods of depression followed by periods of mania or elevated mood. Mood affects everything about you…. Your energy level, self esteem, sleep patterns, appetite, sexuality, emotional response, judgment, etc….. Not just your emotions. And while rapid cycling is possible, it is rare. The average person with Bipolar only cycles two or three times a year and the moods last for weeks or months. It is considered rapid cycling if they cycle 4 or more times in a year.

While everyone with Bipolar has a different set of symptoms and a different severity of symptoms, this is what Bipolar is like for me:

Depression – too tired to get out of bed, shower, even to brush my teeth. Cry all the time, sleep 16 hours a day. Feelings of self loathing and guilt that drive me to think of suicide but I’m to tired to even think about how to go about killing myself. It makes you feel small and worthless and completely insignificant. It makes you think about how big the world is and how meaningless you are in it….. And it refuses to let you have any good thoughts or see any good things…. When you look in the mirror all you see is pain, you don’t even see yourself, you don’t taste your favorite foods anymore, see that flowers are blooming, whether or not the sun is out, you become so inward that you hardly even notice your surroundings….. You don’t even feel love for people anymore…. Positive thoughts are just not possible…… It is a deep dark hole with no way out and no light for hope…. And most of all it makes you feel sooooo alone. And even if there were someone who cared about you they would be better off if you killed yourself……. Because all you will ever be is a burden……. This can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of years.

Mania – Way too happy! PARTY GIRL! Love drink and drugs. Talk really fast and pressured because my thoughts are going faster than my mouth can keep up with. Hypersexual – like I sleep with strangers and guys I just met on the internet or I masturbate 10 times a day. I once became bisexual because there were twice as many people to sleep with. Down load porn and spend tons of money on sex toys. Spending sprees….. I once spent my mortgage money on african violets, yep, $1500 on African violets (then I got depressed and let them all die). Quit my job because I wanted my vacation pay for lottery tickets and I was so convinced I would win that I started shopping and writing bad checks because I’d be rich as soon as the numbers were drawn. Decided that I could replace the furnace in my home by myself… I mean how hard can it be….. Only sleep 2 or maybe 3 hours a night for months on end and never feel tired. In the end I was unemployed, $30,000 in debt, and had almost lost my home, which needed a new furnace because I had removed the old one.. Or parts of it anyway. This can last for months.

I also have mixed states when I am depressed and manic at the same time which are truly the worst… By body and mind are depressed but there is this undercurrent of energy running all the time….. I’m highly emotional but the emotions tend to be negative (guilt and anger) I have intrusive thoughts and urges to mutilate myself (like wanting to stick my hands in the garbage disposal or cooking them on the BBQ), and I also have psychotic episodes where I hallucinate. This is when I am most suseptible to suicide because I am depressed, wanting to hurt myself, and I have the mental energy to plan and carry it out

Donna asks…

What is the differnce between hormonal mood swings and bipolar?

I was just wondering what was the difference with regular mood swings that teenagers experience during puberty aand teenagers who have bipolar. How do they know or doctors know that what there experiencing is not puberty.

Nagesh answers:

Hormonrla mood swings tend to be rapid and mostly emotions. Bipolar moods last for weeks or months, are much mroe severe and encompass much more than just emotions. Bipolar moods affect your sleep patterns, sexuality, energfy level and much more.

Everyone has moods like those of Bipolar Disorder……. Because everyone has mood swings, momentary loss of judgment, likes to go shopping, likes sex, feels down sometimes, gets angry now and then and is hyper on occasion. The difference is that all of these symptoms in Bipolar are so intense that they interfere with your ability to function. Think of a pole (biPOLEr) with 0 at the center (0 being normal) and 10 at one end (manic) and -10 at the other (deep depression). Most people have swings but stay within 3 to -3. I have fairly severe Bipolar 1 but since my psychosis is mild I go from -9 to 9…. Also depression that comes and goes is not bipolar but just recurring depression, you have to have mania for it to be Bipolar….. You have to go to both ends of the pole.

Rapidly changing emotions or becoming angry or sad easily is not all there is to Bipolar. That is just having emotions. People with Bipolar Disorder do not just change emotions quickly, they go through periods of depression followed by periods of mania or elevated mood. Mood affects everything about you…. Your energy level, self esteem, sleep patterns, appetite, sexuality, emotional response, judgment, etc….. Not just your emotions. And while rapid cycling is possible, it is rare. The average person with Bipolar only cycles two or three times a year and the moods last for weeks or months. It is considered rapid cycling if they cycle 4 or more times in a year.

