Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Robert asks…

How can I tell what I should go to college for?

I’m 23 with two kids. I have 18 hours core classes in college. I love helping people with problems. I do want to make money. Hate blood. thought of everything from teacher to esthetician to physical trainer to nutritionists to school counselor. Would like to be able to work fast. Always worked in sale but hate commission. Any idea where I should turn. Never had one thing set in stone and feel lost.

Nagesh answers:

Social work and counseling are both professions both would allow you to help people, and the salary is OK.

Mandy asks…

Should I try to make this marriage work?

So to put it in simple terms my husband and I have been together six years and have a beautiful baby girl. We were fine the first four years….not much fighting and plenty of love making and bonding. Four years into it my husband said I slept with this other guy, I didn’t but it was an emotional affair bc at that time i didn’t feel my husband was understanding me. I was having a problem with alcoholism and depression which is hard for anyone to understand. We split for a month he started dating this new girl and I was single bc even though I had formed an emotional attachment with another man, I wasn’t ever wanting to date him, just have somebody to listen. The trust started to wane after this break but we got back together and I thought we were happy and working on each other to be together. Fast forward two years we have had a daughter and my husband tells me when our daughter is one splitting up is the best idea bc we fight all the time. I am a huge proponent of making it work, especially with kids involved, I didn’t bring a child into this world just to have her not see her parents together since he’s not happy. He said he hasn’t been happy for two years since the trust was broken. Now my husband and I are both difficult people to get along with bc we are both headstrong, but I love him and want him always. He says he doesn’t know if he loves me but recently I found out he’s been talking a lot to a female co worker behind my back and went to e bar a couple weeks ago and flirted with some girl I had no idea about. I guess I am curious if anyone else has been in a relationship where one side wants to make it work and the other doesn’t. I have never been in a one sided relationship like this. Should I just give him space like he asks? I worry that if I do leave with our daughter within a couple months he will miss us a d want us back but I refuse to uproot my daughter again if that happens it’s not fair to her. My husband is up for a job promotion and he said within two months he will decide if he wants to make this work or start over. I don’t know if I can handle another day with this stress of not knowing….but I don’t want to lose our family. He said nothing I will do will change his mind, that he thinks ultimately we are doomed, however he never voiced that until he started talking to this co worker. I don’t think he’s physically cheating but emotionally wit her and even though I don’t like either, somtimes you need to see different parts of a playing field before deciding the best place to hit the ball. So, should I wait and try to see if we can work it out or move on? Thanks for listening if you need further information led me know, I just am tired of looking in ads for a situation similar to mine, and it’s nice to get an un biased opinion.

He refuses couples counseling bc he says its a waste of money and he’s really smart so he could just out wit the counselor. I think if he wanted to make it work he would try absolutely anything to make it work. If we do split he knows I would move almost five hours away with our daughter to be near family and someday he is okay with that, somedays not. I just feel that he thinks by being free he is going to be happier bc of how negative everything is now, but when he feels the loneliness he will hate it. I do love him so much and it breaks knowing he doesn’t want me, however I also know I have a little girl to raise and be strong for first and foremost. Thanks for reading.
Also, he has told me that he thinks it’s better for us to break up bc he doesn’t want our daughter to see us fighting all the time. We do have a constant battle for control in the relationship, but I am willing to do anything to make this work. He has told me that he doesn’t think relationships should be this hard, but I think he is in denial….any kind of relationship is tested and needs to be worked on. That girl he dated I was very psycho jealous of for a year bc when we broke up he asked me to watch his house while he went on vacation with his (guy friends). Turns out I was watching his house while he was taking this girl to bran son where he and I were supposed to vacation. Yes that hurt and I know he did it bc he thought I screwed around on him. That man I had an emotional affair with, what started it all was one night I was hanging with this guy and co workers got drunk and didn’t want to go home and deal with my husband. My husband though bc I didn’t come home I automatically
Sorry that bottom part cut off

Nagesh answers:

You have to look at him and tell him the following:

1. I got rid of the other guy. We never had sex or even dated. I used him as a crutch because I thought you stopped listening to or loving me.

