Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Michael asks…

how to make money fast?

I’m 15 and I want (yes want, not need.) around $300 to $400 fast for personal reasons. (I’m not asking for it in like a week, I’m being realistic.) I would do the online making money thing but my mom doesn’t trust them and thinks they’re all scams (she’s a banker, she thinks everything is a scam). I’m not going to not tell her either because she’ll find out and even if I got away with it, she’d ask me where I’m getting all my money from, so that’s not an option. I’d get a job, but I need to get my working papers filled out meaning I’d need to go to my doctors which is really hard to get an appointment for with my moms schedule. I’d babysit, but I have no one to babysit, and again that would take a while to save up. But that is an option. Selling things on ebay is an option also. Also, please note that I am an artist so that could be something I could do to make money if you have any ideas on that. online or off. (if I’m making my own things online my mom would feel a little bit better about that, I’m not a hypocrite) So my question is, do you have any good ideas for something to create as art online, or do you have any ideas to make money off of anything, OR is there any way to convince my mom into letting me do the online survey thingys or anything? (no, “it’s safe i promise” won’t work.) if so, are there any good websites that I could trust? thank you so much for your help, sorry this was so long!

Nagesh answers:

For the 747,325th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. Not one. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. No nothing.
You will not find one from your house.
You will not find one with your mouse.
You will not find one here or there.
You will not find one anywhere.

Daniel asks…

how do i make money fast?

i’m getting a new rat and i need money. i want to buy her lots of toys and treats. and a new cage. i need about 370 dollars. how do i make money fast ?

Nagesh answers:

Be really careful with online money making scams.
You might see some in here.
CNN reported that online scams were up 400% last year.
Only 1 site in 57 was actually legitimate on the internet.

Nancy asks…

How can I make money fast and in one shot, as opposed to gradually….?

I would like to make money… I am considering being an egg doner since I’m that desperate… apparently you can make 5000 dollars an egg… pretty good money
buuuut I feel uncomfortable putting my DNA out there for others and was wondering, is there any similar preceedure to make cash fast as opposed to doing hundred of online surveys.
I want something that is fast and promising… any suggestions on how to get money this way:???

Nagesh answers:

You cant earn money fast, you can only spend it fast.

Unless you go on a dumb game show like Deal or No deal that GIVES away money for stupid reasons.

George asks…

how to make money fast?

I’m 13 and really want to make money over the summer. I have a list of things I want to buy. Also, just yesterday my iPod was stolen at school and I will need to buy another if I can’t find it. Any good ways to earn money? And please, nothing online. I don’t trust those things. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you have a ton of unwanted merchandise (books, dvds, games, misc. Electronics, etc), try opening a seller account on I have my own sellers account and sell unwanted possessions of mine and make some good spending money. Of course even though you’ll need postage stuff and to start a seller’s account on Amazon (which is free), it can be worth it if you have the right stuff. Trust me, selling stuff online is about the only easy way to make money in this world. Although, assuming you might be under the age of 18, I think the required age is 18 to start a sellers account, but you should be able to fake your age and say you are 18 anyway.

Lizzie asks…

How can you make money fast?

I need money for my company how can i make money
{ other than do online stuff }

Nagesh answers:

You can’t make money “fast”. Earning money takes time and work. The more time you spend working, and the harder you work, the faster you’ll make the money. But it’s not going to magically show up overnight.

Figure out what you can do, and how much people will pay you for doing it, and how much time you can devote to doing it, and then you’ll have an idea of how long it will take you to earn the money you want.

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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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