Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Laura asks…

Fast Money!!!! HELP?

I need to make 400 in the next couple of days but dont want to do payday loans….any legit sites to do this on? Thanks

Nagesh answers:


I have started doing affilliate marketing programs its easy and you can make a nice income. I do not know about fast income but after using this yopu may never have to rely on fast money again…
If you are serious about making money then try the following site. It is packed full of articles tips and resources which you can use to start earning good money online.


Betty asks…

How can I make quick money?

I need to make some quick money and want to know some fast, legal, ways to make it.

Nagesh answers:

Gone are the Days of trying to make money Fast online, Make connections, spread the word about your programs, get people to join and make money!!
This is how i make my living so i am confident that you will make money like this =)

David asks…

How can I get fast money?

I am 13 years old. I will be 14 this summer though. I am trying to save up for an I pod touch 4th GEN 32 GB. I am gonna get a refurbished one but i still need like 200 bucks. Is there a good fast way for me to make money? NOT including websites or babysitting? Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Money and “fast” do not belong in the same sentence together, unless you want to do something illegal. That’s why we save and plan for our future.

Making money is a process.

Mow lawns and trim trees and weed flower beds.
Collect cans and bottles
Run errands
Handyman repairs
Paint homes and fences inside and out.
House sit when we’re out of town
Walk the dogs for other people.
Help cater an event
“Rent” out table linens, crystal, china and silver service.
Sell things on eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist that you or others have just sitting around, or visit a pawnshop.
Start your own blog.
Write informative articles for magazines or online. Use the search engines to find “online writing jobs.”
Donate plasma, similar to donating blood. You can visit twice per week and make $20-$30 each visit.
If you have chickens, sell the eggs
Grow citrus and avocado and sell those at a roadside table or market.
Sell your old clothes on Craigslist; make sure to include pictures.
Go to garage sales and estate sales.

For odd jobs and day labor, the highest pay will be for things that nobody likes to do, like cleaning bathroom tubs and toilets. The least amount of pay will be for the easiest stuff, like cleaning windows. If you want to make more money, think of the hardest things you could do, or the more dangerous, like ladder work to clean gutters.

Many older people have problems with certain chores and heavy work, like running a vacuum cleaner. Check with your church or other community groups. Ask friends and parents if they know any old people, especially lonely ones. Ask your neighbors if there are any chores you could do in an hour.

Type “make money fast” in the Search Y! Answers box above and you’ll get lots of answers.

Monetize a hobby – Referee a high school game, make jewelry and sell at craft shows.

Paul asks…

how can i earn fast money?

how can i earn fast money without getting myself into all this scams? and not paying any registration fees

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of SCAMS about home based JOBS on the net. So, don’t join any program which asks you for an initial payment. I have helped many people on the net to make money online, without investing even a single $. Its a legitimate way to earn money. Just email me to and I will help you start making money online.

William asks…

what is the fastest way to make money?

i am in 9th grade i am14 years old and i live in manhatten i have $100 but i need $1000 tell me where i can get a job it an be in any where in manhatten or queens if you are going to tell me to get a job send me link to a webdite that will find me one i reallly need the money my parents are broke and the house is about to be forclosed but the y have no money and i want to talk the responsibility to pay because of all the did for me help me !!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can make money online. You can make $900 fast on this website. Check it out:

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Thursday, June 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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