2. Now I know better. We both need to soften our edges and learn to talk to each other on the same level.

3. We need to stop judging each other, and start accepting that we both made mistakes.

4. I want us to work, and I’m trying and you’re not. You’re not taking us, our child or this marriage seriously. I stayed, you left, you dated someone else; now you’re flirting with other girls. I’m not doing anything like that.

5. You’re hurting our child too. Look at me, look at our baby. This is OUR family. Not just YOU or ME, but US.

6. Marriage counseling is important. No matter how smart you may think you are, it will work if you want it to. If you’re willing to try.

Now all that said, it seems like he’s a fool. And he’s just using you and playing you. I’m sorry. One-sided love affairs always end up badly.

If you file for divorce, you’ll likely get custody, he’ll likely have to move out and pay child support and support you as well as himself. Economically it’ll bring him to his knees, plus he’ll have to worry about visitation all the time.

Is this really what he wants? Probably not. He’s got what he needs at home, and you seem to want to make it all work just like it did in the beginning. So maybe if he stopped looking, he’d see there’s nothing wrong with resetting the clock.

Donald asks…

Need a car desperately but have no money?

Hello, I just turned 17 and I live with just my granny and we are kinda struggling to meet ends…and have been for a while. I help out as much as I can and dont have a problem with this. I have a job as a waiter meaning I dont have a guaranteed income but it gets me something at least. I have a little car now, but its almost 20 years old (210,xxx miles) and has alot of serious, expensive, and time consuming problems so its really on its last end..And I dont have the money to keep putting into a car that is going to die on me soon ya know? But like I said before my granny isnt really able to help me with the things she would like to. So I have alot of responsibility….taking all of my money so im not really able to save for a car. And anytime I think I can finally start saving..something comes up and I have to use it! I need a nice, reliable, fuel efficient car to get me through the rest of high school and hopefully college.

Any ideas on how I can get a loan or something for $5000 really fast?? I know I would be able to pay it back if needed but I wouldnt be able to do this loan through a bank or something bcuz one, my granny has bad credit and im not 18 yet and two, interest rates would kill me…literally. I need a sweet deal somehow. I’m a responsible and hard working kid…I just need something to help me out. I live in the 3rd richest county in the U.S so the cost of living is very high.


Thanks :))
I understand the not being realistic thing trust me..I’m not trying to sound like I have some fantasy. But I know there is some kind of alternative out there I just don’t know about yet and this is the reason i’m posting.

Nagesh answers:

Not going to happen.

But an alternative solution could be to think of anybody you may know that has a car they use rarely.

I obtained a car by noticing one that NEVER seemed to move from where it was parked so I introduced myself to the elderly couple who’s house the car was outside of and explained my situation. Neither of them were able to drive anymore and I was able to work out a deal with them (no money down honor system type of thing).

Slim shot… But perhaps it can work for you some how

Lizzie asks…

This really sucks… any ideas?

Alright, I had asked a question a long time ago about a situation I was having with a horse that I traded in late July. And in light of new information, I need help.

The story is as follows. In late July I drove 200 miles one way, with my 15 year old unreg paint horse Sunny, the horse I was going to trade for was a 9 year old unreg Azteca. Anyway, she gave us the wrong directions, and we got lost. We got there around dusk, and made the trade. She told us a sob story about how her daughter had just lost a horse, and they needed to get her a new one, to try to put the icing on the cake. I am not sure how true that story was anymore. Anyways, she only told us good things about this horse, and the only thing she said was that the horse had a big motor (a.k.a meaning big butt, or doesn’t wear out on trail rides). She told us the horse had been taken on trail rides out in Oregon and Colorado, endurance rides, overnight trips, etc. She said Corey was a great horse, very nice, good for the vet and farrier (I have e-mail proof of all of this). Anyways, I got her home, and she was good for a little over a week. Then it went down hill drastically, she would not walk or stop, only trot or faster, and she would side pass, spin circle or rear when you tried to make her stop. I e-mailed the lady immediately telling her of these problems, and she told me I could have my horse back if I wanted to drive on my dime again and pay her for the horses shoes being done, coggins, and rabies. I thought this was outrageous, as she would be trading back. (no money ever changed hands on this trade). Anyway, I said no, as I wanted to be noble, but she still said that, and said they would love to have this mare back even though they loved my paint. I told her I would like to sell the horse for breeding, and she said she could get me her parents info so someone would be able to register her for their breeding program (again in e-mails). So shortly after hearing that I had the vet come and give her a coggins and rabies shot, and let me tell you this horse reared up at him even with the twitch, she tried to bolt, and race away, and lashed out at me, my mom, and the vet. We barely held her down to get the shots, and afterwards she reared up again, and threw the twitch right off like nothing, and tried to run me over. The vet said the only horse he had ever had act this bad in over 25 years was one that was 8 and had never had a halter on (no breaking at all). So I e-mailed this woman and said I wanted my horse back, and she e-mailed me back some nasty e-mails saying there was no way she would trade my horse back, even if I did do it on my dime. She then made up some bull excuse about having a family crisis so she would not be able to answer her e-mails, but yet she only sent it to me. She promised me pictures of my horse and never sent any. She even changed her voicemail from her kids to the standard one that comes with the phone. Anyway my husband got ahold of her on the phone last night, and she said she never had the breeders info, and could not get it, and that she would not trade an excellent horse back for a bad one.