While everyone with Bipolar has a different set of symptoms and a different severity of symptoms, this is what Bipolar is like for me:

Depression – too tired to get out of bed, shower, even to brush my teeth. Cry all the time, sleep 16 hours a day. Feelings of self loathing and guilt that drive me to think of suicide but I’m to tired to even think about how to go about killing myself. It makes you feel small and worthless and completely insignificant. It makes you think about how big the world is and how meaningless you are in it….. And it refuses to let you have any good thoughts or see any good things…. When you look in the mirror all you see is pain, you don’t even see yourself, you don’t taste your favorite foods anymore, see that flowers are blooming, whether or not the sun is out, you become so inward that you hardly even notice your surroundings….. You don’t even feel love for people anymore…. Positive thoughts are just not possible…… It is a deep dark hole with no way out and no light for hope…. And most of all it makes you feel sooooo alone. And even if there were someone who cared about you they would be better off if you killed yourself……. Because all you will ever be is a burden……. This can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of years.

Mania – Way too happy! PARTY GIRL! Love drink and drugs. Talk really fast and pressured because my thoughts are going faster than my mouth can keep up with. Hypersexual – like I sleep with strangers and guys I just met on the internet or I masturbate 10 times a day. I once became bisexual because there were twice as many people to sleep with. Down load porn and spend tons of money on sex toys. Spending sprees….. I once spent my mortgage money on african violets, yep, $1500 on African violets (then I got depressed and let them all die). Quit my job because I wanted my vacation pay for lottery tickets and I was so convinced I would win that I started shopping and writing bad checks because I’d be rich as soon as the numbers were drawn. Decided that I could replace the furnace in my home by myself… I mean how hard can it be….. Only sleep 2 or maybe 3 hours a night for months on end and never feel tired. In the end I was unemployed, $30,000 in debt, and had almost lost my home, which needed a new furnace because I had removed the old one.. Or parts of it anyway. This can last for months.

I also have mixed states when I am depressed and manic at the same time which are truly the worst… By body and mind are depressed but there is this undercurrent of energy running all the time….. I’m highly emotional but the emotions tend to be negative (guilt and anger) I have intrusive thoughts and urges to mutilate myself (like wanting to stick my hands in the garbage disposal or cooking them on the BBQ), and I also have psychotic episodes where I hallucinate. This is when I am most suseptible to suicide because I am depressed, wanting to hurt myself, and I have the mental energy to plan and carry it out

Thomas asks…

How can i get rid of acne on my face and back REALLY fast?

I am a freshman and on monday we are doing swimming in p.e. I don’t want to have a bunch of acne showing when my makeup washes off. i have about two pimples on my face and some acne on my back from sweating when i play there any way to get rid of this by monday?

Nagesh answers:

I’ve been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it’s at.

I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

I’m 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

Literally the best acne face wash I’ve ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It’s unique cause of it’s herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn’t work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

Well good luck and best wishes.

David asks…

What’s the best way to get a good summer job for a teenager with no work experience?

I just graduated from high school and want to get a job for the summer, before I start college in the fall. I have had no work experience, but I don’t want to work in fast food. What’s the best way to get a non-fast food job even though I have no work experience?

Nagesh answers:

There are several good summer jobs that don’t involve slaving away at a fast food joint! Grocery stores tend to pay fairly well as a first time job and they are always willing to hire young people, regardless of experience. Working as a cashier is a great way to develop people skills and get experience handling money, which are skills future employers will be interested in.
If the grocery store route isn’t for you, large hardware stores tend to be a well-paying place to work; although, many require you be 18 to be employed.
Also, look for places in your area that need additional summer employees, swimming pool supply stores are a definite choice, stores in shopping malls or busy shopping centers, or anywhere you think might see a big boost in business from all the kids being out of school. You may be hired as just a seasonal employee, but inform them that you’d be interested in staying on after the summer has ended (if you are) and, if they have room, they may keep you.
Just get out there and start filling out applications, the more you fill out, the more options you;ll end up with! 🙂

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Friday, July 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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