Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Laura asks…

What can a person do for money when they can not get a job?

I have been looking for a job for a very long time now, I have had interviews, but I haven’t been hired. Finding a job right now is very difficult right now. Right now I need some extra money to make ends meet. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make some fast cash? Legally and safely though! I am not going to sell drugs that is just stupid.

Nagesh answers:

Go door to door and see if anyone needs help around the yard. Mowing, weeding, window washing, etc.

Lisa asks…

How to make fast money for average teen?

I’ve had my phone for ages and its started playing up, the camera has cracked and you can hardly see the screen! I really want to get a new phone and I’ve seen a great one on Ebay but I don’t have enough to get it. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Baby Sitting
Dog Walking
Online Polls (There Not Scams They Really Work U Do That For Money)
Food Stand

Hope this helped

Ruth asks…

How to make good money after graduation ?

Hi everyone 🙂
I just graduated with a bachelors degree in Engineering.
I have been looking for job in this field , its not easy.Im willing to study again if the chances of finding a job with a good pay are high.In other words ,
I want to make money as fast as possible 🙂 I was thinking of doing an MBA , any ideas ?

Nagesh answers:

Dont be afraid to get a temporary job that require your degree. I graduated with chemical engineering and couldnt get a job for several months. I was too ashamed to get a temporary job at first because I graduated from a top 50 university, but I got desperate and I didnt market myself well during interviews. Sometimes managers want to try out certain individuals and temporary workers are perfect. I went from a temp ($15/hour) to a manager within 6 years (almost 6-figure salary) on the same company. Dont get me wrong, to be able to make money as fast as possible, you have to work hard and be political. I wouldnt recommend advance degree without work experience. I know several people with advance degree (master degree and PhD’s) and no work experience and they have to start at the same level as other college graduate. I’m getting my MBA now, but that’s only because I’m part of management and I know advance degree at this point will get me ahead in the future. Good luck.

Michael asks…

How to raise capital? Find investors in NYC?

I have alot of money making ideas in my head but no capital. I don’t have good credit and I don’t have a real job so a bank loan is out of the question. I pretty savy when it comes to making money and have a good sense of evaluating risk/reward situation but in a smaller scale. I dont really work. I make a living by trading the stock market. My ideas are mostly real estate and stock market related. Any ideas where I can find people with money to invest in me? I often think if I had a million dollars, I could turn into $2 million in two years. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

The first thing that I want to point out is that if you are trading stocks “for a living” you might need to have your series 55 and 7. Depending on how much money, and how much you have in a certain stock (making a market). With that said….there are TONS of companies that will allow you to day trade with there money from your home. What they will do is match your money up to 100 to 1. So if you put up 10,000 they will gave you a million to trade with. If you are NEW to the business, they will start you on a 5 to 1 or 10 to 1 to see how you perform. If you can show a track record, they will give you more, and the more you make, the more money they give you to trade with. The catch is, when you make money, they take a chunk of it, and if you lose money, depending how much and the time frame, you will have to pay it back.

I have been a financial advisor for a few years, and I know a lot of people that are/were equity traders. This is not an easy job, and no matter how much you think you know or ideas that you have, they can go sour very quickly. I know someone that made 100K take home in a day, and a week later he lost 95K and had to pay it back. His contract was that at the end of the week, he HAD TO be even. So if he lost any money, he had to fund the account, and what ever he made, he kept 85% of it. Not a bad deal if you know what you are doing.

I thought about going into the business, but after talking to the guys, it is to stress full for me. Most of them made about 100K-250K, and some made a TON MORE (2-3 million) a year 2002-2006. However, most of them got out of the business because they made 1 wrong move and lost almost everything. A friend of mine bought a 2 million dollar home in cash 2 years ago when he was day trading. He was trading 8-30 million every day. I don’t know what he bought, but he is now a financial advisor living in a condo that he is renting. Things can turn, and they can turn fast. So it has its perks, but you can also lose everything too. These companies will hire anyone, and lend money to anyone because they make money either way. If you make money, they make money. If you lose money, they get there money back.

Go to and search equity trader if you are interested. Take care and best of luck.

Richard asks…

How much to chargefor weeding someones yard?

Me and my friend wanna make money fast so we can go to the mall. We think that removing weeds from peoples yards would be a good idea. We would only do the front yard. How much should we charge per yard?

Nagesh answers:

Depends on the size of the yard and the amount of weeds, gardens etc.
You have also demonstrate that you know the difference between weeds and plants. Learn how to edge and mow, you’ll make money fast and on a regular basis. And, if you only want to to do the front yard, you are cutting out a lot of potential customers.

If this is a one-shot deal, forget about it. People generally like the same people to work on their property.

By the way, people DO weed manually (and it bites) very very often because weed killers aren’t smart enough to say “this plant is a weed” and “this plant is a good plant.” The only time I use weed killers is when they get into areas that are mulched over with no plants nearby, or a small gravel path we have. Sarainin is just a negative force on this board, rarely says anything positive so don’t let his/her attitude dissuade you.

Just make sure you know what you are doing. Dandelions, for example, are best removed with a special tool that you stick into the soil and pull out.

For front garden beds (where the hedges usually are $5), for big garden beds — I wouldn’t do these, because many places it is too early to tell what are weeds and what are plants, except for dandilions and grass — if you do this tell customer that is what you are limiting to pulling, unless they show you other things — $10, and for lawns, $5). And if they want all three done, give them a discount of $12. If they offer less, take it and do the job well because you want to get references and a good reputation.)

Not great prices, but if you start out doing a good job (no fooling around while working, be quiet so as not to disturb homeowners), this is something you can work into a steady income over the summer). Think about it, it’s better than minimum wage.

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Sunday, July 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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