Anyway, I am considering going to a lawyer with all my e-mails, and proof that she contacted me first about this trade, and how she persued me, and even lied about being able to get this horses parentage for me so I could sell her for breeding.

Any ideas? Please help this is really stressing me out.
I also still have the bill of sale from my paints previous owner saying she is mine, and I never gave that to this woman
ADD: I took her to a professional class A show jumping trainer that I have had for over 4 years, she advised me to get rid of this horse, and that she has no future potential, and would not be worth it to pay for training as she has a very bad attitude

Nagesh answers:

Whenever I have bought a horse, I have a few guidelines I go by. One, if the seller tells me the horse is kid broke, that is a red flag. Horses don’t mind having light weight on their backs, it’s the heavy weight that they don’t like. Another thing I always look for is NEVER get on a horses back until you see someone else ride first. This woman obviously lied to you. If I were you I would make an appointment to go talk to a lawyer, and take all emails in hand. Any other information you might have as well. If you gave her any bill of sale, you are just screwed. If not, ask the lawyer what if anything you can do. I had a very similiar situation several years back. I ended up trading the horse to someone that knew the situation. I am a very honest person and told the man everything about the horse. He ended up selling her and to make a long story short, a girl was riding her and although nobody saaw what happened, she is now a total vegetable. I would start by calling a lawyer and find out just what options you have.

Michael asks…

What are some good ideas for my daughters first birthday party?

She likes to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. What are some ideas for a Yo Gabba Gabba themed party for a one year old, or just some ideas for a one year old’s birthday party in general? She is my first and I would like to have a big celebration, but I’m not sure where to go with this. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

A 1st bday really IS for the adults, not the kids. For a child that age, that many people & that much attention focused on them is often over stimulating. My 1st child did okay, but really could have cared less to open more than one gift & my 2nd actually slept through the majority of his party. LOL

We did Yo Gabba Gabba for my 1st. I bought him all the train set figures (not sure they are still out – but those are STILL a hit in my house 5 yrs later). I hooked those together in a loop around his cake & the cake he ate was just round & had the Yo Gabba Gabba logo on top. He loved that. You can get LOTS of various party supplies depending on your budget. Sites like these carry tons of things:

Personally, I would skip too much stuff that is themed. You pay more & sometimes it gets a little visually overstimulating to too busy looking. I tend to stick to solid colors for plates, napkins & cups & do theme things for hats, table covers & centerpieces & the like. I might do a couple of mylar balloons that are the theme, but do the rest in solid colors. You get the idea.

Another thing I always do when looking for inspiration is just do an internet search for images of what others have done like this:

No matter what you do, don’t throw a ton of money away on the party & don’t worry too much about anything. One year olds are pretty oblivious as to the fact it is their bday & mostly you just want to get together & celebrate a milestone for her as well as for you with the people that matter in your life. As long as you keep that in mind, then you are fine, because that IS all that really matters in the end.

Congrats on hitting that year – it is an accomplishment & an enormous year in both your lives. It also went too fast I am sure – it ALWAYS does in the end. When it is hard & they aren’t sleeping you think a year is so far off & then poof – you are planning a party. 🙂

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Saturday, July 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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