Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Carol asks…

How can i make money fast?

Ok, so i want to make money to buy an xbox 360 4gb. My family is poor and theres not much to do in our town to make money. i DON’T want to do these things…

online scam websites
mowing lawns

I already do chores and get 5 dollars a week. my mom wont give me any more so thats out of the question. I really want one because ive never had one and all my friends want me to play with them on xbox live. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can get paid for your opinions on stuff. It’s really the only legit lazy way to really make money online. It’s fully legit. Companies spend like billions of dollars on market research. Companies need to know how people think and shop. It’s basically free money for your This is a good site, very easy to get set up and start making some extra money-You gotta pay a few bucks to join the forum but you make it back after the first few surveys. Even if your just givin some bullcrap answers you’ll get paid won’t get rich but you’ll make some extra dough. I’m not sure why more people don’t just do this. Good luck!

James asks…

Please how do I make good money fast?

I need to make money fast, My best friends birthday is this upcoming month and not only do i want to get her something great but i want to have money to shop with because were all going to go to the mall. Any ideas? I’m 13 and i don’t want to do those lame online poll things they are such a scam. I was thinking about dog grooming or walking. I live in USA GA and i live in a quit big neighbor hood with a lot or elderly people. I can also: Knit,sew,braid, etc.. so any ideas? Thanks so much.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit girl! You get the BEST money from that. Change between 10 to 12 dollars an hour! Sometimes parents go out for 5 or 6 hours a night so you can mmake a good sixty bucks a night. Its the easiest job for a teenager! And if you live in a rich neighborhood, you can charge up to 15 dollars an hr….

Maria asks…

how to get money fast on gta 5?

are there ways or cheats to get millions of dollars in gta online i dont feel like spending my real money to get money on gta 5 online please help me

Nagesh answers:

You can look up an unlimited money cheat online if you’re desperate, but other than that I get a lot of money by doing side missions and looting armored vans.

Laura asks…

Money fast as possible!?? like ASAP? PLEASE HELP!?

i really want this nice camera and i need to make somewhere from 600 to 750. id like to do it as fast as possible! im too young to get a job, and i cant do yard work! so PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Make Money Without Investment
Mow lawns and trim trees and weed flower beds.
Collect cans and bottles
Run errands, be a driver.
Handyman repairs
Paint homes and fences inside and out.
House sit when we’re out of town
Walk the dogs for other people.
Help cater an event
“Rent” out table linens, crystal, china and silver service.
Sell things on eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist that you or others have just sitting around, or visit a pawnshop.
Start your own blog.
Write informative articles for magazines or online. Use the search engines to find “online writing jobs.”
Donate plasma, similar to donating blood. You can visit twice per week and make $20-$30 each visit.
If you have chickens, sell the eggs
Grow citrus and avocado and sell those at a roadside table or market.
Sell your old clothes on Craigslist; make sure to include pictures.
Buy eBooks and learn something new and make more money from them as a form of investment.

For odd jobs and day labor, the highest pay will be for things that nobody likes to do, like cleaning bathroom tubs and toilets. The least amount of pay will be for the easiest stuff, like cleaning windows. If you want to make more money, think of the hardest things you could do, or the more dangerous, like ladder work to clean gutters.

Many older people have problems with certain chores and heavy work, like running a vacuum cleaner. Check with your church or other community groups. Ask friends and parents if they know any old people, especially lonely ones. Ask your neighbors if there are any chores you could do in an hour.

There’s more if you’re interested:…

Just type “make money fast” in the Search Y! Answers box at the top of this screen and you’ll get lots of answers.

Edit: fixed link — looks the same, but works now

Donna asks…

I want to make some money fast..?

I’m 13 yrs old, and I feel bad asking my mom for money. I can’t babysit, do paper routs, online stuff, or yard work. I’m really crafty and arts-y. I’m really good at making stuff, but I don’t know what I should make.
Wow. Ok. Do people not read?? I said NO INTERNET jobs or surveys. Sorry if I seem mean, but I put in my question what I CANT do.

Nagesh answers:

Its not really a question of what you can do, its more to do with how do you go about selling it

Do you plan to have a market stall or sell via friends and family

Think about visiting art and crafts events and see what is selling and what is not and then fill the gap with your own talents

Money will not come in fast, its all about getting a good reputation, working hard and diligently and then repeat customers will folow

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Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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